
Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gatechapter 533: father, do you plan to become a king?

Iris shuddered as her hands were wrapped around Lux's head.

Her ragged breaths permeated the room as she accepted her fiance's hot and passionate love deep inside her.

"You are rougher than usual," Iris said as she looked down at the Half-Elf, whose hands were resting on her waist, holding her in place. "Is it because we didn't have the chance to do it back in the Rowan Tribe, or because you are leaving tomorrow?"

"Both," Lux replied before planting a kiss on Iris' neck, nibbling it to leave his mark.

Iris didn't resist and allowed her beloved to mark her inside and out. Lux would leave once again to go back to Elysium and handle the issues with his Guild, and they wouldn't be able to see each other for a month or two.

Perhaps, knowing that this was the last time that he would be able to make love with Iris for a while, the Half-Elf and the blue-haired beauty indulged each other's love for each other by becoming one.

"You're still hard…," Iris whimpered as Lux lightly bit her nipple, sending shivers down her spine. "Just how pent-up are you?"

"This is your punishment for teasing me back in the Rowan Tribe," Lux replied before sucking the pink tip in his mouth, making Iris gasp.

A minute later, the room was filled with Iris' seductive moans as Lux made love to her for the third time.

Eiko was currently playing with Iris' Guardian Beasts, allowing her parents to spend some quality time with each other.

The two only stopped when Iris' Red Phoenix, Zoe, informed Iris that Eiko was now on her way back to their bedroom, forcing Lux and her to cancel their 5th round of lovemaking.


Fifteen minutes later…

"Pa! Ma!"

Eiko happily entered the room and jumped on Iris' lap, who was busy drying her hair with a bath towel.

"Welcome back, Eiko," Iris said as she patted the Baby Slime's head. "Did you have fun with the others?

"Un!" Eiko nodded her head. "Fun!"

"That's good."


The blue-haired beauty and the Baby Slime continued to chat with each other for a few minutes before Lux placed a set of clothes beside his fiance.

He was now fully dressed and had a very satisfied smile on his face, which made Iris blush.

The blue-haired beauty had several kiss marks on her body. Fortunately, only the one on her neck could be seen by people, while the rest were hidden under her clothes.

"Are you hungry, Eiko?" Iris asked the Baby Slime who was looking at the kiss mark on Iris' neck.

"Ma!" Eiko replied before using the skill Cure on Iris' neck, erasing the mark that was left by her Papa.

Lux scratched his head when he saw what the Baby Slime did, but he didn't say a word and only smiled.

He understood that Eiko didn't want to see her Mama hurt, so she used her Cure ability in order to heal the small mark on Iris' neck.

"Good girl!" Iris said as she patted Eiko's head, making the Baby Slime giggle. She then gave Lux a teasing smile, which made the latter shake his head helplessly.

Ten minutes later, Lux, Iris, and Eiko went to the Dining Area to have dinner with Alexander and Gerhart.

This was the last night he would spend with his fiance and stepfather before he returned to Elysium with the green-haired Half-Elf, who had been entrusted to him by Maximilian.

When they arrived at the dining room table, the Headmaster of the Barbatos Academy and the green-haired Half-Elf were having a serious discussion about the current state of affairs within the Six Kingdoms.

"The Barbarian King plans to expand his territory once the medicine for the Purple Plague starts mass production," Gerhart stated. "The other Kingdoms are planning to do the same. I don't know if getting the cure for the Plague was a good or bad thing, but the status quo of the Six Kingdoms will certainly break once they start their expansions."

Alexander nodded. "Of course getting the medicine for the Purple Plague is a good thing. At one point in time, the Six Kingdoms were forced to exterminate entire cities, towns, and villages, to prevent the plague from spreading.

"Now, only those who venture too far from the borders have the possibility of getting infected by the disease. Land reclamation is a tedious thing, and it will allow the Six Kingdoms to focus on something else, rather than always scheming behind each other's back."

The Headmaster of Barbatos Academy smirked because he also planned to send his elite subordinates to carve out a piece of territory for their Academy after their Alchemists had finished producing enough pills to prevent those he sent from being infected by the Purple Plague.

"Father, are you planning to join the Six Kingdoms in expanding the Academy's influence?" Iris asked as she sat beside her father.

"Yes," Alexander replied. "If we move too slowly, it will be too late for us to get anything. Besides, I want to be the first one to reach Arcadia."

Lux frowned after hearing what his Stepfather was planning to do.

Arcadia was the former capital of a once prosperous Kingdom that had fallen after the Hundred Year War that razed the world.

Barbatos Academy was an Academy where anyone from the Six Kingdoms could come if they wanted to make their mark in Elysium.

Since most Guilds in the Six Kingdoms had their own factions, they only handpicked the best, leaving the others behind. Those who were not chosen would go to Barbatos Academy to try their luck.

These students were trained in various courses like Martial Arts, Sorcery, Craftsmanship, and other courses that would allow them to learn skills that they couldn't learn from their respective Kingdoms.

Truth be told, the majority of the students in Barbatos Academy were commoners.

Similar to Nero, there were gems among them, and these teenage boys and girls were then recruited into the Serenity Guild, which had become one of the most influential Guilds in Solais and Elysium.

Because of the danger of the Purple Plague, the Six Kingdoms and other factions stayed put.

Alexander also didn't bother looking for a piece of land to extend their influence to because of the danger the plague brought.

But this would change now that Maximilian developed the cure for the Purple Plague. With the capital of a once thriving Kingdom for the taking, the Saint of Barbatos Academy wouldn't sit by and watch others take Arcadia for themselves!

"Father, do you plan to become a King?" Lux asked as he sat beside Iris.

Alexander shook his head. "I plan to claim Arcadia so that there will be a place for our family to call our home. Also, this is for the sake of the future generations."

The Headmaster of Barbatos Academy gave Lux a meaningful gaze, which made the latter nod his head in understanding.

Although Alexander skirted around the subject, the Half-Elf understood that his stepfather was preparing to build a kingdom for his and Iris' future children.

Lux knew that he had no intention of becoming a King, so ruling Arcadia didn't interest him. Besides, Alexander was more fit to become a monarch since he specialized in commanding an entire organization like the Barbatos Academy.

"When you leave for Elysium, make sure to be as lowkey as possible, so the Six Kingdoms, the Xynnar War Pact, and the Skystead Alliance will not be able to sniff you out. They are currently trying to find excuses in order to force you to return to the Sacred Dungeon right away and help them conquer the last remaining gate."

Lux nodded. "Don't worry, Father. I am very good at being lowkey. No matter what the Six Kingdoms, Xynnar War Pact, and the Skystead Alliance do, they will not be able to find me."

Lux gave Alexander a meaningful smile. He wasn't too worried about his actions in Elysium being discovered by others.

He was certain that no matter how influential these factions were, they had no way to travel to the Dwarven Kingdom of Gweliven, much less the floating island of Karshvar Draconis.

Seeing how confident Lux was, Alexander felt more assured that the Half-Elf would not be bothered by the three factions, who had been trying to contact him non-stop for the past few days.

"By the way, did you give the Ore to Maximilian?" Alexander asked before making a gesture for the maids to serve the food on their table.

Lux nodded. "I left it with Keane and asked him to only give it to Sir Maximilian two days after we left the Rowan Tribe. I'm afraid that Cai's Grandpa would pester me for more if I personally gave it to him, so I decided to use a middleman to prevent future troubles from arising."

The corner of Alexander's lips slightly rose because he approved of Lux's decision.

If Maximilian knew that Lux had more Draconium Ore in his possession, the Saint of the Rowan Tribe might have prevented the Half-Elf from leaving, until he had emptied Lux's pockets of the precious Ore that was enough to make Blacksmiths and Jewel Smiths go crazy due to how rare it was.