
A faint smile tugged at the corner of Ren's lips as he closed his phone.

It was a moment of satisfaction, a realization that his efforts had not been in vain. He had weathered storms, navigated treacherous terrain, and emerged victorious on the other side.

Now, with these spoils of battle at his fingertips, he was ready to ascend to new heights.

Ren selected the items he deemed expendable, the relics of battles past that could be exchanged for money. He relished the feeling of control, the knowledge that he held the reins of his destiny firmly in his grasp.

The culmination of his relentless efforts was finally becoming apparent, like a glimmer of light piercing the darkness of his mind.

The influx of virtual currency into his account brought a surge of eager anticipation, a profound yearning to reunite with Evie once this journey reached its conclusion.

"It's time for an upgrade," Ren declared, the excitement evident in his voice as he adorned himself with the [Robe of Arcane Sovereignty], wielded the [Stellarum Scepter], and stepped into the [Whisperwind Boots of Elusive Footfalls].

'Now, I can tip the scales even more in my favor,' he thought.

The [Mystic Wreath of Verdant Vigor], with its regenerative powers, was a missed opportunity due to its gender restriction. It would have been a valuable asset in his battles.

Nonetheless, Ren opted to hold onto it, envisioning it as a heartfelt gift for Evie when they reunited.

With a decisive click, he closed his inventory, a renewed sense of purpose igniting within him. Formidable challenges lay ahead, but armed with newfound strength and equipment, Ren was steadfast in his mission to be with Evie again.

Turning his attention to the news, Ren's gaze swept over the stories, discussions, and debates swirling around him.

The allure of further exploration within the virtual realm beckoned, yet he recognized the pressing need to succumb to the call of rest, if only for a while.

Closing the news feed with a final, deep breath, Ren allowed his eyelids to slide shut. The vibrant virtual realm gradually dissolved, giving way to the comforting embrace of sleep.

The cacophony of battle plans and calculations that had consumed his thoughts was replaced by the serene stillness of slumber.

As his breathing eased into a steady rhythm and his consciousness began to drift, Ren was keenly aware that his journey was far from its conclusion.

Yet, in this tranquil interlude, he granted himself the luxury of temporary reprieve — a brief pause amidst the tempest that awaited his return.



"Ren! Are you there?" Leonel's urgent voice called from beyond the door. "I need to speak with you immediately!"

What could it be now?

Ren grumbled irritably, casting aside the quilt that had covered him before trudging to the door. He hoped whatever this interruption was. It was genuinely worth disturbing his much-needed rest.

"Spit it out," Ren snapped, his fatigue evident in his tone as he swung the door open.

Leonel's countenance was marked by weariness, a testament to the multitude of missions he had undertaken in Ren's absence.

While Sumeri, Nikolai, and Ragnar assisted, the ceaseless stream of missions showed no sign of abating, each accomplishment only leading to the next challenge.

Nonetheless, that wasn't the sole reason for Leonel's intrusion, despite his awareness of Ren's exhaustion.

"Sorry, but I wouldn't have disturbed you if it weren't urgent," Leonel offered apologetically, a hint of concern in his expression.

"Get to the point," Ren interjected, his impatience evident.

"The guild is facing a dire situation, and . . . it involves you," Leonel explained, his tone laden with concern.

Ren's brow furrowed. "Get to the point already."

"I think it would be best if I just show you," Leonel responded, displaying his phone screen to Ren.

On the screen, Ren's eyes fell upon forum posts discussing the possible connection between his avatar, Ren, and Ren, an enigmatic figure donning the cloak.

The speculation had gained significant traction, especially considering that the cloaked avatar wielded the [Infernal Scepter] just like Ren — a potent piece of evidence. The similarities in spellcasting patterns added fuel to the theory.

Although the absence of Pii was a noticeable difference, it seemed insufficient to dismiss the possibility, given the capacity to stow pets away.

"Your hidden identity has been exposed," Leonel stated a hint of panic in his voice. "What's our plan? You're a target now. Top guilds and players are swarming World Conquerors, demanding answers. And it's even reaching the media. Worst of all, they've discovered our hide out's location. Someone must have leaked this information."

Ren fell silent, absorbing the gravity of the situation. He had anticipated this day would come, but the timing was incredibly inopportune.

It seemed that whoever had linked him to his covert avatar had carefully chosen a moment when guilds were fervently searching for the mysterious figure within the cloak.

In this atmosphere of desperation, as guilds reeled from their losses in the Fey Realm, they were inclined to believe what suited their narrative. Denying any connection wouldn't likely deter them. Any player linked to Ren in a cloak was now a potential target.

"W-what do we do, Ren?" Leonel stammered, his anxiety palpable as he paced back and forth.

"First, calm down," Ren instructed, his voice steady. "Regardless of the accusations, we deny, deny, and deny. Without concrete evidence, they can't take any definitive action against me."

Ren's statement was a fabrication, but it was essential to placate Leonel's escalating worry.

"You're right," Leonel agreed after a deep breath. "Still, you need to be cautious."

"I'm always cautious," Ren reassured him.

Leonel's gaze shifted toward the entrance of Diamond Palace on his phone, where a swarm of paparazzi had congregated. The press was being held back only by a phalanx of security personnel.

"I think it's best if you avoid going outside for now. Let's wait until the situation dies down," Leonel suggested, concern etched across his face. "But who could have possibly exposed your identity like this?"

Ren responded directly, "It was Saya."