
I Became a Magical Cheat Loli Witchvolume 6 chapter 156: a certain day in the empty wilderness - side baretta

That day, after Teto-sama left to fulfill the Master's errand, I accompanied the Master to the research tower.

"It's really been a while since it's just the two of us, huh?"

«Indeed. A bit of it might be due to the increase in people.»

"What about you, Baretta, how are you doing recently? Are you enjoying yourself?"

Master asked in a cheery tone while facing away from me because of her compounding task. I then began to speak about the events that happened around me.

Unlike our usual administrative-like talk during my reports, which happens quite a lot, it was a discussion about extremely subjective content.

«Actually, there have been changes in the statuses of us Mechanoids.»

"Huh? In the status? Did you also obtain new skills?"

While looking at the Master who turned back to look at me while stopping whatever she was doing for the moment, I began to speak about my race.

«Yes. The name of my race has been changed from 'Mechanoid' to 'Mechanoid Origin'. And the race of the first 20 dolls Master had created has changed to Mechanoid - High End.»

Especially with me at the top, the responsibility for the various regions of the «Empty Wilderness» has been handed over to those 20 sophisticated models turned Mechanoids.

——Keeping an eye on the mana generation output of the «Empty Wilderness» and interacting with the residents were under the «Domestic Affairs Branch». ——Those in charge of managing the mansion were the «Cleaning Branch». ——Those in charge of managing the meals for Master and the others were handled by the «Cooking Branch». ——Those in charge of farms, fruit trees, crop development, and gardens were the «Agriculture Department». ——Those in charge of livestock and fishes, and looking after mythical beasts were the «Creature Department». ——The ones in charge of exchanging goods with the outside world were the «Commerce Department». ——Those in charge of settling threats from outside and inside the wilderness through might were the «Security Department». ——Those in charge of managing and sorting the purchased books, artworks, and the made-up tools area were handled by the «Household Department». ——Then there was a group of versatile maids who temporarily assisted other departments with their tasks called the «Maid Department».

A total of 19 high-ends were assigned to each of these 10 departments, and with ten subordinates under each of them, they were all carrying out their duties diligently every day.

In addition, it has also been confirmed that the maid Ai who accompanied Yuishia-sama, the Master's disciple, has also become a high-end.

Initially, each of us took turns performing the tasks we were capable of. However, the newly provided service dolls by the Master had been assigned vertical responsibilities based on their aptitude and individuality during the process of becoming mechanoids.

"I see. I didn't notice at all......"

«I judged that the Master didn't need to be bothered with such an insignificant matter, so I didn't report it."

"It would have been better if you had told me. It's a joyous matter, no? I'll look for a present for Baretta."

Apparently, done with her compounding work, Master looked back at me while tidying up the tools with magic. My eyes widened upon hearing her words.

«As a servant, it is not my place to receive anything from the Master.»

"I would be happy if Baretta also showed a bit of her desire."

«......It's difficult. Something that I want......»

I am happy and content just seeing Master and Teto-sama living their lives happily day after day.

Neither Master, nor Teto-sama liked wearing dresses that were too frilly, but they do sometimes wear functional yet girlish outfits, which was really a sight for sore eyes.

But, if the Master showed eagerness to grant my request......

«Umm......there are two... requests I have.»

"If it's something I am capable of fulfilling, just ask anything."

'It might take time, but it can more or less be done with «Creation Magic».' Listening to the Master say so with a delighted expression, I spelled my request, trying to keep my calm as much as possible.

«I would like to receive mana while you pat my head, just like Teto-sama.»

"While patting your head? Is that all you want?"

Master adorably tilted her head, an expression of puzzlement on her face, as she beckoned to me.

Since there was a height difference between me and the Master whose body stopped growing at the age of 12, I squatted down to her eye level and she then caressed my head.

"Thank you for always working hard for us. But no overworking, alright? You need to rest occasionally."

She kindly praised me for my daily work and also showed her worry for me.

Master's gentle and calm mana permeated into my body and replenished the mana of my core.

After staying in this position for a while and continuing to receive my Master's care, I conveyed 'It's enough' in a faint voice and stood up.

«Thank you very much, Master. I have been recharged with Master's mana——Chisenium.»

"You occasionally say some strange lines that make it hard to understand if you're joking or serious."

After taking in Master's soothing mana, Chisenium, in large amounts, I felt my motivation has been renewed. But since the Master has said I must not push myself, I had to rearrange my day-off plan.

And the other request was——

«I also want a weapon like Teto-sama's magic sword to protect Master.»

"Weapon? But aren't you a bare-fisted fighter?"

I was training with Teto-sama and similar Mechanoids in bare-handed close combat and magic. Hence, I was content with just cladding my fists with mana, but now——

«I would like a weapon like a gauntlet to cover my hands. I cannot satisfactorily serve and protect the Master without a weapon in my hands.»

It was preferable to have a weapon where I could just use both my hands freely and could also last long in combat.

Hearing my request, Master raised her voice in hesitation.

"A weapon of that sort is almost always a defensive armament. There is one armament, «Earth Hand», that I got but sold later on. What do you think about remodeling it?"

"I will leave the matter to the Master if it's something Master is going to make."

"Alright. ——«Creation» Earth Hand!"

Master invoked her «Creation Magic» and produced a gauntlet.

It was an armament that was effective in reducing the weight sensation of an object. However, Master just didn't stop there.

"Let's also use this, I just made it as a test."

"Master, this is——"

"I've been creating it with my leftover mana, though I can only create 10 grams of it at a time."

The thing Master showed was a bluish magic metal, Adamantine.

This magic metal, which was said to be the world's hardest metal, had excellent mana resistance superiority and was difficult to process.

And that metal was manipulated by the Master like clay with her earth magic, and then, she replaced all the metal portions of the gauntlet with Adamantine.

As a result——

"Fuu, it's been a while since I created anything interesting."

«I think you overdid it, Master.»

«Earth Hand Armament»

A magic tool remodeled from a gauntlet soaked in earth attributes mana. While wearing this gauntlet, the user wouldn't feel the weight of anything they touch.

In addition, it was also capable of manipulating its weight, and adamantine could absorb a certain amount of impact and release it. (T/N - Vibranium, is that you?)

It was shaped into an armament possessing the qualities like «Weightlessness», «Mass Manipulation», «Shock Absorption», and «Shock Release».

But the noteworthy part of this adamantine magic tool was that it was nearly indestructible, pushing it over the level of a national treasure.

«Master, are you really going to give this absurd weapon to me?»

"This is yours, Baretta. But I'm sorry, you won't be able to find many chances to use it normally since It's a bit chunky."

«Don't say such a thing, Master. I will use them with care.»

And on the night of that day, I, who received the «Earth Hand Armament», came to the untouched barren land of the «Empty Wilderness» with the gauntlets equipped on my hands.

It was a place used for magic training, group training, or as the ground for mock battles, where one could go as wild as they wanted.

Standing in such a place, I channeled my mana in the gauntlet.


The moment my fist connected with the ground, the ground exploded.

«Such might with just a light strike......»

A crater was formed when I tried to punch with the Gauntlet, which almost felt weightless in my hand.

It seemed like «Shock Absorption» allowed even the shock from one's own strikes to be absorbed by the adamantine, which could then be released as an attack.

Furthermore, thanks to the extraordinary shock absorption capacity of the adamantine, the strain on my hands was almost insignificant.

The gauntlet also served as highly functional armament, which allowed me to block incoming attacks while accumulating the shock, which, when counterattacking, could turn into one deadly blow.

«In addition, I can use «Weight Manipulation» to increase the weight of my fists or lighten the weight of the opponent and toss them around. I can also constantly absorb the shocks generated from all sorts of attacks, and let them all out at the opponent. It's really terrifying.»

If it was just about its functionality as a weapon, it surpassed the items of the ancient magic civilization.

Of course, it was difficult to make a direct comparison since the ancient magical civilization focused on versatility, mass production, and usability, but this gauntlet fitted my hand perfectly.

"With this level, it might be possible to eradicate all the threats against my Master.»

I removed the adamantine gauntlet from my hands and returned to the mansion.

In the future, the names of the two aids of Chise, the master of the «Empty Wilderness», would echo around the world.

One was Teto, the protector who always stood in front of the «Creation Witch».

And another was Baretta, the proxy of the «Forest of the Creation Witch» in the absence of the «Creation Witch».

And with this event as the prelude, the trademark gauntlet of Baretta was born.