
<Chapter 174: Clash (1)>

100 meters above the Royal Palace of Reperiel.

Two high-ranking officials of the Demon faction gazed intently at the ground below.

“…It’s strange.”

One of the officials from the Demon faction,

A succubus queen of the Mongma* race,

Lilith frowned.

“What is?”

Another one of the officials,

An incubus king of the Mongma race,

Bazet responded.

“It’s too quiet, even if it’s supposed to be quiet.”

Lilith scanned the ground again with a sharp look.

“The final defense line was suddenly broken, and not a single soul is panicking. Do you think that makes sense?”

“…Now that you mention it, it does seem odd.”

It’s silent.

So silent that not even the usual screams could be heard.

“There’s also no sign of any guards.”

Is this how people who were taken by surprise would react?

“It seems our plan might have been leaked.”

“So, Mephisto’s death was truly because of an information leak? It wasn’t because he was careless and failed?”


Bazet furrowed his brow.

“…Tsk. Even though he was that kind of guy, it’s quite infuriating to think he died because of a traitor from within.”

Bazet and Mephisto were not on good terms.

Thus, when Bazet heard that Mephisto had missed a golden opportunity and died, he almost laughed.

But now, knowing his death might be due to an internal betrayal, the amusement was gone.

“…So, what should we do? Should we leave right away, as Lord Lucifer suggested?”

Knowing that there’s an internal leak, the important thing isn’t what to do with Reperiel.

It’s far more crucial to weed out the traitor.

“Wait a minute. I want to check one last thing.”

A unique pink magic shimmered in Lilith’s eyes.

At the same time, Lilith’s field of vision expanded vastly.

She activated the special eyes of the Mongma race, which could ignore physical landscapes and directly perceive the ‘energy’ of living beings.

“How is it?”

“…It’s confirmed that information has been leaked.”

Within 3 km centered around the Royal Palace of Reperiel, there are no people. Well, there are some, but the number is too few.

“The only living beings I can see with my eyes are a mere 13.”

“…So they knew about the attack in advance and evacuated? Is this how Mephisto was done in too?”

Bazet clicked his tongue.

“We don’t need to see anymore. Let’s get out of here now.”

It’s clear there is a traitor among us. Therefore, they must leave this place immediately.


However, Lilith seemed to have no intention of taking action.

“Why hesitate? Given the information leak, we are also at risk…”

“It’s too late.”

Lilith’s eyes were fixed on a particular spot.

“What are you talking about?”

“It’s already too late to run! Defend!”

At that moment, dozens of arrows rained down from the sky at lightning speed.


The night sky seemed to pour down stars in a beautiful spectacle.


Bazet swung his hand towards the sky. A dark curtain formed in the path of the arrows.

Cling, clang!

A black curtain perfectly blocked dozens of arrows. Bazet growled from the center of it.

“Lilith! How many enemies are there?”


“…Just seven? Are there Saviors among those seven?”

“One, there’s one whose identity I can’t determine.”

Even with Lilith’s eyes, there’s an existence whose identity is undetermined. This means…

“…The likelihood that the Saviors are involved is high. Worst-case scenario, they could be four-star class.”

The existence far surpassing Lilith is here. The expressions of the two became serious.

“What do we do now?”

“We have to find an opening and flee.”

“So how do we flee? If a real four-star is among them…”

We can’t win.

“I have a trump card. Just buy some time, and I’ll figure something out.”

A glint of hope flashed in Lilith’s eyes.

* * *

“So the real Succubus Queen and Incubus King have arrived?”

While gazing at the black curtain that was blocking Edel’s arrow barrage, Ai expressed admiration.


There were no variables. The attackers were the two I had expected. The timing of the attack was a bit ahead of schedule, but that doesn’t count as a significant variable.

“Seo-yul, is the preparation almost done?”

Around the time when Edel’s arrow barrage started to weaken, Luna, who had been casting a spell, spoke.

“The casting will be complete in about 10 seconds.”

Dozens of gigantic magical circles with a diameter of 100 meters were glowing under Luna’s feet. Each magical circle had a slightly different design and was rotating in different directions and speeds; it was quite the spectacle.

“Then I’ll signal Edel and we’ll begin the action immediately.”

I took out the communication device I had received from Edel beforehand.

“Ai, are you ready?”

“Yes, I am.”

Ai smiled sweetly.

“Let’s start.”

I brought the communication device to my lips.

“Edel, we’re ready. Stop the arrow barrage and retreat in 10 seconds.”

— Understood!

No further words were needed.

I put the communication device aside and took out the interspace bag that I had also set aside.

“Are you really going with just the two of you?”

Luna asked with a worried tone.

“Yes, the two of us will go. That’s the only way we can win.”

We have to go as a pair. Unless I or Ai could reveal their power in front of others, going as a pair is the only option.

“…I see. Then I won’t say anything more.”

I took out two ancient relics from the bag: swords of the Elf race, each with a different name.


Along with Luna’s astonishment, I felt a pain in my body.

A very, very faint pain.

Feeling that pain, I opened my eyes.

“Ai, hold me.”


When I opened my eyes again, I was in the perfect form of an Elf.

* * *

“Shooting arrows until your mana is depleted, huh?”

Edel Weiss was staring blankly at Kang Seo-yul.

“Are you riding the wind? Or rather, stepping on air?”

Kang Seo-yul, who had somehow transformed into an elf, was running through the sky as if stepping on air.

“Such a method…”

It was indeed shocking. One of the elves’ weaknesses is that they are vulnerable in aerial combat. They neither have wings nor sufficient magical talent to fly.

“But how?”

However, Kang Seo-yul right now was entirely compensating for that innate weakness of the elves, and in a way that had never been seen or heard before—running on air.

‘As expected from our ancestor…’

Edel’s eyes filled with admiration as she looked at Kang Seo-yul running through the sky.


At that moment, Kang Seo-yul’s and Edel’s eyes met. It was a signal—time to stop the arrow barrage.

Edel immediately stopped her hands. After the last arrow that she fired a moment ago fell in an arc, the arrow barrage would cease.

‘Next, if the two of you manage to separate the Succubus Queen and the Incubus King according to plan…’

It would be mission accomplished with Luna activating her barrier magic, creating two isolated spaces to trap them in.

‘If our ancestor hadn’t warned us about the attack in advance, we would’ve been in big trouble.’

Thinking of the two of them indiscriminately assaulting the heart of Reperiel gave Edel chills.

The Succubus Queen is almost invincible against males, and the Incubus King is almost invincible against females. Additionally, both grow stronger by absorbing life force.

‘If we hadn’t been able to evacuate the civilians beforehand…’

Reperiel would have likely suffered near-catastrophic damage. Just imagining those two recuperating by absorbing life force from the citizens made Edel shudder.


Soon, the last arrow bounced off the black curtain, and Kang Seo-yul also closed in on the black curtain.

‘Now, if our ancestor can just separate and hold onto Bazet…’

Man vs. Man. Woman vs. Woman. That’s the setup needed.


Edel’s eyes shined as she watched Kang Seo-yul charge at the two commanders.


Luna’s barrier magic, “Isolated Jungle,” was activated at the same time.


Edel’s eyes widened in astonishment.


Edel shouted. Below, Luna was also partially opening her mouth in what looked like astonishment. Kang Seo-yul had done something unexpected.

‘Did the ancestor go for Lilith instead of Bazet?’

Was it a mistake? Or had the commanders done something? The opponents had been switched.

‘If it turns out like this…’

Kang Seo-yul vs. Lilith.

Kang Seo-yul, a man, has to face Lilith, who has near-invulnerability when facing men.

Ai vs. Bazet.

Ai, a woman, must confront Bazet, who is nearly invincible when fighting against women.


Edel’s pupils trembled as if an earthquake had occurred.

* * *

Inside the barrier, I was whistling.


People outside must be really confused right now, considering I’ve done something that deviates from the original plan.

Of course, it wasn’t a mistake.

I had intended to face Lilith from the very beginning. I just said I’d go up against Bazet because I knew everyone would object if I said I’d fight Lilith.

“Kid, what are you thinking?”

Lilith glared at me, her eyes squinting as if she was quite annoyed.

“Why don’t you see? Let’s have a cozy one-on-one date.”

I spread my arms wide. In my left hand, I held a relic of the Elf race, [Wind Sword], and in my right hand, another relic of the Elf race, [Forest’s Ferocity].

“…You think you can beat me one-on-one?”

The surroundings are sealed off by Luna’s barrier magic. There’s no way to break through this barrier of magic, which is reinforced by dozens of magical circles. Well, there might be a way, but neither Lilith nor Bazet can do it.

“Yes, I plan to win.”

“You, an unimpressive half-elf, plan to defeat me?”

Lilith sneered.

“Is it because this is a war-torn area that you don’t even know what my abilities are?”

“I do know.”

Lilith’s eyes sharpened at my firm response.

“You know?”

“Yeah, you’re nearly invincible against men, right?”


Lilith’s face visibly darkened.

“So knowing that, you still plan to face me?”


“You didn’t mistakenly aim for me instead of Bazet?”

“How many times do I have to say it? That’s right.”

I twirled the swords in my hands as I responded nonchalantly. A vein popped on Lilith’s forehead. She looked pretty pissed off.

“How dare you…”

Did I hurt her pride?

“Your arrogant at-”

I flicked my ear.

“Stop whining and bring it on.”

I cut off Lilith and smirked.


“I don’t want to see that ugly face of yours for too long, so just hurry up and attack.”

“Ugly face?”

Lilith looked dumbfounded. She was at a loss for words.

That makes sense; Lilith’s face is undeniably beautiful, even from an objective point of view. It’s probably the first time she’s been called ugly.

That’s why it’s an adequate provocation.

“Are you not coming?”

I took a ready stance.

“Then I’ll go.”

At the same time, I stamped on the floor—or rather, thin air. I had shaped the wind elemental magic of the elves to use as stepping stones.

It’s a magic spell I developed myself.

“You, you wretched bastard…”

Lilith’s face twisted like a demon as she began to condense her life force. It was clear she intended to use it to try and charm me.

‘As if that would work.’

With a bright smile,

“Let’s see how long you can keep spouting such nonsense!”

I met Lilith’s attack…

“If you keep doing this…ugh!”

I took the hit without dodging, directly with my body.

Lilith’s expression brightened.

It was a face that was sure of victory.

With a grimace, I glared back at Lilith.

“Wh… What is this?”


Lilith, who had come close to me, grabbed my chin and lifted my head up.

Her eyes, as they looked at me, were filled with a pink-hued aura.

She must be using some sort of charm spell.


Then, she ran her finger along my jawline and said,

“Sometimes there are arrogant men like you.”

Then, she lightly touched my chest, adding to the allure with physical contact.

“Every once in a while, I come across stupid men who blindly boast that they won’t fall for a succubus’s charms.”


Sincere chills ran down my spine at her touch.

“Alright, go ahead and say it again. What did you say about my face?”

She pressed her body against mine entirely. It seemed she intended to both enchant me and drain me of all my vitality.

“If you tell the truth, I’ll give you a reward,” she whispers seductively into my ear.

“A very sweet reward.”

“Li, Lilith’s face is…”

I spoke with a trembling voice.

“Go on, say it to the end.”

“Lilith’s face is…”

The corners of Lilith’s mouth shot up as if to pierce the sky.

At the same time.

“The kind that gets boring after a little while?”



My sword pierced Lilith’s heart accurately.

I grinned as I looked at Lilith, who was spilling blood from her lips.



“How was my acting?”

As Lilith glares at me with a shocked expression, I jokingly comment and thrust my sword again.



Her scream pierced my ears as I once again stabbed her in the heart.

This time, I used my magic to enhance the impact and twisted the blade.

Lilith’s mouth spewed out thick blood.


She seems to want to say something, but she can’t speak properly because her mouth is full of blood. However, I had a rough idea of what Lilith wanted to say.

“Why isn’t your ability working on me?”

Lilith’s pupils quivered violently.

“Why? Because I’m not ‘Gender: Male.'”

“W-What the… Kuhuk, cough!”

Did she think I came to face Lilith without any plans?

‘I confirmed that Mongma race’s abilities don’t work on me due to Ai’s situation.’

The Mongma race’s abilities only work on those who are labeled ‘Gender: Male’ in the system. And I don’t have a system. Therefore, the Mongma race’s abilities don’t work for me.

That’s why I decided to confront Lilith.

If she were to confront a ‘man’ like me, she would definitely let her guard down. I deliberately created that gap and took advantage of it.

“W-Whatever you… do to me… Kuhuk, Kuhuk!”

The light in Lilith’s eyes started to fade, like a person who was facing their end.

I took the necklace from the weakening Lilith and put it in my spatial bag. It’s the relic of the Mongma race, ‘Shallow Love.’


Now, I can use the power of the Mongma race.

“The woman who’s dealing with Bazet…”

“Hmm. he’s probably become prey by now.”

Isn’t he screaming by now?


Isn’t he turned into a well-baked baguette by now?

“Their compatibility is not worse than ours.”

“W-What do you mean… ”

I chuckled as Lilith couldn’t finish her sentence to the end.

“Have you ever seen a Mongma race member so powerful that just by touching, they can absorb energy?”

He might be the Incubus King or whatever, but she never loses when confronting ‘men.’

<Chapter 174: Clash (1)> The End

[Mongma = Succubus + Incubus race]