
I Became a Magical Cheat Loli Witchvolume 6 chapter 157: let's go out for another journey

10 years had passed since the trade with the Iska kingdom and the Gard Beastkin Nation started.

Starting from spring to autumn, our neighboring demonic race would go out riding mythical beasts like Griffons and Pegasuses and bring back the rare items. As the trade began to be acknowledged by the surroundings, we gradually expanded the scope of our trading due to the demand from both nations in recent years.

Well, that was the update about the changes in the «Empty Wilderness», while there were no particular changes in our daily lives. And today, we were sowing the seeds of the autumn season vegetables on the farm behind our mansion.

«Master, another intruder has been mentioned in today's report as well.»

As the news about our trading with both nations became widespread, there also began to appear people who passed through the monster-infested region, aiming for the «Empty Wilderness».

"Some were martial artists and warriors who came here to hone their skills after seeing the strength of the dragon warriors, then there were merchants who came to directly buy rare materials, and last were the kidnappers, poachers, and bandits who came here following their greed for the rare demonic race members and mythical beasts."

"Teto also caught them before!"

It seemed like they were trying to break through the undeveloped monster region with a small number of people.

Recently, the monsters in the area had grown stronger due to the increase in the mana density of the «Empty Wilderness» and the revitalization of the earth veins, hence the monster region wasn't something that could be traversed with half-baked strength. As a result, these people either got lost in the monster region or were attacked by monsters.

Aside from them, there was also the Mubad Empire in the north from where the rumors spread out, and their soldiers, disguised as adventurers, had been often spotted in the area.

"Though I really don't like the sound of many people dying in the monster region."

A place with many deaths, especially with corpses of those who died with lingering regrets that were easily transformed into undead, becomes a hotspot for miasma to accumulate and be the reason behind the appearance of an unforeseen monster.

That was why as soon as any illegal intruder was spotted in the region, they were captured and deported to the town of either nation or moved to the border of the monster-infested region.

"Majou-sama, aren't you going to judge the captured people by yourself?"

"Hmm? It's troublesome to judge them. Besides, we have no set rules to judge them by either. So it is less burdensome to push them to those who can do it."

Well, something like a law has been set up in the «Empty Wilderness» as well.

However, the selection criteria depended upon the judgment of Dragon Grandpa or the chiefs of the angel and Dragon-Demon races who once lived on the «Floating Island».

In the floating island where an individual's assets were limited, they didn't have the concept of compensation, so punishments usually began with a sermon and ramped up from there and what might be a crime in the outside world might not be a crime there.

Therefore, they were currently working with Beretta and the others to establish laws and rules.

Incidentally, the most severe punishment among the two races was the 'removal of the magic stone'. It was quite a bloody execution involving the extraction of the magic stone located near the heart which was then passed to the victim.

However, the magic stone was an essential organ for the demonic races and, during funerals, the leftover magic stone from the cremation was divided among the relatives and ingested, allowing them to inherit a part of the deceased's power. So, magic stones were considered one of the few forms of personal wealth on the Floating Island.

It prompted me to think that maybe 'inheriting the magic stone' might be one of the reasons behind the discrimination where demonic race members were seen as a bloodthirsty race.

Well, leaving that aside——

"The bigger headache is the people who managed to pass through the monster-infested region."

«Indeed. They have not committed any crime. In fact, they are showing a friendly attitude.»

"They are all kind-hearted people-nanodesu~. Teto had fun fighting mock battles with them the other day."

After saying that, a smile appeared on Teto's lips as she recalled that time while sowing vegetable seeds with me.

The development of the monster-infested region was facing some obstacles as well due to the crazy growth speed of the plants in that region under the effects of the mana density increase.

Furthermore, the strength of Liliel and other goddesses' great barrier was dropping with the passing of the years, though people still couldn't enter unless we invited them in and even if they hid away their ill-will, the barrier would still push them away.

In such a situation, the travelers began setting up tents outside the barrier, and the angel and dragon-demon races started interacting with them outside the barrier.

"It seems like everyone is engaging with the outside world at a faster pace than I anticipated."

«We aren't entertaining their request of meeting with the Master, but training with the martial artists and warriors of the outside world, or listening to the stories of the intellectuals magicians has become a great pastime for the residents.»

I planned to take a more slow-paced approach when it came to interacting with the outside world but personal exchanges had already started within a mere 10 years.

"For now, Liliel's barrier keeps any malicious person or dangerous item from entering inside, but that's not going to last forever. So we have to keep our guard up when the time the barrier disappears completely comes, and we also have to keep an eye out for swindlers and smugglers to prevent the outflow of valuable goods."

The members of both races were simple people due to being isolated on the floating island for so long.

I couldn't just let them get deceived by greedy fellows, and above all if they do get deceived, it might also anger Dragon Grandpa, who greatly cherished the people of both races like his own children, which might devolve into a dangerous predicament.

"However it's fortunate that only a few individuals with B-rank or higher strength have gathered at this stage."

The stronger individuals were aware that the damage caused by conflicts among themselves would be significant, so they tended to avoid unnecessary problems.

Of course, not all strong individuals had straightforward personalities. Some were dangerous, though the barrier denied them entry, allowing only relatively peaceful visitors from the outside.

"Well, let's just keep an eye on them for the time being."

With that said, we spent our day sowing the vegetable seeds, watering them, and then eating the snacks prepared by the maids.

And the next day, I had people from the trade caravan pass a certain item to the madam of the Margrave Reebel house, Selene, and Duke Gyunton to discuss the thieves and poachers.

"Hello— Hello—, mic testing, mic testing. Can you hear me?"

"Can you hear us?"

The things I passed to the two were crystal-shaped communication magic tools.

Communication devices that played back stored videos had existed for a long time, but real-time communication technology has been challenging, often resulting in distorted audio due to interference. However, the magic tools created through «Creation Magic» possessed far better performance.

These crystal magic tools were enchanted with light and wind magic to project the videos onto another crystal tool as an image as well as space magic to eliminate any time lag and deliver a clearer video.

Teto and I were standing together in front of such a communication magic tool, waiting to connect with the others.

«Mic test? What the heck is that incantation? Mic test, mic test. Your voice is coming out fine. Nevertheless, sending such a high-performance communication device so casually...... aren't you being generous?»

«Mic test, mic test......well, it's typical of Chise okaa-san.»

The communication magic tool projected the image of Duke Gyunton, who bore signs of further aging over the past 10 years and the ever-youthful-looking Selene.

My 'Mic test' phrasing was apparently incomprehensible to an otherworlder, as Duke Gyunton and Selene mistook it as some sort of incantation, and seeing them mimic me made me laugh.

But seeing Duke Gyunton look at me with a strange look, I corrected my expression and then talked about today's agenda, the intruders.

"Can't anything be done about the recent increase of thieves and poachers? Also, there aren't that many people who can traverse the monster region for now, but if a road was ever built for a large convoy to pass through, it would increase the number of travelers as well."

"But, Teto is also having fun fighting with the adventurers, it's really a dilemma!"

The land under our jurisdiction was at best the region encompassing the «Empty WIlderness» within the confinements of the great barrier, while no one owned the monster-infested region stretching outside the wilderness.

To begin with, the only people entering the monster-infested region were either adventurers and martial artists aiming for the «Empty Wilderness», uninvited guests like thieves and poachers, or adventurers, hunters, and woodcutters from the local area.

I really want to do something about the thieves and poachers, but not at the expense of limiting the innocent and I also want to keep the exchange with the visitors as it was.

Hearing my wish, Selene's brows furrowed in a troubled expression.

«We're also keeping an eye on the boundary of the forest, but it's quite hard to capture them.»

"It seems like it's not just from the Iska Kingdom and the Gard beastkin Nation, even people from the Mubad Empire in the north are coming here."

«We're also exercising caution on our side, but we can't split too much manpower for this, unfortunately.»

Since there were also adventurers, hunters, and woodcutters entering the region, it was hard to distinguish the thieves and poachers from them.

« Furthermore, we're getting short-handed because you're not killing them. Those scoundrels, knowing that you won't kill, deliberately target the time when you are about to deliver the prisoners to capture your people.»

"This is the first time I'm hearing about this."

I turned to look at Baretta who was standing there on the sideline, and she too, was tilting her head in puzzlement.

I am assuming the angel and Dragon-Demon race members who were in charge of transporting captured people had not reported this matter.

«Well, the thieves lost to just one of your people though.»

«People from Chise okaa-san's side are just that strong after all. The knights from our house are also trying their skills against them, which is becoming a good source of motivation.»

"I see, thank you for informing us."

Their plan to target the members of the two races might have been thwarted effortlessly this time, but such situations may not remain constant.

"Something must be done about them......"

«Can't Chise okaa-san just surround the place with a wall using your power?»

"It will destroy nature if I do that."

«In that case, why don't you consult with the people who have long-standing feuds with thieves and poachers?»

Just as I was wracking my brain, Duke Gyunton suggests.

"People who have a long-standing feud with thieves and poachers?"


«The elves of the Great Forest. The elves from there have been in constant competition with the thieves and kidnappers to protect their world trees and mythical beasts. I can't say this will surely resolve your worry, but it might become a good reference.»

'I see.' I was impressed by that idea, but the problem was that I didn't have any connection with the elves of the Great Forest.

«I had few chances to meet with the elves of the Great Forest when I was working as a diplomat. I could try to facilitate a meeting. Hopefully, I still have some influence.»

"Thank you. Still though, elves of the Great Forest, huh? It sounds fun."

I am very much curious about the Great Forest formed around the world tree which was apparently more than 10,000 years old.

"Can I ask you to arrange a meeting then?"

«Let me prepare a letter of introduction to the liaison of the Great Forest, and I'll send it to them at a later date.»

Through the good office of Duke Gyunton, I could finally see some hope in dealing with the thieves.

Afterwards, we continued to talk about the events in the surrounding region, but a part of me felt excited and began to ponder about the preparation needed for this next journey that I was going to have after a long time.

Three months later, I received word from Duke Gyunton that he had scheduled a meeting with the elves of the Great Forest and delivered the letter of introduction. And with that, I set off for another long-awaited journey with Teto.