
Sponsored Chapter- 4/4.....

I didn't even know why I suddenly said these words.

Before I could even think about how my words would be received, Lee Yu-Na shook my hand violently.Then she glared at me as if she was going to kill me, and the momentum was so fierce that I took a step back without realizing it.

"You…… ."

Lee Yu-Na growled as if a wounded beast were threatening.I could realize in an instant how the words I uttered would be received by her, and how she would feel.And I realized it so late how big a mistake it was.

"What did you just say, what the hell does that mean?"

"I'm sorry."

I immediately apologized to her.

"I said something inappropriate. I'm really sorry."

"No, it wasn't something inappropriate. It was really inappropriate."

Lee Yu-Na said that and looked at me with cold eyes.

"Do you act like this to others? Acting like you feel sorry for them and care for them while rudely entering other people's territory without permission? So did you seduce the innocent Ye-Seul and Soo-Young like this too?"

"Wait, what?"

"No, you don't have to answer."

Lee Yu-Na exhaled her breath as if sneering.

"It's okay to eavesdrop on someone else's calls. It can happen. But how could you say that even after getting what's going on around that someone? Do you want to work part-time? You must have thought that I was going to run to you after hearing that and say, oh my thank you, right?"

And she uttered in a trembling voice.

"There are limits to how much you can look down on people. Who are you to say that as if you're pitying me? Who do you think you are?"

"… Again, I'm really sorry for saying something that could be misunderstood, but I didn't mean it in a really strange way."

"I'm sorry but."

Lee Yu-Na looked at me and spat out as if chewing.

"Can you shut up?"

"…… ."

Lee Yu-Na shot like that, then took a step back and she murmured in a low voice.

"I was a fool to think for a moment that a two-timing guy like you is a nice guy for a moment."

Then she looked at me again as if she were wary, and I could intuitively see that it would be useless to say anything to the gaze that was too hostile.

I put the first button wrong completely.As I was thinking this, she said as if it were the last time.

"From now on, never show up in front of me. Because I don't want to talk to you anymore, and I don't want to see you. And if you ever say something strange again."

She was still glaring at me as if she was going to kill me.

"I'm really not going to leave you alone then."

With those words, she turned around and disappeared into the way I had come.I let out a small sigh involuntarily from the look of her back, from which I could tell that she was very angry.

Things have gotten tangled up for no reason.I was in such a hurry that I had to admit that I had done something rash.

"Of all times, at this time…… ."

As I was thinking about it, a voice rang out that lunchtime was almost over, and I had no choice but to break away from my thoughts.Let's go back first.I came to that conclusion and moved my feet.

And it was exactly five minutes later.As I was waiting for the elevator, I saw someone squirming in the corner of my eye.

It was Lee Yu-Na.She looked at me, shook, and headed for the stairs instead of the elevator.

Thump thump thump.The sound she made as she walked up the stairs was particularly loud as if she were protesting to me.

* * *

To describe the character Lee Yu-Na in one word, she was a genius who lived only with her pride.

Of course, other characters had their own reasons for growing up, but Lee Yu-Na's case was a more desperate and ordinary reason.She didn't fight for her master's name like anyone else, or to make her family's name shine, or to test her limits and hone her strength, or to find the meaning of her existence.

She just lived a rough and poor life, becoming more prideful than children of her age, and honed herself to keep the only thing left in her hands.Deep down, there was a small wish that she didn't want to live in suffering anymore and just enjoy a peaceful life like others, but there was no way she could know that now.

So I realized again that it was a really big mistake to say such a thing to her.It was misunderstandable enough to talk to her like that, who was united with pride.

And above all else, the word two-timing she had said to me.It finally dawned on me that she had been particularly hostile to me the last few days.The reason she was abandoned by her parents, who are still alive and sane, was because of her parents' affair.

The kind of humans who were promiscuous in relationships between men and women was she hated the most.And although it was unfair, I also seemed to have been branded as that kind of human being.

‘This isn't good…… .'

To be honest, it was just a pity that Lee Yu-Na was excluded as a target member of the dungeon right now.However, I had to avoid her harboring hostile feelings towards me like this.

After all, she was one of the main characters in this world.For the sake of the future, I had to have a friendly relationship with her as much as possible.

'Well…… '

… Even if it's Ahn Do-Hoon.In any case, it was necessary to correct her misunderstanding as soon as possible and re-establish the relationship.And ironically, the opportunity came shortly after she threatened me not to approach her again.

"… What happened to you guys today?"

Looking at the three of us, Professor Abel Grossman tilted her head.It seems that neither I nor Lee Yu-Na forgot that the advisor's class was assigned this afternoon.

Her expression was strangely distorted.But when Professor Grossman's eyes met her, she tried to smile as if nothing had happened.

"It's nothing. Well… It's nothing big."

"If you are not feeling well, you can rest today."

"It's nothing like that."

"Well……If it's ok with you."

Professor Grossman said that and started teaching the three of us in turn.Especially in my case, she was teaching the dagger and the bow at the same time, so she was teaching alternately every day.

Of course, she told me to understand one first and then do the other, but as if she could not help my earnest request, she began to teach me both in parallel.Perhaps that's why she taught me mainly theoretical stories about how to use bows and daggers and in what situations to avoid them.

"If they were similar weapons, I don't know, but…… I don't know why you chose something with such a different direction."

While muttering like that, she slowly started explaining to me.

"In fact, it's time for you to feel it, too, that, the dagger isn't really that good of a weapon."

"Yes. Well…… I think so too."

It was a problem that I felt enough during the mock dungeon class how big the penalty was to have a short range.And Professor Grossman began to give me advice on interpersonal combat, perhaps because she already knew that I lacked experience there.

"First of all, the idea that a dagger is nothing more than a secondary weapon is widespread, and in fact, it's hard to deny that. It's not that there are no outstanding strong heroes fighting with a dagger as their weapon, but you should be aware that their fighting methods and abilities match dagger, not because dagger is particularly useful compared to other weapons."

She said that and asked me.

"What are the advantages of the dagger?"

"Speed, and weight."

"Yes. Its speed and weight. And I don't know about the former, but you must know better than anyone that the latter can be an advantage, but it can also be a disadvantage."

Saying so, she waved her hand in her air.And in her hand was a giant Warhammer.Raising it lightly with one hand, she swung it like a joke, and as soon as it touched the floor, a dull sound rang out.

"Look, with a heavyweight weapon like this, there's no other way than to dodge it. Even if these weapons are blocked in the first place, they are wielded with the intention of crushing them by themselves. I don't know if you have the physical ability to fight a heavyweight like this head-to-head, but most people can't."

And this time, she made a spear.She swung it lightly and rotated it.

"I must have taught you that as long as you stick to the opponent, you'll be extremely advantageous. But in common sense, you can't just let your opponent stick to you, right? A weapon with a long range is powerful in itself. To be honest, if the opponents of the same level face each other, the longer range is several times more advantageous. Don't forget that a simple long sword has several times longer range than yours."

The last thing she made was a shield.A barker, or rather a small circular shield, which she mischievously placed on her finger and began to twirl and play tricks with it.

"Finally, if your opponent has a defense that is thicker than your attack, it is useless to close the distance and attack. The easiest way to do this would be armor, or universally cohesive mana, or even special abilities to protect yourself. Well, of course, in this case, any weapon will do......The closer you get to your opponent, the more dangerous it becomes, so I wanted to make sure you were familiar with what I was talking about."

"…… ."

I nodded.Her words touched me even more since I had just passed through several death passes while fighting theKillersof Red Case.

She was right, because I had met and would continue to meet opponents that were too threatening to pass by, or that I couldn't even get close enough to be at range, or that I couldn't attack.

She looked straight into my eyes and said.

"Do you know what I want to say to you?"

I shook my head.She was still looking straight at me.

"The shortcomings I listed just now are fatal. Nevertheless, there are many heroes who choose the dagger. Did they just use the dagger as their main weapon because they were stupid?"

She shook her head slightly.

"It's because they have their own strengths that can make up for that. And no matter which weapon you choose, the first thing to do is to find this advantage."

"…… ."

And it's my job to help you find it.She murmured and said to the three of us.

"Okay, let's take a break. And Ji-Hyuk, you...… think about what I meant."

"Yes. thank you very much."

"Okay, okay."

She walked out of the guidance room, waving her hands.Maybe to smoke.While looking at her back, I suddenly saw Lee Yu-Na looking at Professor Grossman's back with a look of respect.


I thought this was the opportunity.Others might be different but with Lee Yu-Na, it was most effective to confront head-on, rather than speaking half-heartedly.I approached her right away.

"Hey, if you don't mind, let's talk a little bit…… ."


Lee Yu-Na quickly hardened her expression and took a step away from me.The look on her face, as if she had seen something disgusting, made me hesitate for a moment.And I didn't miss Jin Ye-Seul's expression hardening in an instant.No.Thinking so, I immediately moved my stiff mouth.

"I know what you are misunderstanding, and I know very well that I said something that could cause such a misunderstanding. I know it well. So, can you listen to me just once?"

When I stared at Lee Yu-Na, she also looked straight at me as if she would not lose.

"At least give me a chance to explain myself so that the misunderstanding can be cleared up. If you don't like it even after hearing everything, then I won't approach you and talk to you as you really want."

"…… ."

"You know, we've worked together in the mock dungeon, and we're friends who've been taking classes together, so can't you listen to this much?"

Lee Yu-Na didn't answer.However, I could see from her expression that she was thinking deeply and was troubled.After a while she said.

"… Okay, let's hear it."

She nodded with a saur look.Just by opening the room for her to talk, the possibility of reconciliation with her has been opened.I took a small breath and calmly continued my words.

"First of all, I know what I said may be taken strangely. But I didn't mean it in a really strange way. My offer was that I just found an unattacked dungeon, and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me."

Saying so, I pointed to Jin Ye-Seul and said.

"Ask her. I asked her before you, but she said no, so I asked you. I've worked with you a few times before, and as you said, it's comfortable to go with someone who matches well with me."

And I added another word just in case she misunderstood.

"Of course, there are two more people going with me. A total of four people are going."

"It's true."

When Lee Yu-na turned her head to look at Jin Ye-Seul, she nodded and agreed with me.Lee Yu-Na looked suspicious for a moment, and soon nodded once.

"Yes. If it's as you say, I apologize."

Has the misunderstanding been cleared up somehow?I was thinking like that.

"But I'm sorry, but that's that and this is this. I still don't want to be very close with you."


"There is no human being as difficult to trust as a person with complicated relationships."

Lee Yu-Na crossed her arms and looked me up and down.

"Especially if it's relationships with the opposite sex."

"Hey, no. You're misunderstanding about that."

"Misunderstanding? You say, it was a misunderstanding?"

Lee Yu-Na distorted her expression as she approached me.Coming closer, she was standing right in front of me.She whispered to me in a small voice.

"You did that with Ye-Seul at the hospital, and you even learned how to shoot an arrow hugging second-grade senior, right? At the guild invitational, you even had your arms folded with an unknown foreign female student, and you've always been close with Soo-Young. Is it possible that I'm mistaken?"


"Oh, really? So where are you going to make excuses for this?"

And she looked into Jin Ye-Seul's eyes and muttered as if threatening to me.

"Just in case, if you were playing with Ye-Seul, I would never leave you alone."

"So it's not like that."

I started making excuses to her, but I didn't even know why I was making these excuses.

"First of all, I am not dating anyone right now. I admit that what happened in the hospital could be misunderstood, but it was nothing like what you think. Senior Lee Ye-Eun once taught Soo-, Han Soo-Young that way besides me. Moreover, I've met her a few times before, and because I helped her out at the guild invitational she considers me as a good person. And finally, the blonde girl……She was just teasing me. She's already dating someone."

"Really? What about Soo-Young?"

I hesitated for a moment and answered.

"…It's not like she's dating me or anything. It just seems so because I'm hanging out with Hyun-Woo."


Lee Yu-Na let out a laugh as if she was dumbfounded.

"I was a fool to trust you once. You really are full of lies until the end."

Then she, who was about to say something, bit her lips and pushed her head into me, and whispered.

"You're not even dating, but you're kissing each other? That's really amazing!"

"How do you…… ."

"I saw it by accident, too. Why, you also did accidentally overhear my phone call, so we are same-same, right?"

Lee Yu-Na was whispering in a small voice in case Jin Ye-Seul heard it.She thought that Jin Ye-Seul was dating me, so she was probably doing this because she didn't want her to get hurt.

However, if there was one thing she overlooked, it was that Jin Ye-Seul had better physical abilities than anyone else, and of course had better hearing.Yes, even enough to hear what we quietly whisper to each other.

"…… ."

As soon as I saw Jin Ye-Seul's expression hardened in an instant, my heart began to beat wildly.

.[Note:ChangingWaterertoKillerfrom here on (Just know that I didn't make the mistake here ,'살수' directly translates to Waterer/Sprinkler, but means Killer here due to some historical significance and is a homonym.......Hmph!)]