
Transcendence Due To A System Errorchapter 189: time dragon

< Chapter 189: Time Dragon (2) >

A frail dragon, as if it could stop breathing at any moment.

It seems that Chronos, the Time Dragon, has finally focused solely on me, staring intently at me.

“I hope you understand that I can’t give you a grand welcome. My body simply won’t move.”

“…I understand.”

His cracked skin, like a withering old tree, showed just how dire his condition was.

‘So that’s why he didn’t want to show himself to Ini.’

I would probably feel the same.

One would want their last appearance to be remembered in the best light.

“Young one. Can you come down for a moment?”

“Ah, yes.”

The Time Dragon’s resting place wasn’t cold, so there was no need to keep holding Ai.

“I’ll stay still, so you two can talk.”

As if understanding,

Ai took about five steps back and firmly shut her mouth.

“Thank you.”

With a slight smile, Ai expressed ‘No need for thanks.’

“Adam’s representative.”

I turned my gaze back to the Time Dragon.


In a weak voice, as if on the brink of death, he spoke carefully.

“There’s so much I want to discuss with you but…”

As Chronos’ skin cracked further, turning to dust, scattering into the sky.

“It seems the heavens aren’t granting me enough time.”

Saying this, he chuckles weakly. The state of the Time Dragon seems worse than I thought.

‘Maybe inviting me to this space and using more of his power earlier has shortened his lifespan.’

Such a thought made me feel bitter.

“Representative. Can you place your hand on my head?”


I didn’t question why.

There was no need to.


I gently placed my hand on his head. The touch was like a brittle, dried-up old tree.

Yet unlike a tree, it held a strange warmth.

Which made it all the more sorrowful.

“So it was. I see.”

Feeling my touch, the Time Dragon closed his eyes.

There was a look of gratitude, of sadness, of joy.

What is he seeing now? What vision prompts such an expression?

Though curious, I didn’t ask. I just silently felt the texture of his skin.

‘If living beings have age rings, perhaps this skin is the Time Dragon’s age ring.’

A testament to a hard-lived life.

A crystallization of struggles.

That’s what I felt from the Time Dragon’s body.

It was sad, yet touching.

A sensation that brought peace.

“There’s definitely a way for you to return to the future.”

About 5 minutes passed.

The Time Dragon, now with open eyes, cut straight to the point.


“Yes. I’ve completed the analysis of the phenomena occurring in your body.”


In those 5 minutes, he seemed to have grasped my situation and intentions perfectly.

“We’re short on time, so I’ll get straight to the solution.”

With every word he speaks, parts of his body crumble away.

“Yes. Please proceed.”

“You can use my eye and the Dragon Heart.”

Dragon Heart.

It’s the central source of magic where the dragon’s power is concentrated, the heart of a dragon.

Just as a human cannot live without a heart, naturally, a dragon cannot survive without its Dragon Heart.

“Do not hesitate. Even if you leave me as I am, I will soon die. If this frail body of mine can be of any help to you, I am willing to offer everything.”

There was a warm glow in the Time Dragon’s eyes.

“I’d like to give you everything else too… but my teeth are decayed, and my scales are corroded, so even if I wanted to, I couldn’t. Hehe.”

“Isn’t death not the issue…”

When a dragon’s lifespan ends, it disperses as mana and becomes one with the world.

Naturally, the Dragon Heart becomes part of the world during this process.

So, how do you obtain a Dragon Heart?

There’s no need to ask.

You’d have to forcibly extract it.

Meaning, it needs to be murdered.

“If I forcibly extract your heart… you won’t return as mana, but remain as a corpse on this land.”

“That’s what will happen.”

Not being able to revert to mana and rotting away signifies the worst death for a dragon.

“In the history of dragons… you will be recorded as a disgraced dragon.”

“I am aware.”

Without any honor.

Becoming mere trash.

Such is the fate for a dragon.

“Ini will be the one to record your disgrace.”

“I know that too.”

When a dragon is ‘murdered’ by someone, the event is conveyed to other dragons. It’s said that the massive power in a dragon’s body transforms into a special kind of magic upon death. This transformed magic reaches out so extensively that all dragons can sense it. In other words, the fact of being murdered becomes widely known.

“… Are you truly alright with this?”

“Of course.”

The Time Dragon gave a benevolent smile.

“If my sacrifice can save this world, what’s a little disgrace?”


I replied, biting my lip.

Do I have the right to mercilessly end the life of a dragon that lived for nearly ten thousand years? I thought so, but I had no choice.

‘If the only way to return to the modern age is this… I have no other option.’

From the start, the option to refuse did not exist.

I inquired about the Time Dragon’s true intentions simply because I wanted to alleviate some of the weight from my heart. Such a cowardly and selfish act.

“Don’t worry too much. It’s my own will to entrust my life to you.”

Even if the Time Dragon knew of my cowardice, he still said that. Regardless of my thoughts, he probably wanted to relieve some of my burden.

His kindness made me grateful, yet also guilty.

“I’d like to have a longer conversation with you, but…”

While he was laughing weakly,

The Time Dragon’s skin turned to dust again.

“Unfortunately, I really don’t have much time left.”


The Time Dragon’s eyelids fluttered. It looked like he could fall asleep at any moment.

And if he falls asleep, he might never open his eyes again.

“Before it’s too late… take my heart.”


Ai brought her hand close to her body with a tightly closed mouth.

“Collect my Dragon Heart and right eye together, and leave them untouched for about a month. Then, they will become the item you desire.”

“Yes, I understand.”

“You can use the remaining left eye as you wish. Due to aging, it won’t work at 100%, but it will be useful.”

“I’ll do that.”


With those words, Chronos, the Time Dragon, closed his eyes.

“Take care of… this world… and… Ini.”

“Yes. Leave it to me.”

The next moment, my fingers were piercing through the Time Dragon’s body.

* * *

Meanwhile, at the first base of Time Savior, an intense debate was underway.

“No matter how I think about it, our odds of winning are too low with just the two of us.”

“If the Demon God’s assault is true, we should be even more cautious about the retreat of the stars. It could be the enemy’s strategy to remove the stars from the main battleground.”

The Dragon Lord and Heavenly God had completely divergent opinions.

“If we miss this opportunity, there might not be another. I believe we should focus all our energy on confronting the Demon God, even if it means taking some risks.”

The Dragon Lord proposed focusing all efforts in anticipation of the Demon God’s attack.

“On the other hand, if our final defense is breached, everything becomes meaningless. Everything will gradually crumble.”

Heavenly God believed that the Demon God’s assault could be a bluff and advocated for preparedness in all scenarios.

“…We’re at an impasse.”

“Yes. A complete impasse.”

The Dragon Lord and Heavenly God were known for their stubbornness. Their stubbornness stemmed from their unwavering beliefs. The Dragon Lord tended to favor a bolder approach, while Heavenly God prioritized stability in all things.

Such differences in opinion had been a recurring theme throughout their 7 years of war, and over time, they had developed a way to resolve such disputes.

“Let’s ask the others for their opinions.”

“Yes, let’s do that.”

The best solution was a democratic vote.

Of course, they wouldn’t seek the opinions of all members of the Savior team. That would likely result in a haphazard strategy. They only consulted the opinions of seven key members. But this approach had its own problems.

“I agree with Heavenly God.”

“I concur. We should be more cautious in situations like these.”

Including Metatron and Michael, three of the Heavenly God’s senior officers always sided with her.

“I believe the Lord is correct.”

“When water floods in, we need to row.”

Three senior officers from the Dragon Lord’s side always supported her.

“…So it’s going to be like this again?”

The deciding vote always came down to an officer who didn’t belong to either camp.

“I’ve only been awake for half a month and I’m still disoriented.”

She had vibrant blue hair.

A friendly face and mysterious eyes and hair reminiscent of water contrasted with her sharp, ice-like armor. However, her face wasn’t visible. She wore a helmet made of ice, obscuring her face.

“You always delegate these crucial decisions to me, don’t you?”

She pouted, expressing her displeasure.


The Dragon Lord called out the woman’s name with a wry smile.

Aqua, the Spirit King of Water and one of the Savior’s stars.

Neither dragon nor Angel, she represented the third force with power similar to theirs: the Spirit Race.

“Ini, don’t you think you’re being too much?”



Ini didn’t respond.

“The same goes for Heavenly God.”


Heavenly God was the same.

She too had no words to say.

“Every time there’s a disagreement, the final decision always lands on me… This is really burdensome, you know?”

Aqua pouted as if she was somewhat annoyed. Sensing something, Ini discreetly asked Heavenly God,

“…Has she not exercised since her revival?”

The only reason for Aqua’s mood must be that.

“Yes. She was too busy and was deployed to the field immediately.”

“I thought so.”

Aqua crossed her arms and grumbled.

“Seriously, I’m already frustrated from not exercising for two weeks… And now you two?”



Ini and Heavenly God stared blankly at Aqua with a somewhat sour look.

“Why is the Spirit of Water so obsessed with exercise?”

At Ini’s words, Aqua’s gaze sharpened.

“Are you belittling the spirits now? Don’t you know that the latest theory in Spirit Studies states that moderate exercise significantly boosts spirit power?”

Heavenly God teased her subtly.

“It seems like the other Spirit Kings don’t think that way…”

Aqua clicked her tongue.

“That’s why they can’t compare to me! It’s the difference in exercise! Our fundamental nature is different!”

“Is, is that so?”

Heavenly God shifted her gaze with a slightly nervous expression.

“You’re really a weirdo among weirdos. Aren’t you the first among the Spirit Kings of Water? Being physically active and preferring to use ice spirit techniques, including an ice sword, because cutting with water doesn’t feel right.”


Dragon Lord smiled wryly and recalled the woman’s identity.

Aqua, the Spirit King of Water and one of the pillars of Savior.

She was not a dragon nor an Angel, yet she was the representative of the third power, the Spirit Race, holding strength similar to theirs.

Aqua suddenly turned her head.

Considering the potential consequences of voicing her opinion here, it might not be a wise choice. Neither of the two opinions was necessarily wrong.

“…If you answer, I’ll use the rare material I have in the storage to make you an awesome exercise machine.”

At that, Aqua’s eyes lit up.


“Yes. Plus, I’ll decorate it with the feather that Heavenly God here dropped last time. You know that the Angel’s feathers function as a magical circulation organ, right?”

“A collaboration between Dragon Lord and Heavenly God…?”

Aqua’s eyes shone even brighter.

“When did you even pick that up?”

Heavenly God sighed deeply, touching her forehead.

“How about it? Deal? It’s a one-of-a-kind first edition. Tempting, right?”

Ini looked only at Aqua, not even caring about Heavenly God’s remarks.

“Well, if you’re going that far… I guess I can’t refuse…”

Aqua’s face lit up in a bright smile, clearly unable to hide her excitement.

“Heh, I’d like to lend a bit more weight to Ini’s opinion.”

“…And why is that?”

Heavenly God asked, not critically, but genuinely curious. Aqua had an exceptional ability to grasp the essence of situations. What did she see that made her support Ini’s perspective? Heavenly God was curious.

“We have to do something. If we stay like this, our only fate is destruction.”



A somber atmosphere descended upon the room following Aqua’s resolute statement.

“…You’re right.”

Whether it’s the power of the Demon God or something else, the enemy forces are getting stronger. No matter how many we defeat, new powerful adversaries emerge. Meanwhile, Savior’s power is waning. Every depletion of strength is critical. The Savior doesn’t have the resources to replenish its forces.

“Oh, wait. Nevermind.”

Suddenly, Aqua exclaimed.

“Come to think of it, it doesn’t matter if the war drags on.”

“What’s with the sudden change?”

Ini glared at Aqua.

“While I was asleep, you said a remarkable person appeared.”

Aqua’s eyes sparkled like water.

“Now that we have our own secret weapon, there’s no need to rush, right?”


This time, Ini was convinced. She was right.

“But originally, if we have such a remarkable person, why do we need to decide amongst ourselves? Shouldn’t we hear their opinion as well?”

“That’s true.”

Ini nodded.

“I was thinking the same thing.”

Heavenly God replied nonchalantly as if it was an obvious statement. Her plan was to gather all opinions and deliver them to Kang Seo-yul.

“Shall I bring them now?”

“They might be busy; wouldn’t it be rude?”

Heavenly God’s expression was filled with concern.

“It should be fine.”

Though they might be busy looking for the Time Dragon, bringing them here just to seek their opinion shouldn’t be an issue.

…Or would it?

“Well, I’ll go ask and be back. Whether they come here or not will depend on Kang Seo-yul’s answer…”

It was then that Ini’s pupils dilated. He was staring in shock, mouth agape.

“…This magical energy.”

Ini wasn’t the only one startled.

The expressions of these three close associates were also filled with astonishment.

“What happened?”

Heavenly God’s expression grew severe.

“It can’t be.”

Ini muttered with a trembling voice.

“Elder Chronos… Was he murdered?”

Murmuring that, Ini quickly hurled her body toward a teleportation magic circle.

At that moment, Heavenly God’s pupils dilated.

“Wait! Dragon Lord! Wait a second!”

She simultaneously restrained Ini.

“Why?! I’m in a hurry!”

She needed to find out what had happened to the Time Dragon. If something had happened to the Time Dragon, Kang Seo-yul would be in danger.

“Isn’t that person currently in the Land of Extreme Cold?”

“Why ask what you already know? I’m in a hurry! Let me go!”

Ini tried to shake off Heavenly God’s hand.

“Calm down! This isn’t a situation to rush!”

Heavenly God desperately tried to hold Ini back.

“Ugh! What do you want?”

Ini vented her genuine frustration.

“In the Frozen Land… I sense… two demonic energies!”


Just as the dragon race can detect the unique magical energy of dragons, the Angel race can detect the unique demon energy of demons. Heavenly God sensed two demonic energies in the Frozen Land.

“One is… at least mid-tier. And the other one is…”

A glint passed through Heavenly God’s eyes.

“It’s Lucifer!”


After the Demon God, the second strongest demon in the enemy forces.

The second-in-command of the enemy forces.

Lucifer had descended upon the Frozen Land.

< Chapter 189: Time Dragon (2) > End.