Worm (Parahumans #1)

RANK 104
312Chapters558Views1Total ReviewsCompletedStatus

List of most recent chapters published for Worm (Parahumans #1) novel. A total of 312 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is Mar 06, 2024

Latest Release:
chapter 312: sequel teaser: glow-worm p.9


Meet Taylor, an introverted teenage girl armed with an unconventional superpower, seeking solace from a profoundly dissatisfying civilian life by donning a costume and venturing into the unknown. Her initial attempt at thwarting a supervillain backfires, leading her to be mistaken for one. This thrusts her into the complex realm of local 'cape' politics, fraught with unwritten rules and ambiguous morals. As Taylor risks life and limb, she grapples with the moral dilemma of doing wrong things for the right reasons.

Titled Worm, the story unfolds as a web serial, with bite-sized reads released periodically, reminiscent of the way authors like Mark Twain would unveil their works chapter by chapter in the days predating full-fledged novels. Commencing in June 2011, the story updated twice a week until its conclusion in late November 2013. Spanning a staggering 1,680,000 words, equivalent to approximately 26 typical novels (or 10-11 very thick novels), "Worm" captivates readers with updates every Tuesday and Saturday, occasionally featuring bonus chapters on Thursdays, as elaborated below.