
Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gatechapter 512: hah! you think i’m scared of you?!

As the Vanguards of the Ammarian Army died one by one, the scattered survivors ran towards the South, hoping that they would be able to escape the pursuit of the Yelan Army.

Fortunately for them, Great General Sherlock called off the pursuit after making sure that the scattered enemies had lost the will to continue the war against them. According to his estimate, nearly thirty thousand troops of the Ammarian Army had managed to escape, but he was fine with that.

The survivors would return to their Kingdom and tell their King that fighting against the Yelan Army was a stupid thing to do, which would probably give both Kingdoms a few years of peace before the start of another war.

"Thank you for everything, Lux," Great General Sherlock said as he gave the Half-Elf a respectful bow. "I am certain that we wouldn't have won without your help."

"Thank you for believing in us." Lux returned the Gnome's bow with a bow of his own. "I just pray that the next time we meet, it will be a more peaceful time, free of war and suffering."

Great General Sherlock chuckled after hearing Lux's words. The Gnome knew that peace between the Ammarian Kingdom and the Yelan Kingdom wouldn't be happening anytime soon, but for now, he was happy that the current war had ended.

Just as Lux and Great General Sherlock were about to continue their conversation, loud cheers erupted from the Yelan Camp, which made the Half-Elf Lux glance in the direction where everyone was looking.

Tied up on a steel pole and paraded in front of the soldiers was none other than the Great General of the Ammarian Kingdom, Gideon.

The highest commanding officer of their enemy had several wounds on his body and a defeated expression on his face.

The opposite was true for Great General Watson, who had a big smile on his face as he waved at the soldiers, whose cheers grew louder.

Walking beside him was General Carran, who had a calm expression on his face. However, if one were to look closely, they could see that the corner of his lips were raised slightly, proving that he was in a very good mood.

"Lux, my boy. We finally did it!" Great General Watson shouted. "We won!"

The Half-Elf smiled and pressed his right fist against his palm before giving Great General Watson a brief bow.

"Fortune smiled upon you, Great General," Lux declared. "May you and the Yelan Army continue to prosper!"

This declaration made the Yelan Soldiers cheer the Half-Elf's name, making Great General Watson roar in laughter.

"It's you!" Great General Gideon glared at the Half-Elf who had caused their army's defeat. "You traitor! How can you switch sides like this?!"

"How?" The corner of Lux's lips rose as he looked at the enemy Great General. "I was never on your side to begin with. Also, the rewards you offered me were stingy. Do you think I'm that cheap?"

Great General Gideon wanted to say more, but his words were drowned out by a loud shout that was coming from the side of the Yelan Army.


Cai, who had somehow regained consciousness after the battle ended, suddenly felt the strong urge to Kill Steal err… give the killing blow to the Great General because she was out of commission for the entire battle.

Seeing that the highest commanding officer of the enemy army was right in front of her eyes, she decided to deliver the Coup de Grace in order to get more rewards from their quest.

Fortunately, Zagan's Blood Golem, which was now 70 meters tall, was still active.

With a single order from Lux, the Blood Golem grabbed the greedy boar with both hands and held it in place.

"Let go of me!" Cai shouted. "Don't get in the way of my money treeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

Lux covered his face with his left hand because Cai had returned to her greedy escapades.

'I still prefer her in a human form.' Lux scratched his head as he looked at the squealing pig that was struggling to escape the Blood Golem's grip. 'She's cuter that way.'

Iris had told him that Cai's attitude when she was a Boar was very different when she was in human form. She added that the girl Cai is actually a very shy person, who would sometimes stutter when approached by someone she wasn't close with.

Lux chuckled when he heard Iris' confession and linked Cai to an online keyboard warrior who liked to troll on social sites but was actually a quiet person in real life.

'I hope I will be able to see that shy Cai in the future,' Lux mused.

Seeing that Cai had regained consciousness, Fei Fei immediately ran towards her Master and jumped on the Blood Golem's hand.

"Fei Fei! Help me!" Cai said as soon as she saw her Baby Slime whom she hadn't seen when she woke up.

"Waeeee!" Fei Fei replied before spitting up a Golden Chalice, which made Cai cease all actions.

The Boar's body shuddered when she saw the National Treasure of the Ammarian Kingdom. Just like Fei Fei, Cai had a very keen sense when it came to treasures. One glance was enough to tell her that the Golden Chalice in front of her was a Legendary Item.

"Oh, Fei Fei! I love you!" Cai shouted as she nuzzled the Golden Baby Slime, who giggled and nuzzled her back.

Seeing the Golden Chalice that had been stolen from him, Great General Gideon roared at the Boar and the Baby Slime with hatred.

"You bastards! Don't think that you can get away with stealing our Kingdom's National Treasure!" Great General Gideon shouted. "Our Kingdom will hunt you down until the end of the world if that's what it takes to get Clemence back! If you value your lives, return it to my King immediately! A peace treaty is even possible if you do as I say!"

Cai, who heard Great General GIdeon's words, immediately stored the Golden Chalice inside her spatial storage.

Giving a Legendary Item back?

Not a chance!

"Hah! You think I'm scared of you?!" Cai shouted back. "Chase me until the end of the world? Go ahead! I dare you! Do you think you can bully me? My Grandpa will slap anyone who dares to hurt me, you know? We'll see who's afraid of who!"

"Da Waaaaaaaaaaaae!" Fei Fei also shouted back and glared at the Great General who planned to take back the Legendary Treasure that she had stolen for her Master.

Great General Gideon continued to glare at the shameless Boar before shifting his gaze to Great General Watson who was standing by his side.

"Return the Chalice to our Kingdom and a peace treaty can be negotiated," Great General Gideon stated. "If you don't return the Chalice to our King, he will definitely mobilize all the manpower in our kingdom and launch an all-out assault on your homeland!"

Great General Watson snorted after hearing the defeated General's threat.

"You've already tried to invade our Kingdom many times," Great General Watson scoffed. "Do you think we can trust your words or the words of your King? If you want to fight, then let's fight! We will meet you all on the battlefield!"

The Yelan Soldiers all cheered as they supported their Great General's words.

"Fools! You don't know what you're talking about!" Great General Gideon shouted. "Do you really think that Clemence is a simple artifact? It is an artifact that allows someone to…"

The Great General suddenly realized that he almost spilled a state secret, so he immediately shut his mouth tight to prevent him from speaking any more words that might bring light to the true usage of the Golden Chalice that was currently in the Boar's hands.

Great General Watson and General Carran arched an eyebrow as they looked at the Great General who suddenly stopped talking.

Lux, who was very curious on Clemence's true abilities used his Soul Book, to appraise the artifact using the power of the Elysium Compendium.


< Clemence, The Chalice Of Reversal >

Rarity: Legendary Artifact

Main Ability: Locked

Secondary Ability: Able to unleash a single target attack that is equal to a full-powered strike from an Argonaut-Ranked World Boss.

– Number of uses (2/2)

Third Ability: Able to tame any creature up to the Argonaut Rank and make them your loyal subordinate.

– Number of uses (2/2)

< Important Notice >

– Take note that the Second and Third Ability's usage are one and the same. Using one of the abilities will consume the quota of the other.

– The Second and Third Ability of the Chalice of Reversal can only be used two more times.


The Half-Elf sighed after reading the information of the Golden Chalice that was currently in Cai's possession. It was indeed a Chalice of Reversal because its two abilities could definitely create a complete reversal when used at the right moment.