
"I don't like where this is going. This was a mistake," Luna commented with a frown.

"Hmph, no way am I going to let him touch my Master's Origin Seed. No god deserves to!" Kalypso vehemently said as she felt irritated by Yohr's request and felt that something was off.

Damien was the one who was feeling the most anxious since he couldn't say whether Yohr was being sincere or not. At the same time, how could he even refuse without making Yohr be suspicious about certain things?

So he decided to buy some time by saying, "I don't want to burden Senior with such small things. I feel that if I know too much about this Origin Seed in my ethereal core, then I might get greedy for more power, and it is not something I want since lust for power could cause a man's downfall. I am already satisfied with my talent and abilities."

Yohr sighed as if he was impressed by Damien's words and said, "Sigh, you really someone who stands out from the usual cultivators. It's very hard to come upon a cultivator who doesn't 'lust' for more power. After all, for most of them, cultivation is a journey they venture on for the pursuit of power. And I think you seek more power as well, don't you?"

Damien maintained a humble expression as he said, "Of course, I won't deny that I don't seek more power through cultivation, but I don't want to lose myself in the process. I just want to let things proceed forward naturally."

window.pubfuturetag = window.pubfuturetag || [];window.pubfuturetag.push({unit: "64ce79d606107d003c23ea27", id: "pf-5140-1"})Yohr's voice became a bit deeper as he asked, "Are you sure you want that? I know how things are between you and my disciple, Reva. Don't you think you are taking great risks here by trying to court someone like her? Do you have any idea what would happen if her father came to know about it?"

Damien inwardly frowned a bit, wondering if Yohr was trying to warn him or…threaten him? He just was having a strange feeling about all this. He wasn't surprised at all that Yohr seemed to know about him and Reva. Heck, he even kissed Reva in this icy cave.

Still, he decided to find out by saying, "As expected, whatever we do never escapes from Senior's divine senses. But if Senior approves of our relationship, would you be able to protect us from her father's retaliation, if any?"

Damien wanted to know if Yohr would be ready to do anything to protect his disciple, even from her own father, if needed. If he can get the help of a godly being like Yohr, then wouldn't all his problems be solved?

Yohr let out a sigh of disappointment as if he was disappointed in himself, "Ha…If only I could. I am ashamed to tell you how weak I am right now. If I even had a fraction of my previous divine strength, do you think someone like me would be resting here, under the shelter of a mortal empire? All I can do is nothing but blame fate…"

"If Senior doesn't mind, can you tell me how you ended up here?" Damien wanted to know if Yohr was here because of the great universal war that took countless years ago.

window.pubfuturetag = window.pubfuturetag || [];window.pubfuturetag.push({unit: "64cc9e79c7059f003e4ad4b0", id: "pf-5109-1"})"Haa…that is something I have tried my best to not remember since it was the most shameful day for me. Our whole universe was in danger because of a great war on a scale you couldn't possibly imagine with denizens of another dimension and a terrifying being from that dimension that was far more powerful than we could ever expect. In the end, our Almighty Mother, the Ethereal Goddess or the Ethereal God as others of the Aether dimension knew her by, was the only one who was able to face off against that vile Nethereal God and stop him but at a great price. I was her most devoted and loyal servant who was ready to lay my life down just to help her in any slightest way possible.

"But she was too kind and cared about me enough to let me escape before I suffered more severe injuries, especially to my soul. If only I could meet her once more to express my gratitude and fealty, I am sure the Ethereal One would be happy to know that I am alive. Haa…I miss her ethereal presence and grace. Just a glance from her was enough to make me feel younger by a few thousand years. I was one of the very few who had the privilege of being near her and knowing about her true identity, while most of them thought she was a 'He'. Sigh, those old times are something I would do anything to get back to," Yohr said, and before he knew it, his tone had lost the previous profoundness of his voice and instead turned into a fervent one as if he had meant every word.

"Maybe if that war didn't happen, the Ethereal One would have become even closer to me. She used to praise how handsome and valiant I was, making even her other subordinates green with envy. She—," Yohr suddenly stopped himself as he realized that he got carried away by his own words and returned his tone to that of before, sounding quite ancient, "Ahem, I am digressing. Forget about what I said, as I am sure you have no idea what I am talking about since you are a mortal boy."

"Is he simping for you?" Damien asked Luna with a tone of disbelief as this was the first time he was seeing a god talking so passionately, and the Ethereal Goddess Yohr was talking about was none other than Luna. He realized that gods do simp indeed.

"Ughh, I can't believe this. How disappointing! He is lying through his foul teeth. Hmph, wait till I get my memories back, and I will teach this lowly god to treat my name with respect and enough fear to not let such words escape from his loose tongue," Luna said in a frustrated tone as if she got mentally scarred by hearing Yohr's words.

"Anyway, now you know why I can't help you or Reva even if I wanted to. So do you plan to let go of Reva by not learning the potential of your Origin Seed? I am the only one in this world who could help you with that, and if you don't want to lose Reva, this is the only way," Yohr said in a tone of certainty.