
"Vaaan!! Buy it!!" Flamey cried as she flew around Vaan's head with a pitiful look on her face, an expression every child used to get what he or she wanted. Even in Vaan's case, the trick was working.

Vaan just couldn't bear seeing Flamey crying, after all, he had once sworn in his heart that he would never make the little girl cry. However, this didn't mean he would give in so easily.

At the very least, he wanted to reason with the girl.

"I can't just buy a beast because it is cute, now can I?" He spoke out loud.

This time, however, he forgot to lower his voice, and the other students stared at him with a strange look on their faces.

"Right, the Rubyborn Infernals, at least till they are pups, are known for their cuteness.

Unlike the Shadowstalker, these beasts are quite close to humans. They are extremely perceptive, so they can sense others' emotions.

If those emotions are positive, they will mix well in an instant, and if those emotions are negative, they will attack them. An Infernal is an amazing choice.

Their fur is soft, and once they get close to you, they will do anything for you. And again, they are extremely cute."

The student seemed to have an impression that despite his tough front, Vaan actually liked cute things and wanted a Magic Beast that was cute, so he didn't fail to focus on the beast's cuteness. Vaan stared at the student with a deadpan look on his face, not liking how he was misunderstood.

Elara, who saw the scene, found it funny and laughed out loud.

Flamey, on the other hand, had already come up with another plan.

She would be using Vaan's weakness.

"Elara~~" The little spirit rushed towards Elara and placed her hands on her nose.

Then, with a pout on her face, she pointed at Vaan and said, "Tell him to buy!!"

The girl cried, and as if that wasn't enough, the eldest sisters turned towards her two subordinates and glared at them. In an instant, the two little spirits understood what was expected of them and said, "Elara~~"

"Elara…" The two of them called out with watery eyes as well.

And of course, under the combined attack, Elara had no way to win.

"Vaan, I want to buy a cute beast as well," Elara spoke as she walked towards Vaan and held his hands in front of all the students.

Then, she moved her mouth close to his ears and whispered, "Since the three of them want it so much, we might as well buy it. It is not like they make requests like these every day now, do they?"

Vaan frowned, "You are spoiling them…"

"This is the first time they asked me for something," Elara was truly defeated.

And since the wife was already defeated, the husband couldn't possibly remain standing in this battle.

"Alright," In the end, Vaan just sighed.

"We will be buying the Rubyborn Infernal Egg."

The student who was introducing the Beast Egg all this time had a wide smile on his face, "Of course! That should have been 300,000 Academic Points, but since I, Roderick Nightfall of the Nightfall Family, am the one selling it to you, I will be applying my personal offers I have earned through credits, and it will cost you 250,000 Academy Points.

Would you like to pay for it in one go?"

Roderick questioned with a smile on his face, and Vaan looked at him with a deadpan look on his face, "Do I look like I would have that sort of money?"

The rest of the students, including Roderick, turned silent.

'Yes, you definitely do.

' They all had this answer in their minds, however, they knew well enough not to say that out loud. Roderick, on the other hand, just smiled and said, "Right, it still hasn't been a long time since you joined the Academy, please excuse me for that."

Of course, there was also the option of using Family Wealth and using Gold in exchange for the Academy Points, but once again, that method was looked down upon by all the students in the Academy. So even if there was no rule about not being able to use the Family wealth, it was still considered a taboo.

Normally, the students take a loan from the forces they were a part of; this way, it was also a way for them to work hard and grow, living outside of the family comfort they had gotten used to.

Vaan, however, didn't wish to take any loans from the Vesta Family if possible.

Which seemed troublesome because in the end, even if he and Elara combined their wealth, it wouldn't be more than 150,000 Academy Points, and even these Academy Points they had mostly come from the 20,000 Academy Points students receive when they earn Excellence Stars. Since he himself had 5 Excellence Stars while Elara had 1 when she entered, they had a total of 6 Stars, adding their total wealth to 120,000.

Honestly, the two of them were a few of the richest new students in the Academy, however, even they couldn't buy a seemingly normal beast.

"Why is this thing so expensive?" Vaan couldn't help but snort.

The other students smiled wryly. This man was buying a Rubyborn Infernal, a Beast, once fully grown, could pretty much take even the strongest intermediate-level beings.

Obviously, it would be expensive. If it wasn't, everyone would have rushed here to buy cheap Beasts and one day rule the world.

Roderick, however, just smiled and said, "Well, we also have more affordable options here. How about I fix you a monthly EMI of 15,000 Academy Points for 18 months?"

"15,000 for 18 months?" Vaan narrowed his eyes.

Now he wasn't exactly a fan of math, and from his expression, Roderick could sense that. He simply smiled and said, "That would be 270,000 Academy Points in total, which is around 8% higher than the final price offered to you.

However, if you think about it, for you, it is still 30,000 Academy Points cheaper. I highly doubt you will find a deal better than this."

Roderick spoke with a confident look on his face, and the rest of the students working in the Wildlife Division all turned silent. After all, what he said was the truth.

Finding a better deal was not possible throughout the Academy.

Vaan started thinking; seeing that, Flamey frowned, thinking that he might go back on his words.

In an instant, the little girl rushed towards him and started flying around his head, "Buy it… Vaan… Buy it…"

Vaan sighed. He was wondering how he was going to pay the EMI of 15,000; even with their incomes combined, the two of them only earned around 1500 Academy Points a month.

How were they supposed to pay an EMI of 10 times their income? Suddenly, Elara grabbed Vaan's hand; the man turned towards her, and the girl nodded. It was as if she was reassuring him,

'We will figure something out.


In the end, Vaan just shook his head and nodded, "Alright, we will be paying the EMI." They had 120,000 Academy Points anyway; that would last them for 7 Months.

Till then, Vaan was sure he would figure something out. Even if he couldn't, he was sure that they would have enough Excellence Stars to pay off their EMIs.

"Excellent choice, Sir Vaan," Roderick smiled.

"I will remember your help today, Roderick," Vaan spoke with a smile on his face, acknowledging the student's help.

Roderick smiled and bowed his head once again, the rest of the students glanced at him with jealous looks on their faces. Honestly, there was nothing they could do in this situation.

This bastard just turned out to be the luckier one that Vaan decided to buy a Beast from the area he was managing. Roderick quickly packed the Egg Flamey had chosen and gave it to Vaan.

The Egg was white-red in color and was almost as big as a basketball. As Vaan held the Egg, he could feel something beating inside it; it felt as if he was holding a type of heart.

Seeing his expression, Roderick smiled, "This one is close to hatching; it can hatch any time, so you two need to make sure you are near it once it hatches. Don't forget, the first people these beasts see when they are born are the ones they treat as their parents.

You need to become its parent no matter what; only then would you be able to form a bond with them." Vaan and Elara nodded in understanding.

Elara touched the Egg as well, wanting to sense its heartbeat, her smile widening when she did.

Flamey, on the other hand, was much more excited compared to others.

"We bought it!" She shouted, flying all over the place. Seeing the eldest acting like this, the other two had started flying around as well.

"Sir Vaan, shall we proceed with the payments?" Roderick questioned.

"Sure," Vaan nodded, and soon, the first EMI of the 18 was paid as Vaan brought the egg back to his room, deciding to skip the rest of his classes and waiting for the Egg to hatch.