
While crowds gathered at the door of the City East District official[1], the respendantly dressed man and his wife pushed a bag into the hands of the kind-hearted old monk. “This one is grateful that Great Master is willing to exorcise our fu. Although these are merely worldly possessions, Great Master may find them useful when you want to build a golden Buddha[2].”

[1] Dōng yuánwài ( 东员外 ) – This is a type of minister or official whose rank is bought (usually the rich people ‘buy’ the title) but they do not have authority like appointed ministers. Their position at times means that they act as landlords and/or as a local overseer.

[2] Golden Buddha – statues of Buddha covered in/made out of gold, made to show off wealth. The grander the Buddha, the grander the temple.

That monk had a head full of white, eyebrows long and wispy, hands held together [in acknowledgement]. “Amitabha.”

A crowd of people had gathered, joining in the fun, as they gossipped and pointed at the monk, who was the famous Great Master Hui Jue, said to know both the past and the future. He’d only arrived in the capital a few days prior and was already heralded for often helping the wealthy with prayers and exorcisms, which appeared to be extremely effective.

After Great Master Hui Jue received the bag, he excused himself from everyone and walked away alone, then turned away from the busy street into a dark and narrow alleyway where there was a small house. He walked up to the door and knocked, and a child soon opened the door and bade him to enter.

After Hui Jue entered the courtyard, the small disciple reported, “Master, a few guests have arrived.”

“Guests?” The monk was surprised, after all, he didn’t know many people in the capital. Although he didn’t understand, he still entered with a calm expression.

In the hall stood a young girl in green, dressed like a servant. That servant girl in green smiled when she saw him. Hui Jue stared blankly, then heard a smooth voice come from behind the servant girl, “Great Master.”

Hui Jue looked over and saw the silhouette of a girl emerge from the shadows. The servant girl in green stepped aside. As light shone through, the silhouette soon revealed its features.

This was a fresh young lady, about the same age as the servant girl in green. She wore a red mandarin collared top that was embroidered with swastikas[3] in white thread and a skirt decorated with flowers, so good-looking even the shadows couldn’t conceal it. She smiled slightly at Hui Jue, as if facing a friend of many years, a pair of slightly raised eyes bright and moist, yet they inexplicably gave a sense that no one could see through her.

[3] Wan zi bu duan tou ( 万字不断头纹 ) : refers to a specific type of repeating pattern.

“This young miss is…?” Hui Jue asked in a low voice, the girl in front of him was unfamiliar to him in every way.

“Although Great Master doesn’t know me, I’ve long heard of Great Master’s famous deeds. Today, I’ve come to ask Great Master about my birthdate characters,” she said.

“Miss is still young, why come alone to ask for a divination?” Hui Jue asked.

“Life is rough, the road ahead unknown.” Jiang Ruan only spoke these seven words.

Hui Jue stared blankly, thought for a while, and said, “Then, Miss, please write your birthdate characters.”

Jiang Ruan picked up the brush and began writing.

When she lifted the brush, Hui Jue was also quietly observing her. Looking at this young lady with such excellent mannerisms, she must be some wealthy family’s young miss. Therefore upon considering this pair when they first arrived, this young miss and the servant at her side, after a quick moment he had made a decision [to swindle her]. However, while he still couldn’t quite ascertain her intentions, he could see that there was a bit of an evil aura in her expression.

Jiang Ruan pushed the finished paper with her birthdate characters towards Hui Jue. “Great Master please take a look.”

Hui Jue spread the paper, lifted his prayer beads from his neck without a word. After an hour, his brows gradually furrowed.

With Lu Zhu watching, Jiang Ruan smilingly asked, “Great Master, what are your thoughts?”

Hui Jue gazed at Jiang Ruan unspeaking for a while, shook his head, then let out a heavy sigh.

“Great Master can say.” In contrast to his distressed mien, Jiang Ruan instead looked carefree, as if the divination calculations were being done for someone else.

Hui Jue said, “Miss’ future is ominous. I’m afraid – I’m afraid you bear the sign of the cursed star.”

“Cursed star?” While Jiang Ruan chewed over these three words, Hui Jue lowered his brows, looking like a compassionate bodhisattva. He then heard Jiang Ruan say, “Great Master sees clearly, I am indeed born under the cursed star. My mother died like this in front of my eyes, my elder brother is missing, and there’s no end to strange happenings in my household.”

Her voice was dispirited, sorrowful. Hui Jue opened his mouth to speak, “Though I’ve said this, Miss doesn’t need to worry, this old monk has a way to rewrite your fate. Miss, take heart, this old monk will visit your household in a few days and discuss it with your relatives.”

“Why would Great Master help me?” Jiang Ruan asked.

Hui Jue lowered his head, hands clasped, “Amitabha, compassion is the responsibility of all Buddhist monks.”

“Great Master is truly kind, not all monks are like Great Master. For instance, I have heard stories that a monk from Yuzhou, under the banner of an eminent monk, has been swindling others, and has amassed quite the sum.”

Hearing ‘Yuzhou’, Hui Jue’s two hands trembled slightly. He heard Jiang Ruan’s warm voice continue, “This monk is a fox; he was adopted by a wandering monk as a child, and this wandering monk was the one who taught him his tricks. The wandering monk used him to make money at every turn but after the monk learned all those tricks and grew up, he personally killed the wandering monk and told everyone his master passed away. He then inherited the wandering monk’s possessions and continued to be a great master of deception.” Talking up till now, she paused, then said, “By the way, that monk from Yuzhou, his dharma name[4] is exactly the same as Great Master’s. I don’t know if you’ve heard this story, Hui Jue?”

[4] Fǎhào ( 法号 ) – name in religion (of Buddhist or Daoist within monastery).

Hui Jue was as stiff as wood, feeling cold sweat roll down his back. He’d never told these secrets to anyone, and it happened so many years ago. This girl hadn’t even been born then, so why was she so clear on those past events? He raised his head and saw that the girl opposite to him had a playful smile on her face. Where did all her sadness go?

Hui Jue heard his raspy voice reply, “This old monk… has never heard this story.”

“Many things occur in the world, Great Master wouldn’t necessarily have heard it all. I’ve heard about some interesting events and can tell Great Master about them. For example, the young boy who let us in earlier reminds me that in the story, that monk was once swindling a household that had a daughter who was very beautiful. The young miss got pregnant, and yet, wouldn’t reveal the identity of the child’s father even at the risk of death, though in the end she passed away due to complications in childbirth. Her family wanted to discard the weak infant, but the hypocritically compassionate monk proposed to accept the child as a disciple; the young miss’s family was naturally happy, but didn’t know that the child was actually the monk’s blood-related son.”

After hearing this, Hui Jue held onto his calm expression by a thread. He was already soaked in cold sweat, and felt anxious all over.

“After the infant was given to the monk, because his weak health required many expensive herbs, the monk was helpless and could only intensify his money-making schemes. However, Yuzhou is only so big, thus he came to the prosperous imperial capital. The capital has many wealthy people, and after he made a name for himself and made a lot of money, he could take his son to see a physician.” Jiang Ruan smiled coldly. “Great Master, what do you think of this story?”

“…Who are you?” Hui Jue asked. Facing the young miss in front of him, he couldn’t see through her at all, but thought that she had been ordered by some higher authority to see through him. Otherwise, for a completely unfamiliar stranger to speak of these secrets that he had long buried in his heart to never see the light of day would be too shocking!

For the first time in his life, Hui Jue, who played with people in the palm of his hand, felt that things were out of his control.

Jiang Ruan quietly looked at him. “I’m just carrying the cursed star. Hui Jue, you currently have two choices: one, kill me, and your secret won’t spread further; or two, listen to my orders, and I’ll protect this secret for you.”

Her bearing was calm, not worried about the future at all, as if she had long known Hui Jue’s answer. Hui Jue looked at her, a sense of hatred arose in his heart, he asked, “How do you know these things?”

“Hui Jue, you want to save your son?” Jiang Ruan didn’t answer his question.

Son? Hui Jue held himself stiffly, the thin thread of hatred dissipated into nothing in an instant as he thought of his bedridden son. The physician said the child had birth defects that if not treated with a rare medicine, the body would be very frail. He had been a fake monk for all these years, and never thought he would have a son at his old age. He definitely wanted to save his son.

“You… How?” Hui Jue asked.

“If you follow my orders, I guarantee that you won’t have to worry about food or clothing for a lifetime, your son will receive treatment from the best physicians, and you also won’t have to worry about paying for the rare medicine. Finally, you won’t have to travel everywhere, living in fear.” Her charming eyes were astonishing, her words bewitching. “You will be revered by thousands, have wealth beyond measure and long-term safety. You will become the most eminent monk, you will become the State Preceptor.”

Hui Jue was almost taken in by her words, but he hadn’t spent those years of deception in vain, in this aspect he was particularly sensitive. He very quickly regained his senses and said, “Miss, you’re taking this old monk for a joke. I don’t know what young miss really came for, but I am only an ordinary monk, not worthy of the title of eminent monk, and am helpless in many things.”

Jiang Ruan calmly looked at him and smilingly said, “Know the past, know the future? Those are all in the past, it seems like I still need to prove something to you.”.”

Hui Jue said nothing.

“Tonight, ‘mischievous ghosts’ will strike at the Prefectural Magistrate’s fu. Tomorrow morning, they will definitely invite you to visit,” Jiang Ruan said.

Hui Jue couldn’t believe his ears. “Miss?”

“It doesn’t matter whether you believe me or not. If you want to save your son, then do as I say,” Jiang Ruan said. “Ten days later is the longevity birthday celebration of Old Madame of Minister Jiang’s fu. I want you to go there a day before and pray for her good fortune, and coincidentally find that there are evil spirits present because the fu’s Second Young Miss is bearing the sign of the cursed star.” She smiled thinly. “Great Master is very skilled, there’s no need for me to say more.”

“How are you so sure I will come on that day?” Hui Jue couldn’t help but ask.

Jiang Ruan stood up. “Didn’t I say earlier, know the past, know the future?” With her back to the light, she had a gentle expression, beautiful face, and bright red clothing, yet it made others feel cold. She was really a devil hiding beneath a beautiful face, a demonic temptress.

Jiang Ruan brought the servant girl to the door, then suddenly had a thought and turned to say, “I forgot to mention, my name is Jiang Ruan, the eldest di daughter of the capital’s Jiang family.”

Leaving the dark alleyway, Lu Zhu looked at Jiang Ruan’s expression and cautiously stated, “Miss is certain that monk will come in ten days?”

“Of course he’ll come.” Hui Jue treated his son as preciously as his own life. Every spring, his son’s condition was aggravated by the weather. In her past life, Xuan Li had used this weakness and lured Hui Jue to his side by offering to help him cure his son’s disease in a few years, and thus, earned the man’s loyalty. Hui Jue was indeed talented- he followed Xuan Li to become the State Preceptor, and cooked up many schemes for Eighth Prince.

In this life, she would rather sow discord, taking this opportunity before Xuan Li could claim Hui Jue for his own use.

It was now the Spring Festival, and Hui Jue considered his son’s situation. After reflecting on her words, it was hard to be unmoved.

Everyone in the world had their soft spots, which, once found, could be used to handle them at will. Come to think of it, it was thanks to Xuan Li in her past life, who in order to mold her into a competent pawn told her all these secrets without reservation. Otherwise it’s hard to imagine how difficult it would be to conquer such sly people, like Hui Jue.

Lu Zhu said, “It’s all thanks to Fifth Yiniang for raising this topic. That this Yan Hua Yuan’s pair of mother and daughter could think of such a despicable scheme is really too evil!”

Previously, on the evening they returned to the fu, Hong Ying hurriedly made a trip to Ruan Ju, saying Jiang Quan wanted to invite a Taoist priest to Old Madame’s longevity birthday celebration in order to expel all the evil spirits and negative energy in the fu. Though she didn’t explain everything explicitly, she casually mentioned that the Taoist priest was the same wandering priest who divined Jiang Ruan’s future five years ago.

Finally, Hong Ying said, “Old Madame’s longevity birthday celebration is a big event, nothing can go wrong, Eldest Miss should also prepare in advance.”

Jiang Ruan thanked her with a smile, and repaid her kindness by accidentally mentioning the crack in the relationship between the Xia fu and the Jiang fu. Jiang Quan wasn’t completely satisfied with Xia Yan, and there was Hong Ying waiting to provide comfort.

Jiang Ruan only spoke a little but Hong Ying was a smart person, and with a thin smile, she easily thought of ways to take advantage of the situation. Five years ago – actually, it should be said to be in her last life – because she(JR) was stupid, she was like putty in Xia Yan’s hands, but if Xia Yan wanted to repeat the events of that time it wouldn’t be so simple anymore.

Lu Zhu looked ahead, “Miss Lin’s carriage has arrived.”

Jiang Ruan turned around and indeed saw a carriage stopped at the gates. Lin Zi Xiang hopped down from the carriage, saw Jiang Ruan and sternly said, “Why are you so slow, making me wait.”

Jiang Ruan laughingly replied, “I wasted some time on the way over, let’s go in to take a look.”

Old Jiang Madame’s longevity birthday celebration was imminent, but Jiang Ruan had no desire to personally make a gift. After greeting Xia Yan, she left again with Lin Family’s Lin Zi Xiang. Xia Yan naturally had no way of rejecting Lin Zi Xiang’s invitation on behalf of Jiang Ruan, and when she thought of how Jiang Su Su’s face was scarred and couldn’t leave the house, her heart was filled with resentment yet had no way to vent it.

As soon as they stepped inside the rouge shop, they heard a crisp voice ring out, “Hey, Zi Xiang, Ruan meimei, I’ve waited for a long time for you to arrive.” Dong Yinger greeted them warmly, whereas Zhao Jin on the side was a bit helpless, “The smell of perfume is so strong I almost puked, let’s get out of here.”

Dong Yinger pulled on Zhao Jin’s hand. “Didn’t you just arrive. I say Jin’er, you’re almost an adult, but you still don’t know how to dress yourself up. Acting like a child, I’m worried your future husband won’t like it.”

Zhao Jin was born into a military family, so naturally she looked down on the ladies with makeup caked on, but Dong Yinger was being annoying again. Jiang Ruan smiled, “We’ve already shopped at so many cosmetic stores, but I heard a new jewelry store that opened in the city has a lot of exotic treasures. In addition to gold and silver jewelry, they have a collection of high grade swords and weapons. Does Zhao jiejie want to take a look?”

Zhao Jin hurriedly replied, “Ruan meimei, is that true? You better not be messing with me.”

Jiang Ruan smiled in reply. “How would I dare?”

Dong Yinger was curious, and upon hearing the news she said, “Then, Ruan meimei, let’s go take a look. I want to buy a pair of pretty bracelets.”

Lin Zi Xiang also thought it was a good idea, so the group boarded a carriage and went into town.

When the carriage stopped, Dong Yinger was the first to jump down, followed by Jiang Ruan and the others. They saw a pagoda of stone, with a plaque reading “Yi Bao Pavilion” in large characters.

As the group entered the building, a pretty maidservant led them in, explaining, “The first floor has precious jewelry, and the second floor has precious weapons. I wonder what these misses are looking for.”



Dong Yinger and Zhao Jin shouted at the same time, making Dong Yinger pin Zhao Jin with her stare. “You have to go against me, huh?”

“You know I normally don’t look at that stuff. Why don’t we split up and meet up later,” Zhao Jin suggested.

Lin Zi Xiang said, “Let’s do that, I’ll stay and look at the jewelry as well, it’s not like I understand weaponry. Ruan meimei, what about you?”

“Of course Ruan meimei will stay with us,” Dong Yinger interrupted.

However, Jiang Ruan shook her head, “I want to take a look at the weapons.”

“The weapons?” Not to mention Dong Yinger and Lin Zi Xiang, even Zhao Jin was shocked. With a disbelieving tone, she said, “You don’t practice martial arts, why are you interested in weapons?”

Jiang Ruan smiled sadly. “Ever since my eldest brother went missing after joining the military, and with no further news about his return, I thought that if he could come back, he would be a valiant and strong young man and it would be appropriate to match him with a good weapon.” Carelessly she continued, “But it’s only taking a look.”

The others were all moved when they heard her words. Zhao Jin said, “I know a bit about weapons, thus, once we go up I may be able to give some advice.”

Jiang Ruan smiled back. The two arrived on the second floor, and as the maidservant had said, there were many high grade weapons. Some were polished to the point that they shined radiantly while some showcased many years of history, that as soon as one entered they would be blinded by the magnificence. Zhao Jin soon exclaimed, “There are actually so many treasures!”

Jiang Ruan glanced at her. Zhao Jin touched a sword placed on a pedestal and instantly felt shock. She hurriedly stepped back and said excitedly, “It really is special!”

Though Jiang Ruan wasn’t nearly as excited as Zhao Jin, she looked around, spotting a Fire Cloud Moon Shield that looked particularly suited to Jiang Xin Zhi. If he had such armour, he would be much safer on the battlefield. However, when she looked at the price marked below, she instantly had a headache. Don’t mention how all her money was used to buy up the capital’s grain, even if she had the funds on hand it still wouldn’t be enough.

She continued onwards, and her eye was drawn towards a blue thing that turned out to be an exquisitely made bracelet. The blue light emitted was beautiful. When Jiang Ruan placed it on her wrist, the bracelet made her white hands look even more delicate. Zhao Jin walked over and said in a confused tone, “How come this floor also has jewelry?”

The maidservant of the jewelry shop who followed them explained, “This is the Blood Moon Bracelet, it’s used for…” Before she could get her words out, she saw Jiang Ruan skillfully press on the protruding flower pattern while aiming at her.

“Young miss?” The servant girl exclaimed, her face white.

“I won’t press on it.” Jiang Ruan took off the bracelet. “How many needles are inside?”

“Nine needles,” the maidservant stiffly explained, “but they are all coated in deadly poison.”

Zhao Jin was a bit shocked when she saw Jiang Ruan’s actions, only when the maidservant explained did she understand. “So it has hidden mechanisms!” She turned to Jiang Ruan. “Ruan meimei normally doesn’t see these things, even I didn’t know how to use it. How did you know?” Judging by how precise Jiang Ruan’s actions were, it didn’t seem like her first time seeing it.

Jiang Ruan smiled thinly. “This sort of bracelet was mentioned in one of the books that belonged to my mother’s collection.”

Zhao Jin nodded her head. “So it’s like this. But these things can only be counted as hidden weapons, I’m still more interested in that sword.”

Jiang Ruan stretched out a finger to stroke the table’s polished surface, her eyes suddenly deep. In her past life, Jiang Quan sourced a similar bracelet for Jiang Su Su, and at the time Jiang Su Su wore it day in day out. Jiang Ruan was so envious, but she could never pluck up the courage to ask Jiang Quan for another one. She could only pretend that the silver bracelet on her wrist had the same function, touch it occasionally, and lie to herself that it also had a hidden mechanism.

Today seemed like a dream. The Blood Moon Bracelet in her hands was even more beautiful than the one Jiang Su Su had and could also hold more needles. The maidservant further explained that the needles could be pulled back with thin silk thread after being shot, and when adding on the poison, it would be very suitable to keep by her side. However, Jiang Ruan shook her head and put the bracelet back.

“Miss doesn’t like it?” The maidservant had observed that Jiang Ruan liked the bracelet a lot, so it was surprising that she had put it back.

“I don’t have that much silver.” Jiang Ruan smiled reluctantly. She could only endure this pain.

“Me too.” Zhao Jin couldn’t tear her eyes away from the sword. “Hopefully I can convince my father.”

The two shared a smile. After looking around for a while more, they headed downstairs to find the others.

After showing them out, the maidservant who followed them walked to the rear wall of the room and pressed on a porcelain lion’s head. A small hidden door opened, leading to an elegant side room. Being so close, it was easy to hear the conversations from the other room clearly.

“Young Master,” the maidservant respectfully greeted, “Eldest Jiang Miss picked out this Blood Moon Bracelet.” Saying so, she presented the tray.

The young man sitting in the side room grunted in reply. Without even turning his head, he ordered, “Pack it away.”

“Yes.” The servant girl silently withdrew.

The young man sat before the window. Soft rain caught the capital in a haze, yet it couldn’t obstruct people’s sight. A moment later, Jiang Ruan’s group boarded a carriage and slowly left.

Coming out with Dong Yinger and others was to choose a present for Old Madame’s longevity birthday celebration, but in the end Jiang Ruan didn’t buy anything. Dong Yinger curiously asked, “You’re going back empty-handed?”

“I don’t have the silver.” Jiang Ruan smiled gently.

Dong Yinger never thought the daughter of a minister would suffer like this. The three girls sympathised with her and wanted to lend some money but worried it would hurt her self-esteem, so they could only comfort her with words. But looking at Jiang Ruan, remembering how her mother died young and her father treated her coldly, the pity in their hearts deepened.

Jiang Ruan didn’t care how the three looked at her, calmly returning to the fu with Lu Zhu. On the road back, Lu Zhu asked, “Miss, you’re really not going to buy anything?”

“Where would I find the silver?” Jiang Ruan added, “We’re penniless. Rather, buying something cheap would only make people laugh their heads off.”

“Miss shouldn’t have bought that much grain, it was way too much,” Lu Zhu complained, lifting the carriage’s curtain to look outside. “It’s strange, the rain hasn’t stopped for over ten days.” She thought for a while and said, “This servant thinks it would be good if the rain doesn’t stop because then we can get a good price if we sell the grain Miss bought. But on the other hand the capital will have a lot of refugees.” Lu Zhu lamented, “It really makes people worry.”

Jiang Ruan silently laughed. As there were no plans to sell the grain, she was afraid Lu Zhu’s hope for a windfall would fall to pieces. However, she wouldn’t inform Lu Zhu of this just yet. She said, “I have no gifts to give for zumu’s longevity birthday celebration. Hui Jue is the best present.”

Lu Zhu rolled her eyes, chuckling. “Miss is right. This gift is bigger than any other, this servant can’t wait for that day.”

When the two returned to the fu, the fu’s servants saw Jiang Ruan returning empty-handed, and some chatterboxes soon reported the matter to Yan Hua Yuan. Jiang Su Su was talking with Xia Yan, when she heard the news she said, “What a pauper, she went to buy things without any silver.”

Xia Yan frowned. “No matter what, you have to finish writing a hundred longevity scripts. When you make your zumu happy, your father’s heart will also be more comfortable.”

“I know,” Jiang Su Su said impatiently. “We just don’t know what Jiang Ruan is going to give. If nothing is prepared then we’ll have a good show to watch.”

Xia Yan smiled slightly. “It doesn’t matter what gifts she prepares. Expending all her effort, it’s impossible for her to receive Old Madame’s favour.”

“Why?” Jiang Su Su asked.

“Who would like a person bearing the cursed star?” A flash of hatred revealed itself in Xia Yan’s eyes. Furthermore, Old Jiang Madame had always believed in spirits and ghosts; every year she would fork out a huge sum of money just to burn offerings. This sort of person considered all things spiritual to be sacred.

Especially now that the Jiang fu had recently experienced so many strange events one after another, even if Jiang Quan wasn’t Old Jiang Madame’s blood-related son, they still had some affection for each other after so many years, and as Old Madame of the Jiang family she couldn’t just sit back without doing anything. This time, Jiang Ruan wouldn’t be able to escape so easily.

Jiang Su Su observed Xia Yan and felt a little excited. She couldn’t help but ask, “Mother already has an idea?”

Xia Yan lovingly embraced her daughter, stroking her head. “You only need to know that everything your mother does is for you and Chao’er, so don’t disappoint me.”

Jiang Su Su snuggled up to Xia Yan and her beautiful eyes widened, the hate in them was enough to make people shudder in fear. “I know, Mother, I really can’t wait for the day of zumu’s longevity birthday celebration.”