
Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gatechapter 534.1: an ugly duckling [part 1]

"Y-You gotta be kidding me," Gerhart gave Lux a dumbfounded look before shifting his attention back to the row of words that had appeared in front of him.

< You are invited to join the guild Heaven's Gate >

< Do you accept? >

< Yes / No >

Gerhart had been staying in the Rowan Tribe ever since he had sustained serious injuries in the Lionheart Tournament when he faced Enil.

However, that didn't mean that he was unaware of what was happening around him. He could still clearly recall the day when a worldwide announcement was made, stating that a Mythical Guild had been founded.

Back then, he thought that a Saint, or some kind of Powerhouse, had discovered the secret for how to create a Guild that surpassed the highest tier guild, Adamantite.

The words that had appeared in front of him were proof that all of his assumptions were wrong, shocking him to his very core.

"Now I understand why Cai doesn't want to leave your guild," Gerhart said as he accepted the invitation to join Lux's guild.

Before he could even say anything else, several more rows of text appeared in front of him, which made him question his sanity.

< You have successfully joined Heaven's Gate >

< You gained +1000 Free Stat Points. Please distribute them according to your preferences. >

< Active Guild Buffs >

300% Health Regeneration

300% Mana Regeneration

300% Stamina Regeneration

100% Chance to learn skills from Beast Cores

100% Immunity to Charm Skill

100% Increase in Experience Points when killing Monsters

25% Chance of getting better Monster Drops

25% Chance of resisting Status Ailments

20% Increase in Physical and Magical Attacks

20% Increase in Physical and Magical Defense

20% Bonus Success Rate in Crafting items

Gerhart rubbed his eye before shifting his gaze back to the rows of text in front of him. No matter how many times he rubbed his eye, the information didn't change, which made him look at Lux in disbelief.

"Is this a prank?" Gerhart asked because he was starting to doubt whether what he was seeing was real or not.

Lux smiled upon seeing his fellow Half-Elf's priceless reaction.

"Does it feel like a prank?" Lux asked back. "Why don't you open your Soul Book and see if those buffs are active or not?"

Gerhart did as he was told and summoned his Soul Book. Half a minute later, his body stiffened because the buffs he had read earlier were currently present on the Status Page of his Soul Book.

When he regained his composure, he looked at Lux with a solemn expression on his face.

"Are you really the Guildmaster of Heavens' Gate?"


Gerhard quieted down after hearing Lux's answer as if he was digesting everything that he had witnessed during this short period of time.

The green-haired Half-Elf was still reeling from the shock of actually meeting the Guildmaster of the one and only Mythical Guild in the world. This was something that he didn't expect to happen after the Saint of the Rowan Tribe, Maximilian, had asked him to accompany Lux in his travels.

Before they left the Rowan Tribe, Lux had told him that following him was a very dangerous thing. At first, he thought that the red-headed teenager was just joking. However, after seeing one of the secrets that Lux was hiding, Gerhart finally understood that every word that Lux had said was true.

If someone powerful were to discover that the Half-Elf in front of him was the Guildmaster of the Mythical Guild, Heaven's Gate, who knows what kind of diabolical plans they would make in order to force Lux to submit to their will?

"Thank you, and I promise that I will keep this secret safe," Gerhart vowed.

"That is all I ask," Lux replied. "Now, are you ready to go?"

Lux and Eiko had already bid their goodbyes to Iris, Alexander, and Alicia, and had left Barbatos Academy an hour ago.

Currently, he and Gerhart were in a secluded clearing in the forest near the academy. Lux didn't want to enter Elysium inside Barbatos Academy because many people had seen him come in.

If they didn't see him come out, he was worried that unnecessary rumors and problems might arise in the future.

Because of this, he decided to openly leave the Academy.

Even if there were spies that belonged to the Six Kingdoms that were paying close attention to his whereabouts, they would know that he was no longer inside the Academy and think that he might be on his way back to Wildgarde Stronghold.

"Before we go to our Guild Headquarters, make sure to keep the location of our base a secret," Lux stated. "As you may already know, we can't openly declare our organization to the world, or else we might find ourselves in a lot of trouble. The name of the Guild we currently use is Ars Goetia. If anyone asks you in the future, this is the answer that you will give them, okay?"

Gerhart nodded. "Understood. I will tell them that I am a member of the Guild Ars Goetia."

Lux gave Gerhart a brief nod before telling him the password that would allow him to teleport to their Guild Headquarters.

In order to make things simple, as well as make an excuse for his ability to travel anywhere, Lux used the same words that Eriol told him whenever he activated the Ring of Arondight, which sent him to the Dwarven Kingdom of Gweliven.

"Open! Heaven's Gate!" Lux declared.

Gerhart said the same, and a moment later, both of them turned into particles of light as they began their journey and teleported to their Guild Headquarters that was currently stationed in the Outer Reaches of Karshvar Draconis.

Outer Reaches, Karshvar Draconis...

"Who are you girls, and what are you doing here?" Cethus asked the three ladies who had suddenly appeared in front of the white, marble palace that served as Lux's headquarters.

"Our mistress here came to meet the owner of this place," Ali said as she fearlessly looked at the Dragon Born, who stood at the entrance of Lux's Guild Headquarters, preventing the three ladies from barging inside without permission.

"Meet the owner of this place?" Cethus snorted. "Lux is currently not here, so all of you can scram."

"What do you mean he's not here?" Ari inquired. "Our mistress has traveled a long way just to meet him. It would be best if you get in touch with him as soon as you can before our Mistress gets angry."

The corner of the Dragon Born's lips twitched when he heard Ari's words. He didn't know whether he was talking to country bumpkins because they seemed to not recognize the uniform that he was wearing.

As one of the Royal Guards that served directly under the Dragon King, his position was enough to command a degree of awe and respect from the residents of Karshvar Draconis.

However, the three ladies who were standing in front of him didn't seem to know his position and Rank.

"Listen, Country Bumpkins," Cethus said in a firm and resolute tone.

"This is not a place for sightseeing. Go back to where you have come from and leave this place at once. Otherwise, I will arrest you for obstructing my duty. Can't you see my uniform? I am one of the Royal Guards of his Majesty. If you three know what's good for you, you better behave yourselves and leave while I'm still being nice."

Ali and Ari looked at Cethus with contempt.

So what if you are a Royal Guard? Do you know who we are?

Do you know who my mistress is?

Even the Dragon King doesn't dare to offend our young lady, and you dare call us Country Bumpkins?

Ali and Ari were very tempted to say these words to Cethus, but they held their tongues. They understood that their Princess was supposed to be traveling in secret.

Taking this into consideration, they couldn't possibly expose her identity, especially in front of one of the Royal Guards that served the Dragon King.

While the two maids were contemplating on what to do, Valerie, who was disguised as a plain-looking young lady, took a step forward and placed her two hands on her waist.

"Listen here, Mr. Royal Guard," Valerie said. "I am the second princess of Karshvar Draconis, Princess Valerie. I command you to step aside so that we can explore this marble castle."

Cethus looked down at the plain-looking girl for a few seconds before roaring in laughter.

"Girl, that was a good one!" Cethus laughed. "Just who do you think I am? I am Cethus, one of the most trusted subordinates of the Dragon King. Do you really think I don't know what Princess Valerie looks like? Do you think that our beautiful princess looks like an ugly duckling like you?"

Ali and Ari gasped after hearing Cethus teasing words. Both of the maids looked at the Dragon Born as if they were looking at a pig about to be slaughtered.

Hiding above the clouds of the Outer Reaches, an old lady sighed after hearing Cethus' words.

"Isn't that your grandson?" one of the High-Rankers standing beside the old lady asked in a teasing tone. "It seems that he had become bolder after becoming one of the Royal Guards."

The old lady sighed for the second time before summoning a walking stick in her hand.

Just as she was planning to descend from her hiding place to whack her stupid grandson, two beams of light landed in front of the entrance of the white marble castle.

When the light receded, Lux, Eiko, and Gerhart materialized in front of Cethus and the three ladies, which caught them completely by surprise.

"Long time no see, Cethus," Lux said with a smile. "Did anything happen to my guild while I was away?"

The plain-looking girl, who was standing behind the two beautiful maids, looked at the red-headed teenager who had appeared out of nowhere.

As if sensing her gaze, the Half-Elf turned to look in her direction and gave Valerie a casual smile before shifting his gaze back to the Dragon Born, who seemed to be in conflict with the three ladies, who were currently standing at the entrance of his Guild Headquarters.

This was how Valerie met Lux and also the beginning of the Half-Elf's hardships in the floating Kingdom of Karshvar Draconis.