
Transmigrated Scoundrel's Exchange Systemchapter 131: young cultivators meet

Han Cai looked charming in his scholarly attire, which consisted of a flowing, jade-green robe adorned with intricate patterns of silver thread. The robe featured wide sleeves and a high collar, giving Han Cai a dignified and elegant appearance. A dark jade belt cinched his waist, and his hair was tied up neatly with a matching jade hairpin. In this xianxia world, his outfit exuded both refinement and an air of cultivation prowess.

A new royal carriage brought Yongnian and Han Cai back to the palace, but this time, instead of entering from the main gate, they entered from the side gate. The carriage directly dropped them in front of Prince Tian's courtyard.

Prince Tian's courtyard was expansive and luxurious, with various chambers, gardens, and pools to accommodate the many scholars and young cultivators joining the meet. The courtyard was adorned with blooming flowers, lush greenery, and sparkling fountains, creating a serene atmosphere for the gathering.

When Han Cai entered the courtyard, one of Prince Tian's maids brought him to a garden that was connected to the courtyard. In the middle of the garden, there was a large pavilion where many cultivators and scholars could be seen sitting and roaming around, interacting while sipping tea and wine served by servants.

Following the maid, when Han Cai reached the pavilion, Prince Tian himself came out to welcome him.

Prince Tian led Han Cai into the pavilion, where he was greeted by a group of beautiful fairies sitting together and interacting with one another. Han Cai sighed in relief, thinking to himself, "At least this is not a total sausage fest. There are some breads in the house, too."

Prince Tian made Han Cai sit beside him and started praising his poetry. Han Cai merely nodded but did not engage in conversation. Prince Tian already knew that Han Cai was not much of a talker, so he didn't bother him and focused on interacting with his other guests.

Han Cai realized that he had arrived early, as many people were still pouring into the event. At first, only random cultivators and scholars were present, but soon enough, the major aristocratic families and sects began to arrive.

The young masters and young ladies of aristocratic and noble families were the first to arrive, followed by the outer kingdom guests who were visiting the Yin country for various reasons and had been invited by the royal family as guests. The core members of major sects and cultivation families arrived next.

Han Cai noticed many of the talents that had displayed their abilities during the banquet. Prince Tian personally welcomed all of these distinguished guests.

The last to arrive were the royal princes and princesses. Once all the guests had arrived, the meet and greet of young scholars and cultivators went into full swing. The two young masters of the Wang and Cui families also attended the event. They came and sat beside Han Cai but did not disturb him.

At the beginning of the meet and greet, the atmosphere was civil and proper. However, as time went on, it slowly devolved into a chaotic display of young cultivators trying to impress the princesses and young ladies of major sects and cultivation families.

The charming and confident young men were attempting various tactics to win the favor of these women, showcasing their knowledge, reciting poetry, or sharing tales of their exploits. The scene resembled a group of simps, eager to please and enamored by the beauty and status of their targets.

Amidst the chaos, Han Cai remained an observer, watching from the sidelines as the event unfolded. He was not interested in participating in the antics of the other young cultivators. Instead, he focused on understanding the dynamics of the various groups and the relationships between them.

Han Cai did not know any of them, so the Young master of the Wang family took the responsibility of informing Han Cai of the names of these hot-blooded young youths. Han Cai had a lot of expectations from this meet as He had not come across any young master scenario in this world, so he was looking forward to this fortuitous event where all the young hot-blooded young masters were going to come.

A group of young disciples named Zhang Hao, Lin Bao, and Xiao Yu gathered around the beautiful young lady of the Li family, trying to impress her with their artistic skills. Zhang Hao demonstrated his calligraphy skills, gracefully painting elegant characters on a piece of silk. Lin Bao played a melodious tune on a zither, the enchanting notes echoing throughout the pavilion. Xiao Yu showed off his painting skills, creating a stunning landscape that seemed to come to life on the canvas. Their competitive nature soon turned into a heated argument over whose talent was the most impressive. Han Cai observed the scene from a distance, amused by their antics.

As the first scenario concluded, the second scenario began. Several young cultivators, including Wu Chen and Fang Lei, sought to catch the attention of Princess Xian by showcasing their cultivation abilities. They performed various techniques, demonstrating their control over elements like fire, water, and wind. However, as they tried to outdo one another, their competition escalated, resulting in minor clashes and injuries. The royal princes, alarmed by the chaos, intervened to restore order.

After a brief period of calm, Another scenario unfolded. Several young cultivators, including Li Jian and Sun Ming, presented lavish gifts to Princess Ley, the fourth princess, in an attempt to impress her. Li Jian offered a rare spirit beast, its exotic features captivating the crowd. Sun Ming gifted a precious gemstone, its radiant light illuminating the pavilion. As each tried to outshine the others, tensions rose, and they began accusing one another of bribery and dishonesty.

The princesses, enjoying the attention, encouraged the cultivators to pursue them further. The situation only calmed down when exquisite food and wine were served for tasting. Prince Tian personally announced the various spirit foods and spirit wines they were serving, explaining their unique properties and origins to the audience.

During the prince's explanation, a commotion arose as the next scenario began. A group of young cultivators tried to impress the third princess, Ying, with their poetry recitals. As the situation started to get out of hand, Prince Tian tried to calm the audience by saying that the greatest poet, Han Cai, was sitting beside him. Han Cai cursed the prince in his mind as he was having such a good time watching the various young masters' antics. Why did the prince have to put him in the limelight?


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