
Transcendence Due To A System Errorchapter 188: time dragon

< Chapter 188: Time Dragon (1) >

Modern day.


It has been almost half a month since Kang Seo-yul went missing.

“Ms. Jia, can you please check these documents?”

“Yes, I’ll review them.”

Shin Jia received the papers from Yu Hwa and thoroughly reviewed their contents. She was surprised that Yu Hwa suddenly handed her the documents, but it was an issue that required the consent of the Shinwa Group.

“This looks good. I’ll stamp it right away.”

The terms were favorable in many ways. It would be foolish not to accept such an offer.

“Thank you for the quick response.”

Yu Hwa quickly received the stamped documents and went back to her paperwork.



The peculiar silence in the office was only interrupted by the rustling of papers and the movement of a pen.

After a while, Shin Jia spoke first.

“Is Ms. Maiden busy again today?”

“As for Unnie…”

Yu Hwa gave a faint smile.

“It’s the same. She’s in the middle of a mission to wipe out the remnants of Saviors of Truth.”

The reason Yu Hwa and Shin Jia are working in the same office is because the Bihon Guild and Shinwa Group have officially teamed up. They have started various projects, including the Museum of Mysteries, with the help of the Maiden Corporation.

“Trickster and Saint. Both are still on the loose, right?”

“Yes. They’re both notoriously hard to catch.”

Yu Hwa put down her pen and stretched a bit, while Shin Jia’s expression turned cold.

“Saint’s ability is ‘Personality Transfer’, where she moves her consciousness to another body, right?”

“Yes, that’s what Allen said.”

The ability of the Saint to control minds and transfer personalities is quite deceptive.

‘It makes sense now why Saint, who was clearly dead, is still alive.’

With such a deceitful combination of abilities, it’s no surprise that catching Saint is not easy.

“And Trickster’s ‘Surprise Box’ ability is quite tricky too.”

“…Surprise Box.”

Shin Jia let out a quiet sigh. With a name like Jack-in-the-Box, it doesn’t sound as dangerous as Saint.

“Is there anything we can do to help?”

“Well, You’ve asked me several times already, but I’m telling you again just doing the current work well is already a big help.”

To be prepared for the inevitable changes that will come in the future. For themselves, and in anticipation of Kang Seo-yul’s return. Wiping out Saviors of Truth is also part of that preparation.

“I worry thinking that she’s becoming impatient with her desire for revenge.”

“I don’t think it’s in her nature, but…”

It is a concern. After finding out that the Master is Unknown, Maiden’s desire for revenge has certainly intensified. It’s possible she might act rashly due to her thirst for revenge.

“In case she ever loses her sanity, Allen will be there to stop her.”

“Ah, right. Hermit is with her.”

Shin Jia gently touched her chest.

Though she hadn’t known him for long, considering Hermit’s personality, it was believable.

“Ah, how has Si-yeon been lately?”

Recently, Yu Hwa had started calling Ha Si-yeon not “Ms. Si-yeon” but “Si-yeon-ah”. This meant they had grown closer.

“She’s the same as usual.”

Shin Jia gave a faint smile.

“She’s been staying at the ancestral home, taking care of Rena, White Tiger, and Goldie.”

“Is Rena… still the same?”


Ever since Kang Seo-yul disappeared, Rena lost her smile. To be precise, she does smile, but only her lips curve upwards; her eyes remain unchanged. In other words, it’s a forced smile.

“I’m more worried about her than you. Both Goldie and White Tiger must be deeply saddened.”

“But both Goldie and White Tiger are mature. Si-yeon says they firmly believe that the ancestor (Seo-yul) will return.”

They have been making continuous efforts to uplift Rena’s spirits.

“Thanks to that, Rena’s condition is gradually improving.”

Shin Jia grinned.

“Oh, hasn’t she been getting a bit better since she had that dream with Seo-yul?”

“Yes, that’s what I heard.”

Yu Hwa, twirling her pen, rested her chin on her other hand.

“A dream…”

Yu Hwa also recently had a dream about Kang Seo-yul. It was blurry and not easy to remember, but Kang Seo-yul’s presence was certain.

“Why do you ask?”

Shin Jia cautiously inquired, noting Yu Hwa’s peculiar expression.

“Oh, it’s nothing.”

Admitting to having dreamt of Kang Seo-yul was somewhat embarrassing. Yu Hwa changed the subject.

“By the way, Ms. Jia, why have you reverted to calling Seo-yul ‘Ancestor’?”


Shin Jia diverted her gaze and scratched her head lightly.

“Lately, I’ve just grown used to addressing him that way.”

“Why would you grow used to it?”

In the present, without any interaction with Kang Seo-yul, why would that title come to mind?

“…There’s a reason.”

Shin Jia obviously evaded the question, signaling she didn’t want to answer.

‘How can I say that every night, Seo-yul appears in my dreams?’

Whether it was out of longing or some attraction to Kang Seo-yul as a man, admitting he appeared in her dreams every night was profoundly embarrassing.

‘Especially when he appears in his true Elf form…’

She’s not some dreamy girl. It felt like her desires were manifesting in her dreams, which was unbearably embarrassing.



And then, silence fell once again.

Unable to find more words, both Shin Jia and Yu Hwa returned to their work.

* * *

By modern standards, Antarctica.

By past standards, the land of extreme cold.

In that place, I, Ini, and Ai had been walking for quite a while.

“No matter how much we look, there’s no entrance. Are you sure this is the place?”

“Yes. According to the map, this is definitely the place…”

They’ve been wandering around this area for over three hours now.

Although they’ve been overcoming the cold by surrounding themselves with magic, after about three hours, they’re starting to reach their limits.

Their magic is running out. Even with an A-rank level of magic, three hours is the most they can manage.

This is all because the past Antarctica is unimaginably colder than they thought.

It feels like it’s about -100°C.

“Seo-yul, are you cold?”

“…A little?”

He thought about pretending to be tough but decided against it. There’s no need to lie when he’d be found out soon anyway.

“Is that so?”

Ai approached with a mischievous smile and softly hugged him from behind.

This posture is commonly known as a back hug.

“What are you suddenly doin… Huh?”

He was about to question the sudden playfulness, but suddenly felt warmth spread throughout his body, causing him to trail off.

This feeling is…

“Qi (life force)?”

“Yes. As long as Qi isn’t released, it endlessly circulates the body, serving as an infinite power source. It’s perfect for counteracting the cold or heat.”


He didn’t realize that Qi could be used that way.

At that moment, Ini approached with a menacing grin.

“While I’m struggling like this, are you two getting all lovey-dovey?”

“…Lovey-dovey? Can’t you call it survival tactics?”

I’ll naturally freeze to death in about 30 minutes.

“That’s right. If Seo-yul freezes to death, will you take responsibility?”

Ai hugged him even tighter.


Ini seriously stroked her chin.

“It’s a big mistake not bringing cold countermeasure equipment. It’s regrettable.”

We both sighed at the same time.

“Okay. Given your physical form, I’ll let it slide.”

She said with a perverted smile.

“But when you’re in dragon form, there’s no way. Got it?”


She tilted her head as if she didn’t know what I was talking about.

I silently grabbed Ai’s forearm and shook my head.

“Just take it as it is.”

What’s the point in realizing that Dragon Lord is smitten with my dragon form?

“But really, no matter how much I look, I can’t see any kind of entrance.”


Ini tried using all sorts of detection magic, but there was no response.

I took out the map again.

It’s the map given by the god, marked with the location of the Time Dragon’s resting place.

“It’s definitely supposed to be here.”

The X mark on the map clearly indicates this location.

“…This is frustrating.”

Ini scratched his forehead.

He seemed extremely vexed.

“Hmm. There might be a slight error with the X mark, so shall we search a slightly broader radius?”

I made a new suggestion.

“Alright. Let’s try that at least.”

“Is this what it feels like to grasp at straws?

We decided to expand our search range.

“But hey, do you really need to hold onto me from behind like that?”


“Because it’s hard to walk like this.”

Even though she’s shorter than me, she hangs onto my back for a back hug, making it quite challenging to walk.

“Can’t you just hold hands?”

“The more body surface that makes contact, the stronger the effect. Just holding hands probably won’t have much impact, right?”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. Clinging onto you like this is the best option.”

With a happy smile, Ai buried her face on my shoulder.

“Then at least let me carry you properly.”

It would at least make walking a bit more comfortable. It’s not like carrying Ai puts a strain on an A-rank physique.

“Oh? Should I?”

Ai giggled and wrapped their legs around my waist.

I supported Ai’s body with my hands.

Before I realized, I was in a perfect piggyback position.

“The deluxe Seo-yul-ho ride feels great.”

“You’re teasing again.”


While on my back, Ai rhythmically swung her legs back and forth.

“Hey. Aren’t you coming?”

Ini, who was about five steps ahead, looked back at us with a slightly annoyed expression.

“Let’s go. Go.”

“Seo-yul-ho is taking off!”

With Ai’s innocent voice, I began to move forward.

* * *

Even after another 6 hours passed, we couldn’t find the resting place of the Time Dragon.

“Ini, shouldn’t we consider heading back to the base?”


Time isn’t the major issue right now; it’s Ini.

“At the very least, we should notify the gods about the attack of the Demon God.”

To be more precise, the issue is that we haven’t informed the gods about the information we got from the Unknown.

“You said you can’t send a telepathic message?”

“Yes. The base of the Saviors has a thorough magic-blocking barrier to prevent external interference. It’s one of my special barriers.”

“That must be pretty sturdy.”


There’s no way to contact them from here.

Therefore, the only option is to return via the teleportation magic circle.

“Then, let’s at least relay the information and come back.”

Then the gods might come up with a countermeasure.

“That seems better, right?”

“Of course.”

Ini nodded repeatedly, agreeing.

“I’ll quickly go and come back then. You’ll come too, right? And take a rest.”


What should we do?

The cold, which was a problem before, isn’t an issue with Ai here.

And I’m not so exhausted that I need rest.

“No. While you’re away, we’ll search the surroundings a bit more.”

I’m also pressed for time. I want to focus on other matters once we find the way back.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. Who would come looking for us in these outskirts?”

“I guess so.”

“If you’re worried, come back quickly. It should be no more than an hour, right?”


Drawing the round-trip teleportation circle takes 2 minutes.

Relaying the message takes 5 minutes.

Coordinating opinions will take 30 minutes.

This should take less than 40 minutes in total.

“As long as the Demon God doesn’t show up directly, we’re fine. Don’t worry and go.”

Ini nodded.

“Okay. I’ll be back soon.”

Ini reached into the void and pulled out a gem, then infused it with her magic.

“Keep this with you. When returning, use the magic in this as your destination.”

“Ah, okay.”

Seems like a tracker.

I carefully kept the gem she handed over.

“Then I better draw the magic circle quickly.”

Watching Ini swiftly completing the teleportation magic circle, I asked something I had been curious about.

“But I’ve been wondering since earlier. Can’t you teleport without the magic circle?”

“If I could use all my power, it would be a piece of cake.”

“Does teleportation require that much magic?”

Ini had said that her current magic power was at 1/10. That means teleportation consumes about 10% of the total magic power…

Does that make sense?

In the original story, teleportation was used as casually as eating and hopping from east to west, making Hong Gil-dong look trivial.

“Normally, teleportation doesn’t consume that much magic…”

Ini frowned.

“It seems like that Demon God has played some tricks, maybe to block guerrilla attacks or something. It’s been a headache.”

She then let out a deep sigh.

“Thanks to him, even the teleport gates I made are out of commission.”

“So that’s what happened.”

It was the Demon God’s strategy that was the problem.

“It’s done.”

In the meantime, having completed the magic circle, Ini stood up and walked to the center of it.

“I’ll be back soon.”

“Come back safely.”

“Take care~”

With our farewell, Ini vanished from sight. She must have returned to the base of the Saviors.

“Then, let’s start our search again.”


We began to search again.

No, we were about to start our search.

―Has that cheeky fellow finally left?


A voice echoed directly in my head. Judging by the slight tremble from Ai, who was on my back, she must have heard it too.

―We both had a hard time thanks to her. Hehe.

It was the gentle and warm voice of an old man, naturally inducing trust.

“…Are you the Time Dragon, Chronos?”

In this situation, no one else would send me such a message.

―I’ve heard everything from Adam. Do you need my help?


All was predetermined.

No wonder. There were no specific details on the map. Just coming here would get me contacted by the Time Dragon.

―I hope you can forgive me for contacting you a bit late. I didn’t particularly want to see Ini again.

“Ini always said she wanted to see Elder Chronos again. She said you were a kind person…”

Ini would be upset if she heard this.

―That’s precisely why I don’t want to meet her.

The Time Dragon’s voice was extremely somber.

―I hope she remembers me not in sadness.

“…I see.”


The Time Dragon’s lifespan wasn’t long. He probably didn’t want to show such a state to Ini.

“I understand.”

―Thank you for understanding.

The Time Dragon chuckled.

―I will open the entrance for you now.

At that moment, the air distorted.

It looked as if space itself was being compressed and twisted.

‘No, rather than space being compressed…’

It felt as if time was going astray and the world was distorting. A distortion in the space-time continuum. A sensation as if the inherent laws of the world were being violated.


From the completely twisted world, an elderly dragon revealed itself.

The dragon’s massive body, typical of the species, remained the same. However, its skin was deeply cracked, and its eyes didn’t seem to focus on me properly. It probably lost most of its vision.

―Traveler wandering at the boundary of time.

The dragon, trying hard to focus, looked straight into my eyes and spoke.

―For an immeasurably long period, which can’t even be called ‘time’, I have been waiting solely for you.

His voice was filled with emotion, as if on the verge of tears.

< Chapter 188: Time Dragon (1) > End.