
Transmigrated Scoundrel's Exchange Systemchapter 136: the road less traveled

Han Cai sneered as he continued, "You sit on your high throne, filled with delusions of grandeur, yet you reek of hypocrisy and arrogance. You're like a withered flower, desperately clinging to your last vestiges of power and beauty, but everyone can see that you're decaying inside. Your petty insults reveal your own insecurities, and your bitterness only highlights your jealousy of those who have true strength and wisdom. You dare to insult my master, yet you're nothing more than a sad, bitter old hag desperately trying to remain relevant in a world that has outgrown you. Your words have no weight, and your time is long past. You're just a pathetic relic of a bygone era."

While speaking, Han Cai reached the right in front of where the royal princesses were sitting. His figure slowly elevated in the air, catching the attention of everyone present.

The emperor, sitting below, had his eyes wide open as if he could not believe what was going on. He could not move, he could not speak, and he could not feel the Qi in his body. The same reaction could be seen on the faces of his father, every royal prince, and all the other guests.

Elder Huiqing from the Frost Peak Sect looked at Han Cai with a mixture of shock and fear. He had never expected such a bold move from the young disciple. Elder Jiang of the Heavenly Thunder Sect and Elder Wu of the Divine Wind Sect were also taken aback, sharing concerned glances. They knew that if Han Cai dared to confront the empress's mother, it meant that the Sky Soaring Sect was not to be underestimated. There was no way a disciple from Sky Soaring Sect could seal everyone. He must be using some divine treasure.

Other Cultivation families, including the most powerful Li family, couldn't hide their astonishment either.

As their family had a vested interest in the Sky Soaring Sect's fate, the sect masters of both the Cui and Wang families had anxious expressions, not knowing what to make out of this situation.

Han Cai floated slowly and stopped right in front of the empress's mother. He spoke with a voice full of authority, "An old hag like you shouldn't have such a foul mouth. This time, it's just a warning, but next time I hear anything against my master, I will rip your tongue out."

Following Han Cai's final words, an echoing, thunderous slap reverberated throughout the entire banquet hall and the royal palace. The sound was so powerful that it seemed to shake the very foundations of the building, leaving everyone present in a state of stunned silence. The empress's mother, the target of the mighty strike, was sent barreling through the air, her body twisting and turning uncontrollably like a leaf caught in a violent gust of wind. The force of the blow was such that it seemed to defy the laws of nature, leaving onlookers in awe and terror. As she finally collided with a solid wall, the impact sent a shudder through the structure, dust, and debris falling from the point of contact.

Han Cai flew back to the center of the banquet platform.

Clearing his throat, he began to recite his poem:

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,

Because it was grassy and wanted wear;

Though as for that the passing there

Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black.

Oh, I kept the first for another day!

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

After he was done reciting the poem, Han Cai spoke, " You see, I had two choices one was to be a better person and let the hold hag insult my master leave quietly. If we wanted to leave, no one would stop us. But I decided to take the road less traveled. Why? Because I had this choice. If I did not take this road, I would not feel serenity. Peace of mind is very important to me."

Han Cai continued," The action taken by today is my personal action. They do not represent my sect. That being said, I am standing here if I want to massacre everyone in this banquet. No one can stop me. Should any of you decide to retaliate against the Sky Soaring Sect, be aware that the consequences will be dire. We possess strength and abilities that you have yet to witness, and we will not hesitate to use them to defend ourselves. If you choose the path of revenge, you may unknowingly bring about your own destruction, as well as the downfall of your families and sects. I urge you to consider the potential outcome of your actions and weigh the cost of vengeance against the value of peace and mutual respect. Bear in mind that your choices today will shape the future for us all. lastly, If my sect is not welcome here, we don't mind leaving. But we want all the medium-grade spirit stones returned that were robbed from our mansion. "

The sight of the once-powerful empress's mother lying crumpled against the wall served as a stark reminder of the consequences that could befall those who dared to challenge the Sky Soaring Sect and their fierce disciple, Han Cai.

Han Cai turned to his master and spoke, "Master, you should leave. This banquet of peasants is not worth your attention. I will stay; I still feel hungry."

The sect master nodded, and with a swift motion, he flew into the sky and disappeared.

The entire banquet hall remained in stunned silence, unable to process the events that had just unfolded. Each sect and family was now left to wonder what the future held for them and how the balance of power would shift in the days to come. And at the center of it all was Han Cai, a young disciple from the Sky Soaring Sect, who had just defied the empress's mother and demonstrated the strength that lay hidden within him.


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If we reach 1000 golden tickets, I will release five supplementary chapters.

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