
Solo Max-Level Newbiechapter 28: the master of the corrupted corridor (2)

Chapter 28: The Master of the Corrupted Corridor (2) How long had they walked? Eventually, a massive door appeared before the two of them. Decorations reminiscent of ancient Greece.

But what was concerning wasn’t the appearance. ‘This is….’ Jinhyuk frowned. Zzzt! Zzzt!

Tremendous magical power. Despite the presence of a door that blocked magic, this pressure was immense. Glancing to the side, Teresa’s face had turned ashen. “We have to face this monster, just the two of us?” Her voice trembled thinly.

It was unsurprising. The magic piercing their skins crushed any will to fight. “There’s no need to be scared. We knew the enemy was strong all along, didn’t we?” “But, well…” “Moreover, battles don’t always end in the stronger side’s victory.” Strategies and tactics were devised to overcome inferior power.

If every contest was decided by the magnitude of magic… ‘I never would have reached the last floor of the tower.’ “Do you have a plan?” “Just one thing. No matter what happens in there, trust me.” Jinhyuk uttered briefly, pulling out a dagger. “What… what does that mean?” Teresa asked, but Jinhyuk didn’t answer. Instead.

Creak… He reached out and opened the door. *** A splendid view unfolded with dazzling light. Floors and pillars made of gold. In a place where red drapes cascaded, an imposing throne stood. “Finally, you’ve arrived.

I’ve grown weary from waiting.” The lounging woman smiled. Jinhyuk directly faced his opponent. ‘Stunning, no matter how many times I see it.’ Long silver hair down to her waist and red eyes. A body so enchanting it nearly oozed decadence.

Indeed, the very image of an immortal vampire. And she was terrifying enough on her own… But there were twelve of her kin lined up beside her, each one looking formidable. “Are the people safe?” “Haven’t laid a finger on them, so no need to worry.” Elise gestured lightly. Then. [Lv??

Dimensional Block will be lifted.] The veil was lifted, revealing people who had been taken as captives. “Ughh!” “Mmph! Mfhh! Ughh!” Muffled and blindfolded, they were bound and silenced.

Everyone from the assault squad, including Song Chunhwa, to Kim, the team lead, and the porters seemed mostly unharmed. …Thankfully. [Lv2 ‘Eyes of Truth’ activates.] Scanning the group with ‘Eyes of Truth,’ Jinhyuk checked for names and statuses in the dozens of status windows that flickered past. Despite the severe drain of magic, he pushed himself to confirm everyone’s condition. He had to find… ‘That guy.’ At that moment. “Now that you’ve seen the hostages are safe, I guess it’s my turn to ask questions.” Elise, who had been waiting, spoke up.

Her question was not just an inquiry, but an implicit order to answer. To refuse meant to kill all the humans in this palace. “Ask away. I am curious about the reasons behind this elaborate setup myself.” “I invited you here because of the scent emanating from you.” “Scent?” It wasn’t the smell of sweat.

If it was a scent that could excite a vampire… could it be? “Yes. The sweet fragrance of blood that flows from you! A scent so delectable it aroused me, far more exquisite than any ordinary human could offer.” Damn.

There were plenty of Type B men strewn across the streets, so why this sudden craving for delectable blood? Jinhyuk pressed his temples with a fingertip. “You seem quite troubled.” “Well, wouldn’t anyone be, with plans to be made into a mummy by having their blood sucked out?” It was even less comforting if put that way. Essentially, she was saying, ‘I’ll keep you alive to jab a straw into your neck whenever I’m hungry.’ “I appreciate the offer, but I have no desire to live as a vampire’s deluxe packed lunch.” Find someone else with that kind of twisted hobby.

Surely someone out there would enjoy it. “I’m afraid you’ve been given no choice in the matter.” “I’m aware. I wasn’t suggesting that it would be up to you… Let’s offer something else in exchange for blood.” “Oh?” Did the audacious suggestion pique her interest? Elise’s smile deepened a shade.

But it was only for a moment. “To us, there’s nothing more precious than delicious blood. Whatever you propose, my decision will remain unchanged.” “What if that ‘something else’ were ‘freedom’?” “…!?” Elise’s expression changed at Jinhyuk’s words. At the same time. “How dare you!” “To utter that word here!” “I’ll tear you apart, human!” The vampires lined on either side of Elise erupted in anger.

Menace seeped through their words. Understandably so. For them, ‘freedom’ meant much more than a mere word.

Years of exile in an endless darkness, the beauty of the stars and moon in the night sky, the soft caress of the wind, and the freshness of grass, all had long been lost to them. “You… Be prepared to take responsibility for the words you’ve just uttered.” “If I couldn’t take responsibility, I wouldn’t have come here in the first place.” From his pocket, Jinhyuk produced a mask. It was black with geometric patterns, slightly different in design from the one he used in the labyrinth. The runic characters etched with magic on the right cheekbone were prominent. “That’s…” Elise’s eyes narrowed.

She recognized it, then. The significance of this mask. Jinhyuk gracefully bowed deep.

Enough bait had been cast, it was time to bring up the main topic. “My name is Kang Jinhyuk.” To brainwash. “On behalf of the demons in the tower…” The role he had to play now. And. “I will now free you from this place.” The character’s nature and objectives he had to assume. *** Demons. A term for those who turned against humanity for money, vengeance, or personal beliefs.

Demons hindered players from climbing the tower and sometimes even conspired with the monsters in labyrinths and relics. Just like now. Since the arrival of the Tower of Trials in reality.

The numerous misdeeds, including the [Coin Farm], have been hotly discussed in various media, making demons’ notoriety on par with major guilds. “I’ve heard of them too. But, you’re one of them?” Elise looked incredulous. Well, the mask alone couldn’t inspire confidence.

If so. Just give her a bit more to go on. Information only a demon would know. “I’m already in touch with the [Temple] on the 27th floor of the tower.

They’ve informed me of everything, including your presence, Elise, and the means to deceive the seal encompassing the entire relic.” Smoothly flowing words, complemented by an unaffected expression. “Indeed… If you know about the temple, it’s not mere bluffing.” “Then, do you trust me?” “No.” Elise shook her head. “You know too much about us. Plus, you claim you can solve problems we’ve deemed impossible at once.” Lovely roses have thorns, after all. “Above all, I can’t easily trust someone who’s all talk.” Rejection. If it were just a request or suggestion, they could have parted ways without fuss.

But here, rejection meant death. Elise slowly raised her hand. The vampires stood ready to act.

Upon the signal, they would capture Jinhyuk and kill Teresa. This is harder than expected. The old vampire isn’t frivolous, I see. “If I prove it’s not just talk, would you believe me then?” “Hmm?” Elise stopped her hand mid-air. “To dismiss our proposal and the Temple’s out of mere suspicion would be burdensome, wouldn’t it?” “…” “I’ll do anything.

Just give me a chance.” “Fine. If you truly are a demon…” Elise’s gaze drifted past Jinhyuk. “…Killing these humans wouldn’t bother you.” As she spoke, a blue status window appeared. [Sudden Quest] Kill your companions. Reward: Elise’s trust.

Failure: You won’t be able to convince Elise with any words. Kill or be killed. Only two choices.

And Jinhyuk… “Understood.” …firmly gripped the dagger without a hint of hesitation, feeling the thrill of everything going according to plan. *** “What are you doing right now!” Teresa shouted, her face marred with betrayal and anger. From their first meeting, he had been an enigmatic man. Despite being a porter, he showed overwhelming martial prowess.

His intriguing and inexplicably warm demeanor. That’s why she clung to his words to trust him, enduring through thick and thin. However.

The moment she saw him nod without hesitation to the command to kill a companion… Doubt turned to certainty. That his true identity was one of the demons. “Were you planning to use me all along…?” “Isn’t it pointless to ask such a question now?” Jinhyuk extended the dagger. As if no conversation was necessary. “I won’t go down easily.” Teresa covered herself with her shield.

Opting for a defensive stance? “I’m aware that Teresa isn’t an easy opponent.” The legend of someone who single-handedly stopped the Amsterdam outbreak wasn’t for nothing. But that was against monsters. “Have you ever fought against a human?” Whoosh! Jinhyuk vanished. “…!” Behind!

Teresa turned her head. Clang! A heavy impact transmitted through the shield.

The dagger scratched against the metal and disappeared. ‘So fast!’ And these movements. Bizarre and freakish. Clang-clang-clang!

The relentless onslaught turned Teresa’s complexion pale. She had thought she could hold on by focusing on defense. A grave mistake.

At this rate, five minutes? No, not even three minutes would… At the exact moment she bit her lip, “Ah…” A regretful exclamation escaped Teresa’s mouth. She misread the feint, resulting in a misstep.

And Jinhyuk would not miss such an opening. Thwok! A gap deliberately left unfilled for fluid joint movement.

The dagger pierced through an unprotected spot in the armor. Teresa staggered dramatically, blood spurting like a fountain from a severed artery. A fatal wound. “Ah… eh…” Groaning, Teresa eventually collapsed and breathed her last. ‘One is not enough.’ Brushing off the blood, Jinhyuk turned towards the trembling assault squad.

He had verified through ‘Eyes of Truth’ who they were. Click! Jinhyuk broke the gag of the man at the very front and removed his blindfold.

The man, momentarily freed from bondage, burst into cheers. “Re, rescue team…! Thanks! I’m alive thanks to… Huh?” Overcome with emotion, the man cut his sentence short.

His face instantly twisted in horror. In contrast. Jinhyuk offered a thin smile. “Hello?” Long time no see.

You damned fool.