
Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gatechapter 511: i will laugh at all of you from the pits of hell!

The sudden explosion in the center of their formation caused wide-spread confusion within the ranks of the Ammarian Army.

Great General Gideon, wasn't the only one that fell on the sinkhole.

The Great Banner of the Ammarian Kingdom, who represented their Army's might, fell along with him, which caused a subtle ripple within the subconscious minds of the Soldiers who saw the unexpected turn of events from a distance.

During wars, the flag of the Army held a significant meaning.

As long as it stood, it gave their Army some kind of morale support, and the moment it fell, it meant that their Great General had been defeated, or killed, signaling that the battle was already lost.

"Do it now!" Lux shouted as he raised his hands in front of him.

Zagan turned into a black lightning bolt and flew past the fighting Griffins and Hippogriffs in the sky, in order to reach deep behind the enemy ranks.

Due to what happened to their Great General, a gap in concentration, focus, and momentum appeared within the Ammarian Army, which allowed Zagan to break through their defenses in a heartbeat.

The High-Ranking Demon then descended where the highest concentration of Soldiers were, and returned to his original form.

Diablo, who had hitched a ride on Zagan's back, jumped off with his sword, Blood Moon, raised high.

The Death Knight, who was Lux's firstborn was weaker than Zagan when it came to their combined stats, but due to the Armor set he was wearing, his attack power far surpassed any of Lux's summons in the battlefield.

Right now, Diablo's attack power was almost half a million, which meant that a single strike from him could…

"Whirlwind Slash!" Diablo shouted as he swung his sword, creating powerful gusts of wind that instantly annihilated all the soldiers around the place where he landed.

Fountains of blood erupted in the air as the Death Knight fixed his burning eyes on the enemies that were looking at him in shock and horror.

Before anyone could even do anything, Diablo stomped his foot on the ground and leapt through the air to deliver another attack that would kill more people.

"Hellfire Annihilation Slash!" Diablo roared as he slashed his sword forward, creating an attack that was bathed with the flames of Hell.

A column of Raging Flames erupted within the Ranks of the Ammarian Army and traveled in a straight line, turning everything it touched to ashes.

While this was happening, two Griffins flew above Diablo's head, which made the surrounding soldiers hopeful that their Aerial Cavalry had come to save them.

However, Diablo's powerful attacks had created gusts of wind that blew the black hoods that covered the head of the riders of the two Griffins off.

Instead of their brave men, the Soldiers only saw two Archliches whose deathly gaze looked down upon all of them as if they were already dead people.

Diablo immediately leapt into the air, and was caught by Zagan, who was waiting for their backup to arrive. This was the opportunity that they were waiting for, and now that it had finally been realized, it was time to give their enemies a very painful and tragic death.

""Corpse Explosion!""

Asmodeus' two clones activated the most devastating skill in Lux's possession, deep within the ranks of the Ammarian Army.

Lux didn't know if the scream he heard in the distance was because the soldiers saw the two Archliches and knew what they were about to do, or if they screamed because of the pain that hit them when the person in front of them exploded, sending blood, flesh, and bone, flying in every direction.

As the notorious skill started to exterminate everyone in sight, like a wave of death expanding outwards, Zagan pointed at the ground and created a Nightmare that they would remember until their very last moments.

"Blood Golem!"

The blood that had dyed the ground red, all rose up in the air and merged together to form an abomination that could be summoned using the blood of thousands of dead people.

When the sixty-meter tall Blood Golem, that was now an Argonaut-Ranked World Boss, appeared in the center of the battlefield, the Soldiers that were still alive finally lost their composure, and ran away with all of their might.

Just like the receding waves going back to sea, the rear of the Ammarian Army retreated as fast as they could, leaving their right, and left flank behind.

The vanguard, who were fighting with the bulk of the Yelan Army, found themselves isolated from their comrades.

General Herodes' expression became grim when he finally understood the situation they were in.

Even the Griffin Cavalry in the sky stopped fighting their opponents and hastily retreated after losing their main chain of command, leaving the vanguard to fend for themselves.

"Show no mercy!" Great General Watson roared as he and General Carran worked hand in hand to attack General Herodes who had no path of retreat.

"Damn you!" General Herodes cursed loudly as he fought against the two Rankers with every ounce of strength that he could muster.

The thought of surrendering momentarily flashed inside his head, but seeing how his two opponents were going all out to kill him, he had a feeling that they wouldn't show him any mercy even if he surrendered.

Since that was the case, he would just fight till the bitter end!

The remaining Ammarian Soldiers who were fighting alongside their General, probably realized this as well. So, instead of retreating, they fought with the intention of bringing their enemies to the afterlife with them.

The Yelan Army weren't fazed by their temporary boost in determination. All of them were already prepared to die from the start, so nothing had changed when their enemies became slightly more ferocious in the way they fought.

With the two sides out for each other's blood, the battle continued for nearly half an hour before Great General Watson's halberd tore General Herodes' left arm from his body.

General Carran didn't let up on his attacks either and followed up with an attack that sliced off the Ammarian General's dominant right hand that was wielding his weapon.

"Kill me!" General Herodes shouted as blood flowed from his severed arms. "You Yelan Scums! Even if I die here, the Ammarian Kingdom will prevail! We will conquer your lands and make your people our slaves! I will laugh at all of you from the pits of Hell!"

Great General Watson snorted, but he didn't give the killing blow to the Ammarian General who was currently in a very pitiful state.

"You're wrong, Herodes," General Carran replied. "The Tyranny of your Kingdom is about to meet its end. This battle is only the beginning. Do you think that the Kingdoms that you once vanquished in the past have forgotten how you treated their people?"

The strongest General of the Yelan Army sneered at their enemy, who until his last moments believed that they would still become triumphant in their conquest of the Yelan Kingdom.

"You can go to Hell and watch how your beloved kingdom is torn apart by those you have enslaved," Great General Watson said. "I'm sure it will be a show worth watching."

"Damn you, Watson!" General Herodes roared as he charged at the Great General of the Yelan Army with the intention of biting him until he drew his last breath.

Unfortunately, this plan was never going to work.

With a kick from Watson, the Ammarian General was sent flying before crashing face first on the ground.

"You want death, but unfortunately, we have promised someone that all of your heads belong to him, and his Mercenary Group," General Carran stated. "So, even if you die, you will not die by our hands."

As if waiting for that moment, a Dwarf Assassin appeared beside the fallen General. "Your friends are waiting for you in Hell," Sid said before he stabbed his poisoned blade into the back of General Herodes' neck.

"You shouldn't keep them waiting." Sid twisted his blade, breaking the Ammarian General's neck and severing his spinal cord.

The Dwarf Assassin yanked his dagger out then swung it to his side, removing the bloodstains on its surface before sheathing the dagger behind his back.

Great General Watson and General Carran watched as Lux's subordinate stored the General Herodes' corpse inside his Bounty Ring, which Bounty Hunters used to store the dead bodies of their targets.

Since they needed proof of their kill, they would bring the dead body to their clients in order to complete their mission. Also, Asmodeus loved to get his hands on the bodies of Rankers for his experiments.

Lux didn't mind giving the Archlich the bodies of a few Rankers because whatever Asmodeus did would benefit him as well.

Besides, he already had claimed Second's and General Revon's bodies for himself, and that was enough.

He wanted Second because his potential to become a strategist like Asmodeus was very high.

As for General Revon, Lux wanted the body of the Ranker who had almost succeeded in killing him so he could become the Commander of his Animated Undead Army.

As for the other Rankers? Asmodeus could have them. The Half-Elf didn't have enough resources to create many powerful Undeads at the moment.

Keoza had helped him transfer the Seed of the Abyss to Second's body, allowing the latter to evolve into a High-Ranking Demon, whose abilities far exceeded Lux's expectations.

As for General Revon, he still had some Beast Cores from the Tournament that he could use to transform his body into a powerful Creature that would serve him faithfully in the future.

"Watson, we've finally done it," General Carran said as he looked at the retreating Ammarian Army in the distance.

"Yes," Great General Watson replied. "But, there's still one thing we need to do."

General Carran nodded before summoning his mount.

Great General Watson also summoned his mount, and together, the two High-Ranking Officers of the Yalan Army, charged in the direction of the giant sinkhole.

The Blood Golem was still rampaging in the distance, so this was a perfect opportunity to see if the Great General of the Ammarian Army was still alive or not.

They had made an agreement with Lux that, if possible, they would capture Great General Gideon alive, to be surrendered to the Yelan Kingdom as a hostage.

Lux agreed because he didn't want to be too greedy.

The Half-Elf knew that the moment the Great General of the Ammarian Kingdom was captured, it would also mark the end of the bloody war that had claimed countless lives from both armies.

"Master, we won," Asmodeus said as he pressed both of his hands together and bowed to the Half-Elf by his side.

Lux smiled as he patted the heads of the two Baby Slimes that he was currently holding in his arms.

"Both of you did well, Eiko, Fei Fei," Lux praised the two Baby Slimes who looked exhausted, but very satisfied with the praise they were getting.

The Half-Elf then shifted his gaze towards the battlefield before ordering his Undead Army to carry out the cleanup operation.

Their mission was still not completed, so they still had things to do. Even so, Lux was confident that before the day was over, the Quest they received when they entered the Gate of Conquest would finally come to an end.