
Sponsored Chapter-3/4.....

We took turns to be on the watch, but fortunately nothing happened until the morning dawned.

The only thing that happened was that we were awakened a few times by the thumping sound along with someone's terrified scream coming from far away.

In the morning, when we arrived at the meeting place that the professor had told us about in advance, there were countless students who looked more messed up and tired than us.The middle-aged professor, who had been slowly watching them, did not hide his disappointment as he murmured.

"How can there be only three groups that perfectly repelled the attack, and less than half of the groups that fought back… ?"

The professor, who was muttering like that, called three groups who had repelled the attack one after another in succession.It was the group with Ahn Do-Hoon, Us, and Choi Hyun-Woo in order.

He said that Ahn Do-Hoon's group did not suffer any damage, we lost a tent and some luggage, and Choi Hyun-Woo's group had two tents broken.In other words, the rest of the group had lost their tents, and most of them were homeless or did not eat properly.

"Do we all have any idea how disastrous this would have been if this had been real?"

He looked at the depressed students and said.

"Today's class was just a taste of what's to come, and it won't be reflected in your grades as I promised. However, keep in mind that the survival of team members camping like this to prepare for a possible raid is also included in the evaluation test, and that it will be conducted under harsher conditions at that time."

And he added with a small sigh.

"And you can just think of this as a nagging from an old man, but whether you're a hero or a hunter, if you go on expeditions to places like dungeons and towers,consider camping to be almost mandatory and routine. And if you go at that time and can't even play a single role, it will be hard, not only for you but for your team members as well."

He paused for a moment and said as if to say, don't forget.

"I hope you guys think deeply about the reason why people who are so strong in the top 10 belong to the guild and work as a team."

Saying so, he murmured, glancing at some of the students as if glaring.

"Especially, everyone must keep in mind the fact that abandoning a team member and running away from the spot is absolutely unacceptable."

With those words, today's class was over.We headed to the warp gate to go back to the academy, but most of the students were drooping like defeated soldiers, that just being near them made us feel like we were losing strength with them.

"We were on the better side. Just by looking at their faces, I can roughly see how they did yesterday."

Lee Hyun-Seung, who was waiting for his turn next to me, whispered quietly.I nodded and responded appropriately to what he said.

"Yeah. It looks like they haven't eaten properly."

"The cafeteria sales will go well today."

Mumbling like that, he was unconsciously holding his stomach as if he was feeling quite hungry.Certainly, two fish were not enough to fill one's stomach.While I was thinking about it, he let out an ah sound and pulled out his cell phone.

"What are you doing?"

Oh, a game that's so popular these days."

He spoke while skillfully touching the phone.

"Yoo-Hyun recommended it to me…… A chess-like game where we pick cards and fight? It's like that. I heard it's popular these days, so I downloaded it recently."

"But why are you playing it now?"

"I have to get the login bonus. There is a limited time to receive it. I almost forgot about it."

When I glanced around at the words, I saw some other students taking out their cell phones.When I peeked from the side, a screen with a fairly familiar interface appeared.

I frowned without realizing it.It was because such a lottery game was the kind of game I hated the most.

And what's more, the game that was the sequel to Clouds on the Horizon was also a lottery game, so that aspect was even greater.


The memory of that time seemed to be revived, so I took a step back without realizing it.For me, who didn't live very leisurely when I was young, lottery games like that were literally like a pie in the sky.In addition, it was a game that broke my childhood heart in many ways, who played the original game several times.

Did they say that if you have the original game, Clouds on the Horizon, you can get the original character card as a perk?Fascinated by these words, I immediately downloaded the game, and I can't tell you how happy I was to see my beloved characters again, forgetting my age.Within a few days, all those thoughts were shattered.

I felt a lot of things when I saw the characters I had worked hard to grow to collapse helplessly with one character that I could pick for a fee.It was Han Soo-Young, who was fallen, Lee Ye-Eun, who awakened as an ancient shaman, or Choi Hyun-Woo, who became a villain…… .In the end, I deleted the game due to the management ignoring all the settings and elements of the original story, with both women and men blatantly aiming to look half undressed.

It's something I can just let go now, but I don't know how much of a shock it was back then.Perhaps it was all the more so because it was the only game I played as if I were hanging on.


Just thinking about it made me feel dirty.However, once the thought came to mind, I could never get rid of it.I was waiting for my turn to Warp Gate with thoughts about the sequel.


Suddenly, I remembered something I had forgotten.

I knew very little about the sequel, but at least I remembered the episodes and stories of the beginning.It starts with the story of the expedition team in the hidden dungeon.And the main characters, who had grown up after the end of the original story, were supposed to go there after receiving a call for rescue from the exploration team.And in that dungeon, there must be…… .

"Okay, next!"

"Oh, yes."

When I came to my senses, it was my turn to use the warp gate.As I passed, I tried to bring back memories of that time.

And I could recall the fact that it was a place where at least four people had to go.Four people.

In the past, I might have asked Lee Myung-Joon to help me go there faster and safer.But in my head, the conversation I had with Han Soo-Young a few days ago came.

"…… ."

Me.Choi Hyun-Woo.Han Soo-Young.And Jin Ye-Seul.It would be enough for the four of us to go.

With that conclusion, I took a step towards the warp gate.

* * *

"So, I was wondering, can you spare some time this weekend?"

In the middle of our meal together, when I brought it up, Han Soo-Young and Choi Hyun-Woo stared at me.It was when Choi Hyun-Woo, who had swallowed all the food in his mouth, quickly nodded and was about to answer something.

"Sur…… ."

"Wait a minute."

Restraining Choi Hyun-Woo, Han Soo-Young carefully put down the sandwich she was holding in her hand and stared at me.

"What's your request?"

"I found a dungeon, but I thought it would be difficult to attack by myself."

"Can you explain it in more detail?"

"So, I mean, I think we need more people, so if it's okay with you guys…… ."

"You guys?"

Han Soo-young tilted her head as if she really didn't know.

"You guys, What on earth do you mean by you guys? If you don't tell me properly, I don't know, right?"

"…… ."

I could almost tell what she was trying to say.At times like this, Choi Hyun-Woo, who was quick to catch on, was looking at me silently, and Han Soo-Young was looking at me with a subtle smile and her chin on her hand.

I couldn't help but feel awkward if I suddenly tried to talk.I hesitated for a while, and then said in a small voice as if I was mumbling.

"… Soo-Young, I want you and Hyun-Woo to help me."



Only then did Han Soo-Young nod as if she was satisfied.Choi Hyun-Woo also shook his head, muttering as if it had been very long.

"Of course, we have to help him as much as we can. It's the first time our Ji-Hyuk is asking us to help him."

"Of course. Of course. He even said my name and all."

Han Soo-Young and Choi Hyun-Woo exchanged back and forth and looked at me with a smile.At times like this, the two of them really worked well together.

"So when? Oh, you said this weekend, right?"

"But it's really sudden. What's the size of the dungeon?"

I answered Choi Hyun-Woo's question while recalling my memory.

"It's big enough for four people to attack, so it's probably small."

"Then we can go right away for a one-day trip."

Han Soo-Young said that and stretched as if she were tired.As I turned my eyes naturally, she giggled at me.

"Oh, really. …te." [Note: Cute.]

"Wait, what?"

"Yeah, it's nothing. If it's 4 people, who's the other person? Jin Ye-Seul?"

"Um…… Well, that's what I'm thinking."


Han Soo-Young showed a subtle reaction.At that reaction, I was finally able to say what I had been trying to ask her.

"Did something happen between you two?"

"Why do you think so?"

"No, well. It's just that the atmosphere is a bit weird when I look at you from the side."

"It's nothing."

She shrugged her shoulders and lay face down on the table like a droop.Then she moved her head and stared at me and said.

"I was just being grumpy."



She nodded her head.When she nodded on the table, her reddish hair scattered, and Choi Hyun-Woo, who saw it, gathered her hair together with his hands as if he was familiar with it, and arranged it.

"Was it inconvenient?"

Han Soo-Young who asked that, immediately muttered.

"No, of course it must have been inconvenient. Certainly…… ."

Then she slowly got up.The earring moved with a clink and made a clear sound.

"Then I'll be careful from now on. I won't cause you any inconvenience."

"I'd appreciate it if you did……It's really nothing, right?"

"Yeah. We just had a little argument without you."

Han Soo-Young said so and got up from her seat.

"Then I will go first. I want to go and get some rest."

"Oh, okay. Have a good rest."

When Han Soo-young left, Choi Hyun-Woo mechanically ate up the leftover food.Then, after confirming that I too had emptied everything, he stood up and said.

"I'm going to go to the Sparring ground, Ji-Hyuk, what are you going to do?"

"Well. I should go and talk to Jin Ye-Seul first."

"… That's what you call her."


"No, that's a side story."

Choi Hyun-Woo, who made a strangely relieved look, shrugged.

"These days, Ahn Do-Hoon keeps asking for a match. We have to go there to spar unofficially."

"Ahn Do-Hoon? You're sparring with that guy...… Will it be okay?"

He nodded slightly at my question.

"Well…… I know what you're worried about, but he's changed a lot these days."

Choi Hyun-Woo said so and walked out waving his hand to me.

"Then see you tomorrow. I'll be ready for the weekend, so don't worry."


After parting with them, I immediately called Jin Ye-Seul.I was going to ask her to go with me this weekend, but when she heard my story, she replied in a voice that seemed apologetic and a loss for what to do.

― Oh, what should I do? I have to go to my parents' house this weekend...… .

"Oh, really?"

― Yes, it's been decided a long time ago and it's very important, so I can't miss it. I'm sorry… !

"What are you sorry for? It's my fault for suddenly asking."

― But, Ji-Hyuk, you asked for this… !

"Don't worry."

When I added that I was sorry for bringing it up for no reason, Jin Ye-Seul hesitated for a moment over the phone.

― Hey, Ji-Hyuk.


- You're not ...... disappointed in me, right?

I asked back as if I was wondering what she was talking about with her outrageous question.

"What are you talking about? Why would I be disappointed in you?"

― Right… ? Yeah…… Ji-Hyuk, you are...… Unlike those people...… .

Jin Ye-Seul, who had been muttering to herself like that, still spoke to me in a voice that seemed sorry.

― I'm really sorry…… .

"It's okay. I'm hanging up now."

― Oh, wait!

She stopped me as if screaming, then asked with hesitation.

― I…… am helpful to you, right?

I immediately answered her question, which seemed desperate for something.

"Yeah. Few people are as helpful to me as you are."

― That's right…… Yeah…… .

While muttering as if satisfied, Jin Ye-Seul hung up the phone, saying I'll see you later.Holding the cell phone in my hand, I walked away in dilemma.

‘Then who should I take?'

I can't take anyone who is half-hearted.At first, I vaguely thought of Lee Myung-Joon, but when I thought about it seriously, there was no way I could take him.However, I couldn't take Kim Yoo-Hyun or Lee Hyun-Seung.I didn't have a good relationship with Lee Ye-Eun or Cass Lyle yet.Ahn Do-Hoon was an exception from the beginning.

"What…… ."

I was in the middle of walking when I heard a muttering.

"Please, please extend the deadline a little longer. I've been paying back the interest all this time...… ."

Someone was pleading in a trembling voice.Recognizing that it was Lee Yu-Na's voice, I was listening without realizing it.

"No, I… … President. Honestly, if you suddenly shorten the deadline like this...… No! I'm not saying I feel bad, but I want you to consider my position...… ."

Lee Yu-Na was bent over, answering the phone with both hands.She was already particularly small, so that was more prominent.

"How can I make 200 million won in a month, president… ."

Lee Yu-Na was almost half crying now.It was when I was contemplating on what to do as I was unintentionally eavesdropping on her conversation.

"What? Tha, that... ! Pre, president! Wait a minute, no, I can pay you back, wai... !"

When a loud voice came from the other end of the phone, Lee Yu-Na, who was startled, hurriedly tried to say something, but the phone had already been disconnected.She stared blankly at her phone for a while, then pressed it to her forehead as if squeezing it.

"Ah…… What should I do...… ."

While muttering like that, she suddenly turned her head toward me.

When I met eyes with her half-tearful eyes, I was taken aback and startled.She looked at me and asked in a small voice.

"… Did you hear that?"

"Uh, yes. unintentionally."

"You heard that."

Mumbling like that, Lee Yu-Na quickly stole the corners of her eyes with the back of her hand.Then she stared at me and murmured.

"Hey, this…… You're not going to spread the word to the members, right?"

"No way. I am not that thoughtless."

"Okay, thanks."

With a nod, Lee Yu-Na approached with a quick step as if trying to walk past me.And as Lee Yu-Na passed me by, I reflexively grabbed her arm.


As she looked at me with a slight frown, as if to say what I was doing, I reflexively spat out.

"Do you want to work part-time?"