
< Chapter 173: Support (3) >

Doubts about the backup were temporarily put aside in a corner of my mind.

What’s important right now is to effectively fend off the attack from Reperiel.

“Seo-yul, will they really come?”

Ai, who had been rolling around on my bed, casually asked.

“They will definitely come.”

“You never know. Those who felt suspicious due to the repulsion of Mephisto might have abandoned the plan altogether.”

“I doubt that will happen.”

I can say this with certainty.

“Right now is the only time where they can deal with Reperiel and Alfheim, who are an eyesore. They have no choice but to come.”

“The only timing?”

“Because one of the main forces of Saviors is critically injured, now is an opportune moment.”

This is something I heard from Rena.

The reason why the faction was able to divert two of its leaders, including Mephisto, away from Saviors’s gaze over here.

It was precisely because one of Saviors’s main forces was injured.

“…So even if Saviors gets wind of the surprise attack, this is still the best opportunity to counter.”


Therefore, the attack will definitely happen. Whether or not Mephisto is defeated in Alfheim.

No, especially if Mephisto is repelled, they might be even more inclined to attack Reperiel.

Because it’s natural to want a bigger profit to cover the loss.

“…Isn’t that dangerous then? The faction could also divert more power this way, couldn’t they?”

“That’s okay too. As I said, the faction can only divert as many people as can compensate for Saviors’s void. That’s roughly two leaders.”

“Ah, I see.”

That’s why I devised a strategy that included repelling Mephisto and giving Lucifer the finger.

If I didn’t have this information, I would have used a slightly different method.

“Now the important thing is to determine when the attack will occur. Originally, in history, the attack happened two days later…”

Ai closed her lips tightly and sank into thought. Probably pondering the variable of changing the date of the attack.

But that’s an unnecessary worry.

“It will definitely be within 2 days. Or at most within 3 days.”

“Are you sure? What makes you so certain?”

“Yeah. There’s about that much time left for Saviors’s main force to recover.”

“Did that princess tell you even that?”

“No. This information was obtained through my own resources.”

This is not information I got from Rena. It’s information I speculated on my own based on the original story.

“The injured party on the Saviors side is the Water Spirit King.”

“…Why is that?”

Rena had said,

The absence of the Water Spirit King created the opportunity for the faction’s surprise operation.

She also mentioned that the faction and Saviors had a major showdown about a week before Mephisto’s attack.

Once you know this, it’s not too difficult to determine the timing of the attack.

“If the Water Spirit King suffers damage close to annihilation, he falls into a dormant state. Then he goes through a recovery period of about two weeks.”

Ai seemed to understand, a gleam in their eyes.

“So considering the time it takes for the Water Spirit King to recover, there will definitely be an attack within three days.”


That’s why the attack will be within three days.

“If there’s a variable, it won’t be a change in the number of attackers, but the attackers themselves…”

If this happens, it could be a bit tricky.

“If a stronger executive than we anticipated comes, it’s a problem. If an executive you don’t know, Seo-yul, comes, it’s also a problem.”


Ai furrowed their brows with a serious expression.

“But we’ve roughly figured out the number of attackers and the time, so we don’t need to worry too much, right?”

“I’d like to think so…”

I’ve been backstabbed so many times up to now. I just worry about everything.

“By the way, Seo-yul, I’ve been curious for a while.”

As I was sighing, Ai casually asked,

“Where did you get your information about the world from a thousand years ago?”


I wondered why they hadn’t asked that.

“Oh, if it’s a difficult question to answer, you don’t have to.”

Seeing my stern expression, Ai quickly waved their hands and cautiously spoke.

“I’m not the kind of person who pricks and prods into others’ secrets to satisfy my curiosity.”

Ai winked at me subtly.

“Any man dating me probably won’t have any heartaches, you know? I’m a considerate woman.”

Ai said, laughing playfully. I chuckled too.

“You’re teasing again.”

How would you know without ever having been in a relationship? Meeting my gaze, Ai cheekily stuck out their tongue and smiled.

“…Thank you.”

Looking at Ai, I quietly expressed my gratitude. I was even more thankful because they quickly changed the topic, realizing that I was in a difficult position.

“Were you touched by my thoughtfulness?”

“Yes. A bit?”

Ai laughed heartily.

“So, has your affection level for me increased a bit?”

“…What’s an affection level? Am I being pursued or something?”

What’s this affection level? It’s not a game.

“Yes. It’s ‘Seo-yul’s Affection Maker’.”

“…You almost sound Japanese.”

Ai covered her mouth and giggled.

“Anyway, Seo-yul, please forget about my question today. I didn’t mean to put you in a tough spot.”

“…Alright. Thank you.”

I smiled at Ai.

* * *

That night.

I went to see Queen Luna with Ai.

“That’s enough. With this, we should be able to communicate fairly well.”

Luna, who had her hand on Ai’s head, removed it and smiled softly.

“Ugh, I feel dizzy…”

Ai who was trying to get up from her seat touched her head and staggered. I caught Ai as they were about to fall.

“The side effect will cause dizziness for about an hour. You should rest a bit during that time.”

“Yes… Thank you.”

Ai bowed their head slightly to Queen Luna.

“Can you hear me well?”

“Yes, I can hear you clearly.”

Luna Beast Reperiel.

Rena’s mother is the greatest mage among the beastmen. She’s said to be roughly on par with a dragon mage.

Among the magic she can use is the ‘Transfer of Knowledge.’

She directly transferred linguistic knowledge to Ai using that magic.

“You seem to be talking quite fluently.”

“…Yeah, it’s like it automatically comes out of my mouth.”

Looking at us, Luna smiled warmly.

“Then, I’ll return to my room. I shouldn’t interfere with the good times you two are having.”

It seemed like a pink aura flickered in the queen’s eyes.

… As if to say, beastmen can’t hide their feelings.

“We’re not in that kind of relationship.”

“Oh, really?”

Luna looked at Ai, her eyes widening as if surprised.

“…Yes. Coincidentally, we’re not. Really coincidentally.”


At Ai’s answer, the queen’s smile deepened even more.

“So, Seo-yul, you don’t have a fixed partner?”

“No, I don’t.”


Ai who was in my arms pouted their lips.

“Is that so?”

Something flashed in the queen’s eyes.

“What about our Rena?”

“…Excuse me?”

“As Seo-yul’s partner.”

“…All of a sudden?”

Ai in my arms suddenly looked serious.

“Isn’t the princess too young for that?”

“That’s a problem time will solve, isn’t it?”

“But if that time is too long, it’ll be stressful for both.”

“It won’t take that long. Beastmen grow up quickly. Since she’s my daughter, she’ll grow up to be very pretty.”

Was I mistaken?

It seemed like sparks were flying between the two women’s eyes.

Then suddenly, Queen Luna chuckled.

“I was joking. Although I do like Seo-yul, my daughter’s feelings are more important to me.”

Love filled Luna’s eyes, and then they took on a playful light again.

“Of course, if Rena likes it, I would warmly support her. You know, beastmen are very passionate.”


Unable to find words to respond, I remained silent.

The queen looked at me and smiled softly again.

“Anyway, just know that both Rena and I like you very much.”

“…Yes, thank you.”

I smiled awkwardly.

* * *

In the end, no attack occurred until the day before the originally planned day of action in history.

“…Are they sticking to their original plan regardless of Mephisto’s attack?”

I had thought that they would, given the characteristics of the Demon God who prefers mechanistic and rigid movements, but the lack of any variables is also strange in its own way.

Of course, it’s definitely a good thing.

‘…Meanwhile, the Elves’ marks have turned white.’

Thanks to this, the activation of the Elves’ marks happened faster than expected.

‘Then, I have three types of ancient relics I can use.’

Demon, beastman, elf.

With these three types of relics, it’s more than sufficient. In fact, since the time limit for usage is gone, even one kind is enough. I can use the respective relic until the end of the battle.

‘Now, all that’s left is whether or not there will be a change in the attackers.’

If this variable is resolved, the salvation of Reperiel can practically be considered achieved.

Just as I was pondering this…


“Seo-yul! Today is the day I will beat you!”

The princess burst into the room, flinging the door wide open. A fighting spirit that couldn’t be hidden was flickering in her eyes.

“So, you’re planning to run away crying again today?”

The princess’s face instantly turned red. Rena had spent an hour in a magical duel with me yesterday.

Of course, I won every round.

The memory of her teary-eyed and fleeing the room after tasting the bitterness of defeat is still fresh in my mind.

“Ye-Yesterday, my condition was just a little off! Today’s me is different from yesterday!”

Rena confidently placed her hand on her hip and raised her head.

“Really? What should we bet on today?”

Yesterday, thanks to my victory, I gained the privilege of speaking informally to Rena.

Because of that, I can now speak to her in a manner similar to how I deal with the modern Rena.

“I, I will place the same bet as yesterday!”

“Which is to become your magic tutor?”


Rena nodded energetically.

“I’m fine with that, but don’t you already have a magic tutor?”

“My master is currently engaged in the battlefield.”

Rena’s expression turned gloomy.

It’s a thoughtful look.

Despite being a magic prodigy, she seems to be lamenting her inability to be of greater assistance in the chaotic situation caused by the war.

I patted Rena’s head.

It was just a habitual gesture.

“…You seem to really enjoy patting my head.”

Rena muttered with a voice that was somewhat grumbling and somewhat pleased.

“Ah, sorry.”

In this world, Rena and I have only known each other for two days.

The act of patting her head could be taken as rude.

I quickly withdrew my hand.


Rena’s expression became even more grumpy. It was a look that seemed to indicate great dissatisfaction.

I know very well what emotion that look holds.

“Why? Are you disappointed that I withdrew my hand?”

I grinned teasingly.

“Wh-what are you talking about…”

Rena answered, her eyelids fluttering as if she was flustered.

I could tell just from her reaction.

She’s disappointed.

The modern Rena also often enjoyed having her head patted. In this respect, her beastman characteristics seem to come alive.


“…Of course not! I am the legitimate successor of the House of Reperiel! I do not enjoy being patted by others!”

Even as she says that, her pupils are shifting around.

Anyone can see it’s a lie.

It’s really amusing because when the princess lies, it’s written all over her face.

“Is it that unpleasant?”


She hesitated for about one second just now.

She must have had an immense inner conflict within that one second.

The Rena of this era really isn’t as candid as the modern Rena.

Perhaps her royal pride is constraining her actions.

“If you dislike it that much, there’s nothing I can do about it…”

I deliberately drew out my words.

Watching Rena’s expression change rapidly was quite amusing.

“If, if you really want to pat my head…”

“Let’s bet on it.”

Our words overlapped.

“I’ll make a special… Huh?”

Rena stopped mid-sentence and tilted her head.

“…A bet?”

“A duel in magic. If I win, I get the right to pat your head in the future.”

“Oh, indeed.”

Rena’s face brightened.

“To bet on something I dislike, how wicked.”

Yet as she says this, the corners of her mouth twitch upwards. Anyone could see she looked pleased.

“If the stakes are set, there’s no need to delay. Let’s begin the duel right away!”

Rena smiled widely and began to gather her magical power.

“Then I’ll go first.”

“Fine. Then I will start with the destruction.”

Both Rena and I began to weave our magical formulas, continuing with the act of destruction.

* * *

That night.

After Rena had returned to her room,

I was left alone, looking up at the night sky from a terrace near my room.

“Even upon closer inspection, she lost on purpose, didn’t she?”

I won the magic duel.

It was an even more overwhelming victory than yesterday.

I thought it would be a bit challenging without my dragon’s eye when Rena gritted her teeth and prepared new magical formulas.

But there wasn’t much difference from yesterday.

‘There’s no way Rena, the embodiment of competitive spirit, would have prepared such weak formulas.’

She definitely lost on purpose.

Just so she could have her head patted legally.

“Her pride really is…”

The way she smiled at the end without a hint of regret, declaring, ‘This is my loss!’ still lingers in my mind.

“This is the first time I’ve seen someone get close to Lady Rena so quickly.”


As I was looking up at the sky, Edel approached me.

Instead of her usual combat attire, she was wearing comfortable-looking pajamas. Perhaps it could be described as traditional clothing from Alfheim. It was revealing enough to make it difficult to know where to look.

“I still haven’t been able to open up myself; I’m a bit envious.”

She stands next to me, shoulder to shoulder, and looks up at the sky just like me.

“Knight Edel is…”


She looked at me and smiled.

“Could you call me Edel comfortably? It feels a bit…no, quite uncomfortable to be spoken to so formally.”

It was a bitter smile.

“Is that so?”

“Yes. If I may be a bit more greedy, it would be nice if you could also switch to informal language.”


“Is that not possible?”

The conversation evoked a strange sense of nostalgia, reminding me of the day I first met Jia.

“Alright, Edel. I’ll speak comfortably then.”

A warm smile spread across Edel’s face at my gentle tone. We looked up at the sky again.

Between the bright stars, almost as if describing the Milky Way, the full moon asserted its brightness, as if it would not lose to the sun.

“It’s tomorrow.”

She meant that tomorrow is the day of the attack.

“Are you nervous?”

“If I say I’m not nervous, it would be a lie. The attackers are those two famous Succubus executives, after all.”


“But I’m not worried. What are the Fallen’s executives to us? We have my father.”

Her eyes, filled with trust and admiration, pierced through me.

It was a look that also strangely reminded me of Jia, making my heart ache.

‘I’m lying again.’

That thought crossed my mind.


A title that had become inaudible from Jia at some point. Edel called me with that yearning title.


Edel looked at me intently.

Her expression was indescribable, simply focused.

“Just… ”

Just as she was about to say something.




A loud noise was heard.

Bang, Kwaaang!

A series of explosions occurred near the barrier that blocks Reaperiel.



No further words were needed.

Edel and I flew towards our respective rooms.

‘It begins.’


With the final loud noise.


The barrier that surrounded the House of Reaperiel shattered to pieces.

< Chapter 173: Support (3) > The End.