
The tables seemed to have turned.

When Xia Cheng saw that the situation was not good, he immediately responded to the physician angrily, “Quack! How dare you lie to us! “

“No, my Lord.” The physician took a few steps back. He didn’t know what had gone wrong as everything was different from the expected scenario. All of a sudden, he broke out into a cold sweat.

“There’s no need for Old Marquis Xia to get angry. Perhaps, as Eldest Jiang Miss said, this poison had no effect on her.” Even though Xia Cheng had no idea what the Crown Prince meant, it sounded like random nonsense. Nevertheless, beads of cold sweat started to appear on Xia Cheng’s back.

No matter how muddleheaded and incompetent the Crown Prince was- having no talent and devoid of morals- he was after all a member of the royal family. How could he tolerate his subjects playing petty tricks before his very eyes?

At this very moment, Xuan Li’s voice rang out. “Since it’s the quack’s fault, just tie him up immediately. If they’re kept, such quacks will only harm people’s lives in the future.” Then, he ordered his attendants to bind the physician. The physician didn’t foresee this sudden misfortune and shouted, “It’s obviously Old…” However, before he could finish speaking, he was gagged and pinned down.

Jiang Su Su glanced at Xuan Li gratefully. However, a trace of fury crossed Jiang Li’s face. Jiang Ruan smiled, “Your Highness the Eighth Prince, why did you have the physician tied up? This way it’s still unclear whether the pastry was poisonous or not, or whether Ruan niang is guilty or innocent.”

She actually didn’t give Xuan Li a way out of this situation.

On hearing her say this, Xuan Li was disappointed. He thought that the Jiang family’s Eldest Miss was a smart person; when a wise man encounters this kind of situation, he should not continue to look into it.

Did she still think that the people here would grant her justice, especially as the Jiang family’s unfavoured daughter? It was better to settle the matter now, which would save a lot of trouble. Thinking along these lines, he glanced at Jiang Ruan. But he was stunned to see that Jiang Ruan was currently looking his way calmly. There was a kind of indescribable emotion in those beautiful eyes. He had seen that emotion many times. It was unforgettable. Hatred?


How could this Jiang family’s Eldest Miss hate him for no reason? Because he spoke on behalf of the Xia family? Xuan Li paused and then took another look at Jiang Ruan but she had already turned away. It was as if the emotions in her eyes were merely his illusion. But, Xuan Li knew for sure that it was not an illusion. The girl across from him did have an inexplicable hatred for him.

Just then, an indifferent voice suddenly broke the silence. “In that case, Ye Feng, take my official seal and go to see the Great Physician Qiu.” Everyone’s eyes were immediately focused on him, yet Xiao Shao’s expression remained unchanged as he continued, “We’ll bring the truth of this matter to light[1].”

[1] Shuǐluòshíchū ( 水落石出 ) – idiom, as the water recedes, the rocks appear / the truth comes to light

The Xia family couldn’t help but ponder. Did this represent speaking on behalf of Jiang Ruan? It was strange that both Jinying Wang and the Crown Prince came here suddenly today. The Jinying Wang rescued Jiang Su Su aboard the Ling Long Boat. How come he seemed to be an ally of Jiang Ruan now?

Jiang Ruan herself was also baffled. Xiao Shao suddenly helped her. What was his objective?

Xia Jiao Jiao had been looking at Xiao Shao either furtively or deliberately since the moment he came in. When she heard what Xiao Shao had said, her pretty face turned pale. She bit her lower lip tightly, looking like she was about to cry.

Xuan Li glanced at Jiang Su Su who was covered with a veil. Her eyes misted over with tears that wouldn’t fall. It was really pitiful. Looking at the other members of the Xia family, several daughter-in-laws had precisely the same expression as that of Xia Yan. They were panic-stricken- three points due to restlessness while seven points were due to weakness. It was truly unbearable for them.

Jiang Ruan, standing in the middle of the hall, had a completely different expression from them. Her face was wreathed in smiles while her gaze was cold and indifferent. Each movement was incomparably sharp. Unexpectedly, she wanted to put people to death cruelly.

Xuan Li finally started speaking, “Brother Xiao, why should you trouble Great Physician Qiu. It seems to me that the truth in this matter has been revealed. It’s only harm caused by the quack. He misdiagnosed Xia Furen’s illness. The pastries on the table are not poisoned, and Eldest Jiang Miss is also innocent. In the end, it was just a misunderstanding. You’re all one family. Our Emperor Father has taught us from an early age that if the family lives in harmony, all affairs will prosper.”

His words were really fortuitous. Jiang Ruan sneered inwardly. If the family lived in harmony, all affairs would prosper. But whose family was harmonious and whose affairs were prosperous? It had nothing to do with her. With Xuan Li’s words, Xia Cheng breathed a sigh of relief. Next he gave a meaningful glance to Xia Yan, who was momentarily taken by surprise. She then walked up to Jiang Ruan and said, “Ruan’er, it’s my fault. If Mother had been more careful, and not misled by the quack’s words, you wouldn’t have had to suffer this injustice. Now, Mother can only ask for your forgiveness by getting down on my knees.” With that, she bent down and knelt down to Jiang Ruan.

Jiang Ruan moved aside slightly to avoid Xia Yan’s grand ceremonial gesture and spoke with a smile, “Mother is joking.” If she accepted Xia Yan’s kowtow today, the reputation of disrespecting her father’s di wife would spread out in the capital city tomorrow.

She looked at Xia Cheng. “Everyone here is one family. If the family lives in harmony, all affairs will prosper. His Highness Eighth Prince spoke really well. I had no idea; it’s as if Eighth Prince is a member of the Xia family.”

Xuan Li’s expression turned stiff. Jiang Ruan spoke again, “But, it’s a small matter for Ruan niang to suffer a little grievance. On the other hand, Maternal Grandmother’s illness is a big matter. For no apparent reason, how could she lose consciousness after eating a piece of Ruan niang’s pastry? It’s really strange when you think about it. It’s so strange that everything is still unresolved after much deliberation.” She stood in the hall in the same posture and her face was wreathed with smiles. “But today, I would like to thank Wangye (Xiao Shao) for speaking out and giving clarification on behalf of Ruan niang. Otherwise, the quack would be at large and perhaps Ruan niang would have to go to prison. The crime of plotting to murder Maternal Grandmother is not small. Ruan niang couldn’t bear it even if I wanted to risk my life.”

In fact, this matter had nothing to do with Xiao Shao. It’s just that in the roomful of people, she highlighted that only Xiao Shao spoke fairly, which was like slapping everyone in the face. The Crown Prince suddenly laughed. “Eldest Jiang Miss is right. I too feel that this matter wouldn’t happen without any reason. In the imperial court, misjudgments and wrong verdicts also come at a price. From what I see, the young lady of Xia family, two daughter-in-laws, Jiang Furen, as well as Jiang family’s Second Miss and Second Young Master, all denounced Eldest Jiang Miss. Old Marquis Xia is advanced in age, so I’ll let it pass. The rest won’t be spared. Since Eldest Jiang Miss wanted me to make the decision for her, I will do this one thing. Since you have all accused her wrongly, let’s have each one of you take 20 lashings as corporal punishment.”

“What?!” Xia Jiao Jiao cried out. “Your Highness, how can you do this?”

Shen Rou pinched her arm in a hurry and spoke in dismay, “This child is not sensible and only babbling nonsense. Your Highness, please spare her this time.”

“There’s no harm,” the Crown Prince laughed heartily. “Bengong is always benevolent. Go ahead, I am here to watch you all receive the corporal punishment.”

Xia Yan was stupefied while Jiang Chao and Jiang Su Su stared blankly for a while. Xia Cheng got so angry that the flesh on his cheeks trembled slightly. The Crown Prince’s move was like slapping him in the face! He had gone so far as to make all of the Xia family’s womenfolk lie on the stools to be flogged, including the young girls who had not married out yet!

“Your Highness…” Xia Cheng still wanted to plead.

“Wangye!” Xia Jiao Jiao fell on her knees in front of Xiao Shao. “You are kind and generous. Since you have just helped Biaomei, please intercede for us and ask the Crown Prince for mercy. Please help us!”

Jiang Ruan watched her action. In the past, when she was in the palace, Xia Jiao Jiao always appeared tyrannical. She had never seen her in such a mess before. After all, it’s said that a dog threatens others based on its master’s power.

Before everyone’s eyes, Xiao Shao took a step back slowly. His elegantly handsome face remained unmoved, as cold as before. He spoke in an indifferent manner, “What does it have to do with me?” It was pure disdain. He actually showed no pity and tenderness toward the fairer sex at all.

Xia Jiao Jiao turned stiff at his words. Her body started to shiver. She looked at Xiao Shao full of anguish and helplessness. It’s a pity that the waterside flower sheds petals for love, while the heartless brook babbles on[2]. She shed her tears in vain.

[2] Luòhuāyǒuyì, liúshuǐwúqíng ( 落花有意,流水无情 ) – idiom, lit. the falling flowers are yearning for love, but the heartless brook ripples on; fig. one side is willing, yet the other one remains indifferent (usually of unrequited love).

“Are you questioning my decision?” The Crown Prince was displeased.

Xia Jiao Jiao was startled. Jiang Su Su cast a pleading glance at Xuan Li but he looked at her apologetically. In a scenario like this, he couldn’t overtly challenge the Crown Prince.

Jiang Su Su gritted her teeth. “It’s my fault. Su Su voluntarily accepts the punishment and asks Da Jiejie for forgiveness.” After speaking, and without looking at the crowd, she walked straight towards the courtyard.

The Crown Prince waved his hand. “Set up the stool. Bengong will see them receive the punishment in person.”

Jiang Chao and Xia Yan looked at each other. They could only grit their teeth and follow towards the courtyard. Shen Rou and several others were very much unwilling in their hearts. However, seeing Xia Yan obediently step forward, they didn’t dare to refuse.

The young manservant in the courtyard soon found a stool and a wooden club to administer the punishment. The ones tasked for it were the Xia family’s own old female servants. Originally, they wanted to show mercy, but the Crown Prince declared, “If bengong sees anyone not doing the task according to the public duty, immediately, they will be dragged out and chopped up to feed the dogs.” Upon hearing this, the servants promptly dispelled that idea from their minds.

Xia Cheng was angry and distressed. Watching his children and grandchildren being punished in the courtyard, his heart was filled with resentment. All these years, his life was smooth sailing. He didn’t expect that by framing a little girl today they would suffer such a great humiliation.

The Crown Prince stood in the courtyard watching lazily. The old female servants were fat and strong. They struck without mercy. Those on the scene were all delicate-skinned and fair-complexioned daughters of a noble family. They had never received such a heavy punishment. Soon, their cries of utter anguish and continuous shrieks were resounding in the courtyard. Jiang Su Su laid on a stool with unbearable pain on her behind. She was more incensed about the humiliation than the pain. In front of Jiang Ruan and these royal princes and Wangye, she had no prestige left. Like a dead pig, she was tied to the stool and tortured. Right then, she made an oath. If this hatred was not avenged, she vowed, she’s not human!

Jiang Ruan stepped out slowly from the crowd and watched Xia Yan’s punishment. Was it painful? The agony they had inflicted on her was a hundred, even a thousand times worse than that. There was no one to offer help nor plead for her when she painfully struggled at death’s door. Xia family, this pain was just the beginning.

Xuan Li walked up to her and asked, “Eldest Jiang Miss, don’t you think they’re pitiful?”

“Those who are pitiful must have something hateful about them.” Jiang Ruan smiled. “Besides, the order is from His Highness the Crown Prince, Ruan niang is powerless.”

Xuan Li choked. It was almost within reach, but for some unknown reason, there was a weird feeling inside his heart. The Jiang family’s eldest di daughter before him had never shown even an ounce of fear in the face of all kinds of situations today. It seemed that from the beginning till now, she had maintained a gentle and proper smile.

At such a young age, either she was extremely cunning or she had foreseen all the possibilities that might happen today. Was it all within her grasp? Xuan Li immediately negated this idea. A myriad of things in the world were constantly changing. How could anyone control everything? He looked again at the smiling Jiang Ruan and doubted his guess just now.

Jiang Ruan looked at what was happening in front of her calmly. Yesterday, she had ordered Lian Qiao to replace that box of pastries. She naturally understood what Xia Yan had intended. Moreover, the Crown Prince suddenly paying a visit to Old Marquis Xia’s fu today was also her handling.

The Crown Prince had a subordinate who usually pretended to be a story-teller at the Dong Feng Lou. She had heard Xuan Li mention it in her last life. When Xia Yan came to inform her about going to Marquis Xia’s fu, Jiang Ruan told Lu Zhu to go to Dong Feng Lou, pretending to be Xia fu’s servant girl, and mention it inadvertently.

The relationship between Xuan Li and Xia Cheng was a bit subtle. This matter was viewed as very sensitive among the princes. Once the news that Xuan Li was paying a visit to Xia Cheng was leaked, His Highness the Crown Prince would naturally come to the Xia fu to join him. However, she didn’t foresee Xiao Shao’s coming.

As for the current Crown Prince, she had heard a lot about his conduct in her last life inside the palace. The Crown Prince had no political insight, moreover, his mind was not very deep. Early on, the Emperor wanted to change the Crown Prince, but his plan failed due to Xiao Shao’s obstruction. Everyone thought that the Crown Prince was unfavored, but it was this unfavored prince who remained at the end when all the other princes in the palace were disposed of one after another by Xuan Li. It remained unknown whether the Emperor had anything to do with it.

The Crown Prince’s main trait was actually considered to be his biggest shortcoming: his simple-mindedness. Similar to Jiang Ruan, the Crown Prince was a part of the royal family and found himself to be unfavoured in front of everyone. He was supposed to have a profound mind, but in fact he was rather simple-minded and emotional.

The Crown Prince’s own brothers were locked in mutual discord. Scheming was the most intolerable thing to him; a whole family filled with conspiracies was the thing he couldn’t stand. Therefore, whenever he saw internal strifes, he would be very ruthless. In her previous life, Xuan Li took advantage of this specific trait and roped the Fourth Prince in since the most harmless-looking Fourth Prince had always been close to the Crown Prince. In the end, the Crown Prince was framed by this close brother and ended up dead in prison.

Xuan Li revealed this thing to her when the fight was already at the late stage. He was not as gentle and prudent as he used to be, showing some arrogance. He derided and scorned this brotherly trust. However, Jiang Ruan could understand the Crown Prince. He was just a pathetic man who, in his extreme loneliness, longed for familial affections and invested his most important trust in the wrong person. But as was the same case as hers, they’d both been betrayed.

The Crown Prince surely thought of his own situation when he saw the actions of the Xia family against her. The more excessive the Xia family treated her, the more ruthless the Crown Prince’s heart became. Had it not been for Xuan Li’s presence today, probably, the Xia family would not suffer such a simple punishment as beatings with the plank.

However, Xuan Li still stood with the Xia family, after all. Jiang Ruan’s eyes darkened. She wondered if in this life Xuan Li would act the same as in the previous one and marry Jiang Su Su in the end. She was looking forward to that very moment.

After the excruciating twenty beatings, Xia Jiao Jiao fainted.

Jiang Ruan smiled faintly. “Maternal Grandmother’s matter has been brought to a close, but Your Highness hasn’t made a judgment about the ancestral hall’s issue. How should the perpetrator in the ancestral hall be dealt with?”

Hu Die was assisting Jiang Su Su from the chair. Yet, upon hearing this, Jiang Su Su’s body turned weak and almost fell down. She stared incredulously at Jiang Ruan. Xia Cheng glared at Jiang Ruan as if he wanted to devour her. Xia Yan acted as if she had just heard of this. “What happened in the ancestral hall?” Then, she suddenly thought of something and looked at Jiang Ruan suspiciously. How come after spending a whole night in the cold and gloomy ancestral hall Jiang Ruan still looked good, without the slightest sign of weakness? And what about the perpetrator she was talking about?

Jiang Ruan met Xia Yan’s puzzled glance and answered her with a smile. “Last night Ruan niang prayed for Xia ancestors in the ancestral hall but couldn’t endure the exhaustion in the middle of the night. So niang’s servant girl knelt on Ruan niang’s behalf. But, who knew that a robber would come in the dark and defile the body of the servant girl. As such, Ruan niang has asked Your Highness for a grace to severely punish the villain. “

Xia Yan was a little confused by her words, but she still understood her meaning. Someone wanted to stain her, but he was blocked by Jiang Ruan’s servant girl. Xia Yan secretly resented why Jiang Ruan was so lucky every time. She looked at Lian Qiao at Jiang Ruan’s side. Jiang Ruan only brought Lian Qiao and Shu Xiang when she came out this time. Lian Qiao stood in place, looking perfectly alright. Was it possible that the person who suffered in her place was Shu Xiang ? Her heart tensed up. Jiang Ruan spoke again, “Maternal Grandfather, since His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is here, it would be better to bring the villain here.”

Xia Cheng was about to spit blood. He was sure that Jiang Ruan must have known Xia Jun’s identity. She must have acted on purpose. He felt that Jiang Ruan had a deep and terrible scheme.

Jiang Ruan looked at Xia Yan, “It’s all thanks to Mother who gave me a good servant girl. This servant girl is loyal and considerate. I like her very much. If it wasn’t for her last night, perhaps Ruan niang would have had no choice but to die today. This loyal servant was given by Mother and so she would also want to avenge Shu Xiang’s grievances.”

Xia Yan couldn’t say a word. Xuan Li listened to Jiang Ruan and gave her a meaningful look. The Crown Prince knew that the man in the ancestral hall was Xia Jun, so he didn’t speak. He just looked at Xia Cheng with a gloating expression.

Xia Cheng wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and finally said in a sinking voice, “Nonsense, that’s not a villain, that’s your cousin!”

As soon as this remark came out, not only Xia Yan, but Shen Rou and Yu Ya froze as well. Yu Ya cried out, “How can it be Jun’er?”

“Maternal Grandfather,” Jiang Ruan looked at him in surprise, “That man defiled my servant girl’s body. How could he be my cousin?” Her words were full of surprise, but she reminded everyone of the fact that Xia Jun ruined a person’s innocence.

Xuan Li paused, while Xiao Shao watched Jiang Ruan’s excellent acting. He couldn’t help but curve his lips up slightly. There was also a glimpse of a smile in his perpetually cold eyes.

Yu Ya asked anxiously, “What’s going on? What happened to Jun’er? “

Jiang Ruan replied, “Maternal Aunt, Maternal Grandfather and His Royal Highness saw someone…demonstrating immoral conduct in the ancestral hall at dawn today. I didn’t expect the man to be my cousin.”

When Yu Ya heard this, she took two steps backwards. She couldn’t understand. Although her son’s actions were frivolous, he wouldn’t be so stupid as to do such a thing in a place like the ancestral hall. There must be an ulterior motive!

When Xia Yan saw Jiang Su Su’s resentful expression, she was startled and immediately understood what was going on. Jiang Su Su did not know that she and Xia Furen had already discussed the countermeasures and had actually acted on her own plan without permission. She must have been trapped by Jiang Ruan again. Exasperated at Jiang Su Su’s disobedience, she quickly pondered about the way to deal with the situation at hand. If something really happened to Xia Jun, neither Xia Cheng nor Yu Ya would spare this pair of mother and daughter. After all, Xia Jun was the only legitimate grandson of the Xia fu and would inherit the family property in the future.

Xia Cheng gritted his teeth. After seeing that this matter had turned this way, he could only allege that Xia Jun was seduced by the servant girl. He shouted angrily, “Bring that unfilial son and servant girl here!”

The servants soon brought in the still dazed Xia Jun and Shu Xiang. However, it didn’t take long for the two of them to sober up. Xia Cheng stepped forward and slapped Xia Jun in the face. “Unfilial son! Who told you to do such a thing! “

Xia Jun felt confused and disoriented at first by Xia Cheng’s slap. Yu Ya rushed up to hug him and cried, “My son, why are you so stupid? Why did you act muddle-headed in the ancestral hall?”

When Xia Jun became sober, he learned from an old servant what had happened. As soon as he entered the ancestral hall last night, he felt a little feverish and even out of control, and the madness of that night was still there. But, obviously, it was Eldest Jiang Miss who had slept with him. How did she become Eldest Jiang Miss’ servant girl?

Just then, his gaze fell on the girl in red standing in the middle of the crowd. She was smiling gently, but was actually looking at him with mockery. Xia Jun then immediately understood that it must have been Eldest Jiang Miss who had calculated against Jiang Su Su and even him!

His mind swerved. He suddenly knelt down and kowtowed to Xia Cheng. “Grandfather, it’s all my fault. I was drunk on wine last night and entered the ancestral hall by mistake. Unexpectedly, this servant girl seduced me. Grandson, grandson, for such a thing to happen, (is) really ashamed, asking Grandfather for punishment! “

Xia Cheng breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Xia Jun was smart and knew to admit his mistakes on his own initiative.

Shu Xiang was stupefied. She hadn’t foreseen Xia Jun to denounce her right in the face. She looked at Jiang Ruan. It was very clear that Jiang Ruan had set her up. She had to look to Xia Yan for help. Xia Yan did not look back and acted as if she didn’t know anything. Shu Xiang’s heart was filled with despair, and she cried out, “No, it’s not this servant’s fault. Eldest Miss, this servant really didn’t seduce Young Master.”

Jiang Ruan looked at her with pity. “Shu Xiang, I naturally believe you. You are the servant girl Mother personally chose for me, how can I not trust your character?”

When Xia Yan heard that, she felt a throbbing between her eyebrows. When Jiang Ruan said it like that, she could not say anything else. But looking at Xia Cheng’s furious eyes, she had to force herself to say, “Ruan niang, one may know a person for a long time without knowing her true nature. Shu Xiang usually seemed to be upright and honest, but I didn’t expect her to have such a dirty mind.”

It was a blatant lie (lying with eyes wide open). Lian Qiao couldn’t hide her contempt. Xia Yan really had the gall to use such a reason. Jiang Ruan sighed softly .”I thought the person chosen by Mother must be excellent. Unexpectedly, Lian Qiao, Bai Zhi, or even Lu Zhu- all who I have chosen myself- have never shown such a surprising thing, but Shu Xiang, chosen by Mother, broke the precepts.” She looked at Xia Yan. “Mother, please take the other servant girls in Ruan niang’s courtyard back.”

Xia Yan was astonished. She clenched her teeth secretly. She had placed those spies with great difficulty and now everything was being pulled out by Jiang Ruan’s words. But at present, she could only agree. “Ruan niang’s thinking is reasonable. It’s Mother that’s thoughtless.”

“No, No, Eldest Miss. I didn’t seduce Young Master. Furen, save me! Second Miss, save me!’ Shu Xiang cried desperately.

The Crown Prince sneered. “You are the servant girl of Eldest Jiang Miss. How can you plead with Second Miss?”

“Your Highness has no idea,” Jiang Ruan smiled. “Second Younger Sister is the most soft-hearted. Whenever the servants make mistakes, they all like to plead with her. And I have always been unfeeling and so the servants are afraid of me.”

Xiao Shao raised his eyebrows. Jiang Ruan spoke again. “Shu Xiang, although I trust you, I trust Mother more. Since she has said so, there’s nothing I can do about it.” She threw all the blame onto Xia Yan. Shu Xiang immediately felt a burst of despair. Jiang Ruan added, “But, even if you didn’t seduce my cousin, your body is defiled and even in a place like the ancestral hall. If it were me, I would have already killed myself with a white damask silk . In order to protect your reputation, you have no way to live. Whether you seduced him or not, the result is the same.”

Shu Xiang shivered and looked at Jiang Ruan with fear. She suddenly understood that Jiang Ruan was right. Today, she really had no way to live.

Jiang Ruan wouldn’t take the initiative to save her. Between her and Xia Jun, Xia Yan would only choose Xia Jun, no one would speak for her. She finally understood that while Jiang Ruan knew perfectly well that she had been sent by Xia Yan, but still let her stay in Ruan Ju, it was not because of Jiang Ruan’s softheartedness. She was just looking for an opportunity to remove her with one move, with no possibility to recover! Now was that opportunity.

She realized that she was going to die, no matter what, and there was no way out while her family’s life was still in the hands of Xia Yan. Shu Xiang laughed bitterly. “This servant feels disgraced to face Eldest Miss. I beg Eldest Miss to take care of this servant’s parents. See you in the next life!” With that, she broke free from the old servant’s grasp, and before they could react, they saw her crashing into a pillar in the hall and collapsing in a pool of blood. Her eyes opened wide, her body shook a few times, and she died with everlasting regret.

Jiang Su Su let out an “Ah”, her face blanched. She naturally knew that the death of Shu Xiang was ultimately related to her and she was frightened. Xia Jun was also surprised that the beautiful woman of last night’s ecstasy was now dripping with blood. It was really terrifying.

Jiang Ruan watched quietly. Her last life in prison came to mind, seeing Shu Xiang following Jiang Su Su. Time flew. In this life, Shu Xiang had no chance to betray and hurt her.

The Crown Prince said, “This servant girl is a strong one. Bengong feels sorry that she died like this. Although the servant girl has paid with her life, Young Master Xia is not completely without fault either. Bengong is kind-hearted. Since he is still young, he won’t be punished. However, he can’t enter into officialdom for the next three years. Bengong will report everything that I’ve seen and heard today without any omission to my imperial father. Old Marquis Xia, please conduct yourself well.” Having said that, his expression changed. He left in a huff without laughing and joking like he did earlier.

Xuan Li paused for a moment, then ran after him.

Yu Ya helped Xia Jun into the house. Xia Cheng followed behind. Jiang Su Su and Xia Yan also hurriedly followed. Servant girls and old servants scattered and walked away. There was no one else in the hall at that moment.

Jiang Ruan walked to Shu Xiang’s body lying in the pool of blood. She looked quietly at the servant girl who died without peace and spoke faintly, “You may as well have your eyes wide open. On your journey to the Yellow Springs[1], turn into a fierce ghost, but don’t haunt the wrong person.”

[1] Huángquán ( 黄泉 ) – the Yellow Springs / the underworld of Chinese mythology / the equivalent of Hades or Hell

As she finished speaking and turned around, she directly faced an elegant and heroic face. Xiao Shao’s cold gaze fell on her face. The two were at close proximity. She heard his faint comment, “You’re very ruthless.”

Jiang Ruan stepped back and smiled at him. “What has this to do with you?”