
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 742: reading books

742 Chapter 742 Reading Books

In his relentless pursuit to defeat Zelthrax, Aldred immersed himself in the study of magic, scouring through digital archives and ancient texts for anything that could rival the Riftweaver's dark powers. His quest, however, seemed futile. The magic in the databases and e-books felt rudimentary, lacking the depth and potency necessary to counter Zelthrax's reality-warping abilities.

Frustration mounted as Aldred sifted through yet another digital manuscript, finding nothing but basic incantations and theoretical concepts. "These are child's play compared to what she can do," he muttered, closing the holographic display with a swipe of his hand.

"You won't find anything worthwhile in those," Rayanor's voice cut through Aldred's brooding thoughts. "The truly valuable magic isn't stored in databases or encoded in technology. It's preserved in ancient, physical texts, often hidden or guarded."

Aldred turned to face Rayanor, his interest piqued. "Where can I find these papers? I need to learn something that can match her power."

Rayanor chuckled softly, a smile playing beneath his mask. He reached into his windbreaker, pulling out an old, thick tome bound in worn leather. The book exuded an aura of age and mystery. "I've spent years studying magic to defeat Zelthrax. I've read countless tomes on spatial magic. But this one," he said, handing the book to Aldred, "is probably the most comprehensive. Have a read. Maybe you'll find what I did not."

Aldred took the book, feeling its weight and the texture of its cover. He opened it cautiously, revealing pages filled with intricate symbols, diagrams, and ancient script. The text seemed to dance before his eyes, alive with a power he had never felt before.

"This is… incredible," Aldred whispered, his eyes scanning the pages with growing excitement. The book contained detailed explanations of advanced spatial magic, theories of reality manipulation, and accounts of battles with beings from other dimensions.

Rayanor watched Aldred, his expression unreadable behind the mask. "It's a difficult path, Aldred. The magic in that book is complex and dangerous. It's not something one masters overnight."

"I am finished."

"It will probably take you yea—what did you say?"

"I finished reading the book."

"But you just opened it."

"It's my special ability."

"Bullshit. Let me ask you some questions."

Rayanor eyed Aldred skeptically. "Alright, let's start with the basics. What's the title of the book, and who's the author?"

Aldred didn't hesitate. "It's titled 'Arcanum of Spatial Realms' by Master Elothar. He was a renowned mage from the Silver Era, specializing in spatial dimensions."

Impressed but not yet convinced, Rayanor raised an eyebrow. "Fine. Tell me about the principle of 'Nexial Binding' discussed in chapter seven."

"Ah, the Nexial Binding," Aldred responded with ease. "It's a theory that postulates the existence of nexial threads that connect various points in space, allowing for manipulation of distances and matter displacement. Elothar argued it could be harnessed to create wormholes, but he also warned of the potential dangers of collapsing spatial dimensions."

Rayanor was taken aback by the accuracy of Aldred's response but pushed further. "Okay, then explain the discrepancy in the formula of 'Dimensional Resonance' he mentions in the appendix."

Aldred smiled faintly. "Elothar made a fundamental error in assuming that dimensional frequencies are constant. He overlooked the variable nature of these frequencies, especially under the influence of dark energy. His calculations failed to account for the flux in spatial fabric, making his formula incomplete."

Rayanor's eyes widened in disbelief. It took him years to read the book and understand its content. "Not only do you fully comprehend the book, but you've also found its mistakes."

Aldred chuckled, a hint of pride in his voice. "I can tell you every grammatical and spelling error in this book if you want me to."

Rayanor shook his head, a mix of awe and respect evident in his tone. "No, that won't be necessary. I'm more than convinced. You have a remarkable ability, Aldred. With this knowledge, we might stand a chance against Zelthrax."

"Not enough," Aldred said. "I have been too reliant on my physical prowess and the art of blade that I forgotten about my magical capabilities. Unused skills becomes dull. I will need more books like that, Rayanor. Give me everything you have."

Rayanor, observing Aldred's intense determination and unwavering focus, delved back into his windbreaker, producing several more ancient tomes. Each book he handed over seemed older and more mysterious than the last. "These are the texts I've collected over the years. They delve deeper into the secrets of spatial magic."

As he passed each book to Aldred, Rayanor read out their titles. "This one is 'The Vortex Codex,' and here's 'Echoes of the Void'. Each contains knowledge that could be crucial in our fight."

Aldred nodded in appreciation, his eyes scanning the covers and feeling the ancient magic pulsating from within. He was about to delve into the first book when he paused and activated his communicator. "Shuzib, I need your assistance. Bring me everything you have on spatial magic."

Within moments, Shuzib, the scholar of the Celestial Platoon, arrived, his arms laden with stacks of weathered books. "Commander Aldred," he greeted, placing the piles on a nearby table. "These are the books I've collected during our two years of ascendancy. I've also included some texts on pyromancy, considering your affinity for flame."

Aldred approached the table, his eyes widening at the sight of the treasure trove of knowledge. "Excellent work, Shuzib."

Without hesitation, Aldred began to absorb the contents of each book, his eyes moving rapidly across the pages. The process was astonishing to witness - the way he consumed entire volumes in mere seconds, his mind absorbing complex theories and ancient spells like a parched desert soaking up rain.

Shuzib watched Aldred's process with a knowing smile. He was one of the few who knew about Aldred's extraordinary ability, having been granted a similar power by Aldred himself. However, he chose to keep this information private, not wishing to distract from the task at hand.

Rayanor observed in silence, his respect for Aldred growing with each passing moment. The Demon Hunter realized that with Aldred's capabilities and their combined knowledge, they might just have a fighting chance against Zelthrax.

After several minutes, Aldred finished the last book, his expression one of deep contemplation. "These texts have opened new horizons for me. The principles of spatial manipulation, the nuances of interdimensional theory… We can use this."

Shuzib nodded. "Knowledge is power, especially against an adversary like Zelthrax. But theory is one thing; applying it is another."

Aldred raised his hand and then a spatial anomaly appeared atop his palm. A small range of space contorted and distorted before turning into a small black hole that distort time. Aldred grabbed an apple and threw it into the small blackhole, it vanished immediately.

Aldred manipulated the blackhole, spinning it in certain way and them threw another apple. This time the apple rotated around the black hole before it quickly rotting away.

Shuzib frowned. "That apple shouldn't be rotten. It's aging should be slowed."

"That's what a normal black hole would do," Aldred said.

Aldred's mastery over the newfound spatial magic left Rayanor in a state of stunned awe. With each display of Aldred's burgeoning powers, Rayanor's disbelief turned into a profound respect for the commander's capabilities.

Aldred, his focus unwavering, continued to experiment with the spatial anomalies, his hands shaping and bending the fabric of space with an ease that defied belief. He conjured a series of warping fields, each distorting the air and light around them in mesmerizing patterns.

"Watch this," Aldred said, his voice steady with concentration. He extended his hand, and a shimmering portal materialized in the air. Reaching through, he pulled out an object from seemingly nowhere – a radiant, crystalline orb that pulsed with energy.

Rayanor stepped closer, his curiosity piqued. "Where did you get that from?"

Aldred smiled. "A different point in space. I'm learning to navigate the spatial planes. It's like reaching into another room without leaving this one."

Rayanor shook his head in disbelief. "Incredible. You've not only learned the theory but have mastered its practical application in mere hours."

Aldred nodded, a sense of determination in his eyes. "Now, for something more challenging." Concentrating deeply, he began to manipulate the space around a small area, compressing and expanding it. Suddenly, the air vibrated, and a small burst of energy erupted, emitting a low hum.

Shuzib, observing the experiments, chimed in, "That's a localized spatial compression. If controlled correctly, it could have numerous applications."

Aldred manipulated the compression, and the hum intensified, causing the objects nearby to vibrate. "Imagine using this on Zelthrax," he mused. "Disrupting her control over her surroundings."

Rayanor nodded, a plan forming in his mind. "Combine that with a coordinated attack, and we might just have the upper hand."

Aldred released the compression, and the room settled back to normal. "We need to train rigorously. These powers are potent but require precise control. Any miscalculation could be catastrophic."

Rayanor agreed, "Let's set up a training schedule. We'll need to be at our best if we're to face Zelthrax again."