
Magic's Return: I Can See The Spiritschapter 260: rubyborn infernal

"How is this… possible…?"

Professor Callista couldn't believe what she was seeing. She stared at Elara playing with a Shadowstalker, even calming the beast to the point where it would willingly let another human touch her.

Even Vilaya, the owner of the cat, the one the cat saw as her parent, couldn't do something like that yet.


Suddenly, Professor Callista called out.


Vaan turned towards her.

"Does she have another pet back in the Vesta House?"

"She was too focused on Magic to focus on something like this,"

Vaan shook his head.

Elara spent most of her time covering for his mistakes and learning magic. Since she didn't have a lot of friends, she didn't have exposure to many things.

Magic Beast pets were included in that equation. Professor Callista turned silent again.

She couldn't make sense out of the situation. Vaan, who noticed that, decided to make it easy for the Professor,

"Alright, we should leave now.

We shouldn't hold the class any longer."

He spoke as he then grabbed Elara's hand.

Elara nodded with a smile on her face. She then patted Ruu's head and the cat jumped back onto her mother's shoulder, who just blinked in surprise.

"Let's go,"

Elara spoke with a smile. She seemed excited to buy a Magic Beast after meeting Ruu.

Vilaya quickly came out of her reverie as well and nodded. The three then walked out of the area, leaving the rest of the students in doubt and confusion.

"Hey… is that Vaan…?"

"Huh? What are yo- oh…"

"He is indeed Vaan…"

"Even Elara is next to him…"

"Who is the third person next to them…?"

"Who cares? She must be one of their classmates."

Inside the Wildlife Division, the students who were simply lazing around in their position, ignoring their work, noticed Vaan and Elara's presence and started talking.

In the little time they have been in the Academy, Vaan and Elara had already become popular enough to be recognized by most students inside the premises.

And why wouldn't they be?

After all, not every day do the students get to see a monster who gathered 5 Excellence Stars before even the Induction of his joining year began.

Heck, most students by this time don't even know what Excellence Stars are.

Then there is another monster who defeated 2 Swordsmen pretty much on her own, entering the Academy with an Excellence Star, a 4th Circle Mage at a mere age of 20, and the only pupil of one of the strongest Mages in the entire Agresia.

Not to mention these two mentioned monsters were like a package deal, with one coming together every time the other is called.

It was obvious that the couple would gain popularity in the entire Academy soon.

The fact that the students of the Wildlife Division recognized them wasn't a big deal.

"Wait… doesn't it feel like they are coming at our direction…?"

Suddenly one of the students pointed out.

The other students noticed the direction they were walking in as well and,

"Vaan and Elara… I think the two of them are in Familiar Training Class, since they didn't buy their Magic Beast Eggs yet, they must be here for that."

The instant the students realized that, they all glanced at each other in silence, then suddenly, one of them dashed towards the three people walking towards them.

The moment one did, the rest rushed out as well. Some students from the Martial Arts Division even used their Aura to increase their speed and overtake the rest.

Vaan, Elara, and Vilaya, who noticed the three rushing at them, seemed surprised.

"Sir Vaan! Lady Elara! Are you two here to buy Magic Beast Eggs for your Familiar Training Class!?"

The student who reached them the fastest questioned with an excited look on his face.

"That is correct," Vaan nodded, slightly surprised by the student's energy.

"You came at the right place! Please follow me! I will show you the best Eggs there are.

I will guarantee you, the Magic Beasts that will come out from those Eggs would not only be Loyal, they will also be of great help in the future, not only in the Academy Tournaments, but for your entire lives! I will also use all the perks I have received after working here for three semesters to give you the best deal possible!"

The student spoke and before Vaan could say anything, another student appeared next to him and,

"Sir Vaan!"

He shouted.

"Don't listen to him, he knows nothing about the Beasts here, I can help you look for the best beast here that is suitable for both you and Lady Elara!"

And it was as if the chain had started.

More and more students rushed in, pitching their salesman pitch, wanting Vaan to follow them.

Vaan and Elara were confused, they had no idea who to choose, therefore, they turned towards the guide they had brought together with them.


Vilaya, on the other hand, stared at everything she was seeing with a deadpan look on her face.

She… She had a lot of complaints!

What the hell was this!?

Why was the difference in treatment so vast!?

Yes, she knew Vaan and Elara were special.

With just one look, even she could tell that their destiny was different compared to the rest, but…

How is this fair!?

The last time she came here, all these same people just sat on their seats, not even bothering to look at her or any other student who had come to buy a Beast.

They only moved when they received some Academy Points from some students and even in those cases, they only helped the students who bribed them and never once did they offer their help from the front.

It was always to customers who had to approach them and bribe them. But now…

Just look at this!

All these bastards had now surrounded them just so they could get the chance to guide them! Let alone bribing them, Vilaya had the feeling that if they played it right, they would even receive bribes to choose one of these people.

Heck, they could even auction the 'chance' here and get the most out of this situation.



Vilaya snorted in her head, hating the complete difference in treatment.


Seeing that the woman was oddly silent, Vaan called out.

"Y-Yes!" Vilaya came out of her reverie, her eyes looking through all the guides, wanting to choose the best and the one who seemed to have the most experience here.

Yes, she did come here as their guide, but in the end, even she was only a new student.

Her experience couldn't be more than all these people who have been working in this place for at least 2 or 3 semesters.

Though it was a difficult choice for her because judging just on the basis of looks and with how everyone was introducing themselves by cutting other out wasn't really the best way to do it.

Vaan understood that this needed time so he gave Vilaya all the time she needed, but suddenly,


Suddenly, he heard a loud, excited voice.

"Hm?" both he and Elara frowned in confusion as they glanced at each other.

"Come here!"

They heard the voice again, and before they could think too much,


"Come…" The other two girls shouted as well. The couple nodded to each other and started walking towards Flamey and the others.

The rest of the students frowned,

"Sir Vaan? Where are you going?"

"Sir Vaan, you shouldn't go there. I can show you a better place where you will find better Beasts."

"No! Sir Vaan, I also know some strong beasts in this direction. I can help you find them if you let me guide you!"

The students continued to try and one up each other.

Vaan and Elara, however, continued to walk on their own. Vilaya followed them with a frown on her face.

Soon, the couple reached the place Flamey was calling them to. There, they saw Flamey sitting on top of a certain Egg and pointed at it with a big smile on her face.

Both Vaan and Elara frowned; they had no clue who that Egg belonged to.

"What happened?"

Vilaya, who, like other students, couldn't see the Spirits, frowned in confusion and questioned.

The rest of the students glanced at Vaan and Elara as well.

Vaan, on the other hand, walked towards the Egg Flamey was sitting on and pointed at it,

"Which Magic Beast does this belong to?"

"That's the Rubyborn Infernal."

"Rubyborn Infernal?"

"It is a wolf-type Magic Beast that has an affinity with the Fire element. It has countless abilities related to Flames.

At some point, it can even use Fire Spells. It has exceptional senses and regeneration abilities.

It can act as a tank and a damage dealer at the same time. Honestly, for Mages like you two, it is a great choice since it can protect you two while you cast your spells.

It is quite popular amongst other Mages as well."

"Is that so…"

Vaan nodded in understanding.

"Buy it."

Suddenly, Flamey, who appeared right next to Vaan's space, spoke.

"Do you sense anything special from it?" Vaan questioned in a voice that was only audible to Flamey. The Fire Spirit nodded continuously.

"What is it?" Vaan questioned with a curious look on his face.

"It is cute."


Vaan turned silent.