
Solo Max-Level Newbiechapter 27: the master of the corrupted corridor (1)

Chapter 27: The Master of the Corrupted Corridor (1)

“How laughable. If Jin-jo himself had come, it might have been a different story, but you think a single subordinate can take us all on?”

Song Cheon-hwa growled toward Belus.

The damage would be significant, but given the situation, they can just abandon the raid and get through the Guardians. There’s no need to fight Jin-jo directly. In Song Cheon-hwa’s view, it’s absurd to think they’d foolishly follow the enemy deep into their stronghold.

“Hmm. Do you truly believe I alone am not enough?”

“Of course. We’ve already hunted down monsters around level 50 several times.”

Jin-jo’s normal level was over 500, but his subordinates were much lower. Maybe 50 or at most in their 60s? They’re strong, but a well-positioned assault party could certainly handle them.

‘This is confirmed information from the Trial Tower’s admin board; this can’t be wrong.’

Song Cheon-hwa positioned himself confidently.

“Ha-ha. As expected! I can never understand why humans are so obsessed with levels.”

Belus burst out a cheerful sneer.

And at that moment.

Sparks of red ignited.

The atmosphere shifted drastically.

Belus’s smile vanished.

“You dare mock me, a mere inferior human?”

[Belus has activated Lv11 ‘Blood Bind’!]

That’s when blood sprayed everywhere.

Like thousands of tiny fist-sized droplets, they quickly swallowed up the tanks.


“What the heck is this?”

“Dispel, dispel, quickly!”

The tanks yelled in panic. Despite wearing magic-resistant gear, their bodies wouldn’t move. But just as a dispel was about to be used, Belus clenched his outstretched hand.

Pop! Crunch! Crack!



An immense pressure crumpled the armor. There was no need to check what happened to the person inside. Amidst the gushing blood fountains…

“You fools! Are you just going to stand there and wait to die? Move now!”

Song Cheon-hwa commanded an attack.

“Damn it! Attack!”

“Kill him before the next spell is cast!”

Melee attackers leaped into action, forming an enclosure and striking from all angles. Most were blocked by a shield of blood, but…

Pwish! Thunk!

A few swords and spears managed to pierce through Belus’s body. Blood dripped down the blade, but that was all. Belus didn’t even frown.

“It’s disappointing. You should at least have coated your weapons in holy power.”

That was the end.


The attackers surrounding Belus were reduced to mere sprays of blood. Shattered remnants fell to the floor.

Their attacks couldn’t penetrate, while the enemy’s were overwhelmingly powerful.

“How… How can a subordinate be so powerful…?”

Song Cheon-hwa muttered in disbelief. Then a thought struck him.

If a single subordinate is this powerful, just how strong is Jin-jo, who leads them?

It was unimaginable.

Even if he gathered the highest-ranking players attacking the third floor’s boss, he couldn’t guarantee success in the raid.

Song Cheon-hwa let his shield hang low.

He needed to survive.

Only then could he bring word of this to the outside.

“Are you surrendering?”

“Before that, let me ask one thing.”

“Ask your question.”

“Why do you want to take us with you?”

To Belus, wiping out their assault team didn’t seem difficult. He could do it within an hour if he wished. So why bother with such an inconvenience?

“You’ll be used as bait.”


“Our master took interest in a human who happens to know how to handle holy power. So we decided to use a more convenient method.”

This had to be about Teresa. It was her they were after.

The situation was dire, but Song Cheon-hwa quickly searched for possibilities.

‘If Teresa, the Holy Knight, would join forces…’

Perhaps there might be a chance. Not to fight and win, but to find a gap to escape alive. He didn’t ponder long.

“Alright. I’ll go with you.”

Song Cheon-hwa nodded, then pierced his palm with his thumb.

[The Emergency Summon Scroll is activated.]

[Target specified: ‘Teresa de Lorencia’.]

A blue status window flashed.

Now all he could do was hope.

Pray that the whole situation would be conveyed intact to her.


Jin-jo (True Ancestor), Elyss von Ataraxia. She was one of the strongest in the Trial Tower. Well, she was. Having broken a taboo of her clan, she fell from grace and consequently was exiled to the lowest level of the tower. Hence the name of the ruins, ‘Corridor of the Corrupted’. It was the residence of Elyss and the few subordinates who followed her, located deep in the abyss.

‘It’s an untold story.’

Jin-hyeok slowly opened his eyes. Before him was a status window. An invitation, in the form of a personal quest that had just arrived.

[The Master of the Corridor invites you.]

[If you wish to save your raid team and the porters, please come to the innermost room.]

[Difficulty: None

Reward: An audience with the Master of the Corridor

Details: If you accept the quest, all monsters and traps up to the final room will cease to function.]

“What will you do?”

Teresa glanced at Jin-hyeok. He was bound by contract to help, but Jin-hyeok, who had come as a non-combatant porter, didn’t have to. He could just wait it out, and once the rescue team breached the Guardians, he’d be free to leave.

Jin-hyeok shrugged.

“Well, what should I do?”


“I don’t really want to take any risks, but if you desperately ask, I might consider going with you.”

“If I ask… what kind of display of sincerity do I need to show? I hear your fan base is quite solid?”

Jin-hyeok formed a circle with his fingers, knowing full well what he implied.

“Give me a five-figure sum in coins, and perhaps my motivation might just spring to life.”

“That’s a nasty hobby. Aren’t you here for the boss anyway?”

Cheon Yu-sung interjected, clearly disgusted.

“Ah, that’s one thing, this is another. I’m just asking Teresa’s opinion, and you’re leaving the ruins anyway, right?”

“Yes, my purpose here has already failed.”

“Then go your way quietly and don’t sprinkle chili powder on a friendly deal.”

Jin-hyeok waved his hand dismissively as Cheon Yu-sung made a face of contempt.

“Sometimes I wonder whether one needs to act so ruthlessly to become strong.”

“That little wretch?”

“Humph. Let’s just drop it.”

No point in arguing with him, there’s no benefit.

And he wasn’t exactly wrong either.

With a sigh, Jin-hyeok turned to Teresa.

“So, what will you do?”

“If I give you coins… Will you come and rescue the raid team with me?”

“I can’t promise much, but I will ensure that 10,000 coins won’t be regretted.”

10,000 coins was a ludicrous amount for anyone who overheard. At this point, only a few people would have even gathered that many, but it was a price worth paying to save an entire raid team. The only thing that troubled her was…

“Aren’t you scared, Jin-hyeok?”

Facing a supreme being that’s not just an ordinary raid boss. Death here means nothing – coins, holy relics, all irrelevant. Yet…

“Well, should I be scared?”

Jin-hyeok smiled enigmatically, almost as if he knew how things would turn out.

Teresa bit her lip. His confidence bordered on arrogance, but why did it feel so exciting?

Her heart beat rapidly. She had to choose. Follow probability or trust her instincts.

Just as she hesitated, Cheon Yu-sung spoke.

“I’ll be on my way, breaking through the Guardians will take some time.”

“Oh, one more thing.”

He paused as if he had just remembered something.

“If deciding is too hard, take this as advice.”

He glared at Jin-hyeok with a mixture of annoyance and disdain.

“I don’t know if he can beat the True Ancestor.”

Being a bystander, the outcome was uncertain.


As someone who had crossed swords with Jin-hyeok countless times and knew him best, he could affirm one thing.

“If he can’t overcome her, then no player in existing Trial Tower can defeat the True Ancestor.”

The past Sword Saint, and the future one acknowledged it.

The most outstanding player in the Trial Tower and if you could join forces with him for 10,000 coins.

That was no bad deal.

“That was a trivial monologue. Of course, the decision isn’t mine to make.”

Cheon Yu-sung walked away with his words hanging in the air.

“Thank you for the advice.”

Teresa nodded in appreciation and then bowed slightly toward Jin-hyeok.

“Let’s make a contract. Please fight alongside me.”


[You’ve accepted the quest. (2/2)]

[The monsters fall into a deep sleep.]

[The traps have ceased operation.]

Thud! Thud! Thud!

All around the ruins, the traps that had guarded it like a fortress, and the monsters, fell silent. The journey ahead became incredibly smooth, compressing what should’ve been weeks of travel into just hours.

[Your magic has increased by +12.]

Jin-hyeok absorbed ‘Frozen Tears’ little by little, thawed by Teresa.

[Frozen Tears]

Difficulty to Acquire: SS

Amount of Magical Power Absorbable: 100

Details: An essence obtainable on the 7th floor ‘End of the World’ of the Trial Tower. Absorbing it significantly increases your magical power, but without a specific refining process, it can cause fatal injuries to the user.]

‘…quite a treasure indeed.’

A whopping 12 stat points.

As if he had gained four levels.

Jin-hyeok felt his magical power surge distinctly.

Activating ‘Tomb of Swords’ used to cause his veins to feel like they were tearing apart. Now, the pain was much less.

This was why everyone sought out a larger mana pool.

‘If I can absorb all 100…’

He could freely use Cheon Yu-sung’s ‘Tomb of Swords’, Teresa’s ‘Blessing of the Stars’, and other skills from the rankers.

‘Since Teresa’s thawing is capped at 12 stats, I’ll make do with that for now.’

12, 18, 30, 40.

A four-stage process.

Depending on the skill used to mitigate the cold, the possible absorption varied.

Reaching the next stage would require an individual with higher-level skills or special items.

‘Well, I’ll worry about that later.’

For now, he must focus on the immediate challenge.

Jin-hyeok retraced the memories of the past in his mind.

Countless challenges and failures, and at the end, the only way out he had found.

Indeed, there seemed to be only one way to defeat Elyss.

A thorny path, no doubt, but one he had to travel.

Not much further now.

The corridor began to widen.

[End of Chapter 27]