
Supreme Harem God Systemchapter 1165: i need to return and report this to the clan

1165 I need to return and report this to the Clan

"And of course, even if we do fail, we can always reset your memories to when you wake up and try the entire thing again.

We will get a perfect shot eventually, no?"

Amaya spoke with a small smile on her face and Morwen couldn't help but gulp when she realized what sort of people were aiming for the Black Order.


Suddenly, Nux called out.

"The Black Order was the ones who distributed the Artifacts to erase memories, no? I doubt they would distribute everything they have in their arsenal. What if it has Artifacts to read the erased memories? Wouldn't our plan backfire if that is the case? It might even put a stronger target on our back."

He spoke with a concerned look on his face, Amaya, however, shook her head, "Memory is not something that can be easily dealt with, it needs expert-level precision and mastery, and not many cultivators can do it. Honestly, the fact that the Black Order even has the Artifacts to erase memories is already quite commendable, as for the Artifacts that can read the 'erased' memories...

Well those simply do not exist.

The Erased memories can be seen as something that is destroyed, something that ceased to 'exist'.

Being able to see the erased memories would be no different than being able to revive a dead person, which is simply not possible."

From her tone, Amaya sounded very confident and this made Astaria frown in confusion.

"Why do you sound so sure? I doubt you had prior knowledge of the Artifacts related to memories."

"You are correct, I did not. The source behind my words is none other than Lady Vyriana."

"Master...?" Astaria narrowed her eyes.


"When did you ask her about this?" Nux questioned with a frown on his face, he didn't remember anything like this.

"I predicted we might get stuck in such a position after we enslaved Darrain, so when Lady Vyriana visited her, I took the opportunity to ask some questions about the Memory Artifacts and the other possibilities revolving around them." Amaya answered and as she did, the entire room turned silent and stared at her without knowing what to say.

"Why not just predict the end of the world?" Edda snorted. She had absolutely no clue how this Black-haired woman's head worked.

"The world isn't ending as long as we are alive."

Amaya simply shrugged, doing exactly what Edda told her to, predicting the future.


Edda turned silent again.

"I am so glad I married you." Nux, on the other hand, fell in love again.

His wife was just too big of a genius, a true beauty with brains.

"You should be." Amaya nodded arrogantly as she then chuckled.

Then, she turned towards Morwen and, "Should we continue with the plan then?"

"Where is the memory erasing artif-" Before Nux could even finish his sentence, Amaya took out a certain item from her Storage ring and everyone in the room realized what it was.

"I have already learned how to use it."

She spoke and no one doubted her words.

"Let's get done with the last few preparations."

She spoke as she turned towards Nux.

Nux nodded before opening the portal and Darrain walked out.

"Master Nux, do you need my help?" Darrain bowed his head, his body momentarily flinched when his eyes fell on Morwen, he saw her screaming in agony for 5 whole days with her own eyes, this reminded him about what kind of existence his master was and increased the loyalty he had for Nux by a thousand-fold.

However, even the thousand-fold loyalty didn't prepare Darrain for what Nux said the next moment,

"Yes, Darrain. I need you do something for me."

Nux nodded.

"What is it, Master Nux?" Darrain question.



"I need you to die for me to follow through my plan."

"M-Master Nux but-" Darrain, of course, wasn't willing to throw his life away, what he thought or not thought, however, didn't now matter as Nux suddenly tapped into the Slave Seal powers, then, He rewrote Darrain's entire personality as the man absolutely loyal to him, ready to do whatever he wanted him to do, even if it meant throwing his life away without asking even a single question.

"I would be glad to be of help to you, Master Nux."

Darrain spoke as he knelt on one knee and bowed his head. His eyes had lost their usual shine and he looked like a soulless puppet with no thoughts of his own. It was an eerie and disturbing site that made Morwen tremble in absolute fear, not only her, even Nux felt a little repulsed as he used the technique, he however, didn't let that show on his face and with an expressionless look, he turned towards Amaya and,

"What else do you want me to do?"

"Recreate the room the two of them were in, you do not have to be very thorough, just a rough rebuild will do since we wouldn't be giving Morwen any time to register her surroundings before making him explode.

Also, call the other members of the Clan we have enslaved and give them the Arcane Missiles and get them ready to attack Morwen from behind."

Amaya spoke, Nux nodded, soon, however, he frowned in confusion and,

"Wait, didn't Morwen deal with all the Bloodmoon Members before coming to Darrain, how can there be members attacking her from behind?"

"It doesn't matter, Morwen wouldn't be able to think that in that split second. The people from the Black Order reading her memories might notice it, but that would simply mean some people escaped Morwen's senses. Surprising, but again, the time interval is too short for them to consider it any further, there are too many factors to consider here, reaching a conclusion that connects to Morwen being a spy and this entire situation being a mere façade is... very unlikely."

Amaya shrugged.

Nux nodded in response.

He also understood that even in the worst-case scenario, the most they would lose would be Morwen since the Black Order would kill her, it would be a pity, but as long as no harm came to him or his wives, Nux didn't care.

Yes, living in this world for such a long time, he had truly become one of the residents of this world. Someone who didn't care about others'

lives as long as it wasn't his own or the people he cared about. It was a Dog-eat-Dog world and he understood this fact a long time ago.

Seeing their expressions, Morwen also understood that the only person whose life depended on all this was hers...

And what's worse?

She wasn't even going to remember all of this so that she could do her best to stay alive. She was stuck between two forces, one with absolute power, the other with almost otherworldly abilities.

Such was her fate and she had no way to resist it.

A weak smile appeared on her face as she thought about all this.

Nux, on the other hand, called other members of the Bloodmoon Clan, while the women with Earth Element started creating the room in which the entire scene would play out, and then, Amaya finally erased Morwen's memories.

30 minutes passed by, then, it was finally time to put the entire plan together.

"I am surprised to see you acting this bravely, it is almost as if you have someone coming to protect you and you are stalling for time." Morwen, who was standing in front of Darrain, covered in her Black Cloak spoke with a slightly surprised look on her face.

Unlike how Darrain flinched and gave himself away before, this time, a simple smile appeared on his face and,

"I do not need anyone to protect me, woman."

Darrain spoke.

Morwen's momentarily frowned, "How do you know I am a wo-"

However, before she could complete her question, her eyes widened in surprise and,


Darrain self-exploded.

Morwen was caught in the loud explosion, this however, was not the end as,


The Arcane missiles were shot.


Morwen couldn't believe how she was attacked from behind, however, facing direct explosions from two sides was too much, even for a

complete Saint like her, her body jerked, her blood pressure, her hormones, and all other things got into disharmony, a jolt rushed into her brain and, She passed out.

The 'next' day, when Morwen finally woke up, she realized that she was in front Rhidhian, the Second in Command of the Bloodmoon Clan.

"Oh, you woke up."

Rhidhian spoke as she glanced at Morwen.

Morwen realized that she had lost her arm and a leg, furthermore, she was bound by chains that sealed her cultivation.

"I am quite surprised that you managed to survive our attack." Rhidhian spoke.

Morwen narrowed her eyes, "And I am surprised that you have the balls to stand before me."

"I wonder if that is something the one who is bound by those chains should be saying."

Hearing those words, Morwen couldn't help but smile widely.

"This is why knowledge is so important."

"What do you me-"

Rhidian wanted to question, however, his Head was already rolling in the air and suddenly, the entire Bloodmoon Clan was alerted.

"She killed Rhidhian! Brothers! Take out the Arcane Missiles again!"

Morwen heard a shout and,


Another explosion was heard.

This time, however, Morwen, although caught in the explosion, managed to escape.

'I need to return and report this to the Clan.'