
Supreme Harem God Systemchapter 1164: a spy.

1164 A spy.

"Let us send her back."

Amaya spoke and a frown appeared on Nux's face.

"Send her back? Wouldn't that only make it more difficult for us? As she said, we are not the main focus of the Black Order right now, that is the only reason we are able to survive.

I do not wish to admit it, but the Black Order is stronger than us. After all, they are brave enough to challenge the Ancestral Order, you need to have some strength in order to do that. I doubt they only have 1-2 Complete Divine Stage Cultivators.

We need to take things slowly and learn about them and their goals. That is the only way we can make an impact here, otherwise, we will only end up being one of the countless Clans that the Black Order squashed away."

A grim look appeared on Nux's face, "They have the Artifacts to erase Memories, what is stopping them from having some artifacts that can help them read memories?

If they learn that I defeated their Saint and then enslaved her using the Slave Seal, they will come for us, even if it is just for the Slave Seal alone.

Sending her away is the risk we can't take."

Nux was decisive.

He may be arrogant, however, even he knew his limits.

And Black Order was not something he could mess with, not directly that is. If he had to go against them, he needed to create conditions that suited him and to do that, he needed to know more about the Black Order.

"We need to come up wi-" Nux wanted to come up with a different plan, then, however, he saw Amaya staring at him and something in his mind finally kicked in.

Who was he talking to?

Amaya was a woman who played around with enemies far stronger than her and survived in hell for years, her strategies had never failed before, how could she not have considered whatever he just said?

"Please continue what you were about to say."

Nux smiled wryly.

A playful smile appeared on Amaya's nigh-perfect face, then, she glanced at Morwen and,

"We will wipe her memories of what happened here, recreate the entire play, this time, with us controlling everything from behind the scenes.

She would approach Darrain, he would then suddenly self-destruct, his Clan members would then use the Arcane Missiles to attack her, she would get caught in that attack and would then return to her base since her target was dead.

This way, with the Slave Seal already implanted into her, we can use her as a Spy. They delete her memories before sending her to missions, we will be reading her memories before they are deleted, and since we will be doing it through the Slave Seal's memory reading ability, even she won't know that she is a spy let alone the Black Order."

Amaya revealed her plan, soon, however, a frown appeared on Melia's face.

"There are too many problems with this plan. I can tell that you will be relying on the Slave Seal to control Darrain's actions when he self-destructs, we would lose a Saint-level subordinate, but if your plan works, then it would be worth it, I agree."

Melia was not a saint, she didn't even bat an eyelid at how Amaya planned to sacrifice one of their subordinates, what she couldn't understand was,

"The timeline is the issue here.

Even if we do erase her memories, a day has passed since Morwen came here. One explosion has already happened, the Bloodmoon base is already in terrible shape, the Morwen whose memories have been erased would instantly note this anomaly and realize something is wrong.

I doubt she would continue with the plan if that happens."

Melia spoke as she glanced at Morwen. Morwen nodded as well, "The moment we feel something is wrong, even if it is something we have no control over, or something we do not understand at all, we are ordered to abandon the mission, return to the base, and give a report."

"Then isn't the problem solved? Morwen would return to their base and we can have a spy planted within the ranks of the Black Order." Nux spoke.

Melia, however, shook her head, "That will not work. It would be easy to realize that her memories have been tampered with since the timeline would not match, her noticing that the Clan is already destroyed even before she made a move and the Black Order knowing that explosion happened when she came to the Clan would be an easy giveaway. I doubt they would let her stay that easily after that."

"They will kill me."

Morwen replied, there was not even a spec of doubt on her face.

"If there are too many inconsistencies, they will simply kill me to avoid any unnecessary problems."

"..." Nux turned silent.

He wanted to say that they were too cruel, however, looking back at what he was doing, he knew he had no right to complain.

He simply turned back towards Amaya, wanting to hear her explanation.

"Timeline wouldn't be an issue, we will erase her memory till the part where she had a

conversation with Darrain and will recreate the entire scenario from there, we won't even give her the time to sense her surroundings and would make Darrain explode almost instantly.

We will also make sure that she passes out during the explosion and this will be shown as the explosion that happened yesterday, when in truth, all of this will be happening today.

Then, we will heal some of her wounds, wake her up, and manipulate her into running away, this time, the explosion Morwen would see would be the one that will be shown as what happened today, however, this time, we will be doing that inside another Dimension so that the timeline would match up.

With this, when Morwen would return to the base and they read her memories, they would realize how she lost her target, and although she might get punished for failing her mission,

I doubt they would kill her since almost no one would expect Darrain to take his life, especially considering his cowardly nature."

Amaya spoke and Morwen, who heard her plans nodded slowly, "If the plan follows through as you explained, the Black Order will not kill me. I may be a mere pawn in their eyes, however, in today's playing field, I am a useful pawn. However..."

"What is it?" Thyra questioned, sensing some doubt in Morwen's mind.

"I can see the first phase of the plan working once Darrain self explodes, my memory would start right from where it was erased and since Master Nux was there when all of this happened, he can help us recreate the entire situation perfectly.

What I do not understand is the second Phase of the plan. How would I know what to do after waking up, I would try to run away, obviously, but I would be in a completely different dimension, even if we do recreate some of the Bloodmoon Clan's structure, which would be easy now that most of the things here are debris, how would I return to Yrniel without knowing I am in a different one to begin with?"

"You don't have to worry about that. We can hide the Portal in such a way that in that little moment, you won't even know that you passed through a Portal and would return to Yrniel." Amaya replied.

"And how would I know where the Portal would be? If you need to hide the Portal, I am sure you need to make prior arrangements, how would I know what direction to run into in order to pass the Portal without you guys telling me to?"

Morwen's question was genuine.

Amaya, however, was not worried and simply glanced at her husband. Nux smiled,

understanding what Amaya wanted him to do.

Then suddenly, Morwen started walking towards Amaya.

"Why are you walking towards me?" Amaya

questioned with a playful smile on her face.

"What?" Morwen frowned in confusion.

"I asked why are you walking towards me?"

"Because I felt like it...?" Morwen replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"And why did you 'feel' like it?" Amaya questioned, her smile widening even more.

Morwen frowned, not understanding how to answer Amaya's absurd question, soon, however, her eyes widened in fright when she realized it.

"We can control your very instincts, Morwen.

With the Slave Seal implanted in you, we have absolute control over your body.

You will know where to run because your 'instincts' will tell you."

Amaya revealed and Morwen couldn't believe what she just experienced.

"And of course, even if we do fail, we can always reset your memories to when you wake up and try the entire thing again.

We will get a perfect shot eventually, no?"

Amaya spoke with a smile and Morwen finally realized.

These people... they were all monsters with abilities far more complex than anyone in the world could fathom.