
741 Chapter 741 Attacking

The vastness of space around the Orion Nebula became a spectacle of chaos and power as Zelthrax, the Riftweaver, emerged amidst the wreckage of her demonic fleet. Her presence was like a dark star, radiating cold, malevolent energy that twisted the very fabric of space around her. She floated in the void, a solitary figure of immense power, her face etched with a chilling, emotionless expression.

The captains of the Celestial Platoon's armada, recognizing the imminent threat, issued urgent commands. "Scatter!" The order resonated through the comm systems, and the Platoon's ships instantly dispersed in every direction, moving away from the epicenter of Zelthrax's power.

Zelthrax's eyes, glowing with an unnatural light, focused on the scattering ships. With a mere gesture, she conjured a massive ball of dark, pulsating energy, hurling it into the midst of the Celestial Platoon's fleet. The energy sphere expanded rapidly, engulfing thousands of ships in a blinding explosion. The void of space was momentarily illuminated with the light of their destruction, silent but devastating.

In the command chamber, Aldred watched the scene unfold with grim determination. "Now!" he shouted, his voice a beacon of command amidst the chaos. In an instant, he activated a teleportation device, sending Shinari, Salamander, Cleome, Vortimer, and Quantum directly into the heart of the battlefield, near Zelthrax.

Zelthrax turned her gaze towards the newly arrived adversaries, a flicker of recognition - or perhaps amusement - crossing her features. She raised her hands, preparing to unleash another devastating attack.

But Aldred had chosen his team well. Each member was a master of their craft, and they had a plan.

Shinari melted into the shadows, her form becoming one with the darkness before suddenly appearing in front of Zelthrax and attacked her, cancelling her attack.

As she darted towards Zelthrax, she became a blur, her movements unpredictable and ghost-like, aimed at disorienting the demonic adversary.

Salamander activated a device strapped to his arm. It emitted a pulsating electromagnetic field, designed to disrupt Zelthrax's spatial manipulations. The device projected a network of glowing runes in the space around them, creating a protective bubble that distorted the air with its energy.

Cleome, her hands crackling with arcs of raw electrical power, unleashed a barrage of lightning bolts. The bolts arced through space with a thunderous roar, each strike a spectacle of blinding light and power. The electricity didn't aim to harm Zelthrax directly but to overload her senses and break her concentration, making her spatial control falter.

Vortimer, the sentinel of steel and circuits, raised his arm, transforming it into a high-energy plasma cannon. The cannon glowed with a deep blue hue, pulsating with the power of a contained star. With calculated precision, Vortimer fired at Zelthrax, the plasma bolts tearing through space, each shot designed to weaken her defensive field.

Quantum, enigmatic and silent, held a spear that hummed with quantum energy, its tip oscillating between different states of reality. With every thrust and swing, he created miniature quantum tunnels, allowing him to bypass the fabric of space and appear at different points around Zelthrax, his attacks unpredictable and swift.

Zelthrax, amidst this onslaught, showed signs of strain. Her face, usually an emotionless mask, contorted with a mix of surprise and rage. She was not accustomed to being on the defensive. Her hands moved in arcane gestures, attempting to weave her reality-bending magic, but the combined assault of Aldred's team disrupted her focus.

She let out a scream of frustration as her usual reality distortions started to fail, her control slipping. The air around her crackled with dark energy, but the relentless attacks from the team kept her from forming her devastating attacks.

In the midst of the chaotic battle near the Orion Nebula, Zelthrax's true might was unleashed in a fearsome display of her dark powers. The space around her pulsated with a malevolent force as she channeled her energy into a catastrophic burst. The shockwave radiated outwards, striking each member of Aldred's elite team with brutal force.

Shinari, agile and swift, was caught off-guard. The energy blast hit her with such intensity that her right arm snapped with an audible crack. She reeled back in agony, her arm hanging limply at her side, a stark contrast to her usually flawless combat form.


Cleome, witnessing Shinari's injury, felt a surge of horror and concern. She had always admired Shinari's prowess and seeing her so grievously hurt shook her to the core. Her own body ached from the blast, but she pushed through the pain, her eyes fixed on Zelthrax with a mix of fear and determination.

Zelthrax, seizing the moment of disarray, summoned a massive ball of dark purplish energy high above her.

"Everyone, watch out!" Aldred warned.

The energy sphere throbbed with a terrifying power, its presence oppressive and overwhelming. It felt as if the very gravity of a hundred planets was concentrated in that single point, bearing down on them with an unbearable weight. The team members grunted in pain, feeling their bodies being crushed under the immense pressure.

Suddenly, with a cataclysmic shudder, the energy ball shattered, releasing a wave of raw power that swept through space like a supernova.

The explosion sent each member of the team hurtling backwards, their bodies rag-dolled by the sheer force of the blast. They tumbled through the void, each one struggling to regain control as they were thrown away from the epicenter.

In the midst of the chaos, Zelthrax seized her chance. With a swift movement, she disappeared into a rift she created, escaping from the battlefield. Her departure left behind a trail of dark energy, a haunting reminder of her terrifying power.

Aldred's team, battered and bruised, could only watch helplessly as Zelthrax made her escape.

Shinari clutched her broken arm, gritting her teeth against the searing pain. Cleome, still reeling from the shockwave, tried to steady herself, her mind racing with concern for her fallen comrades.

Vortimer, his circuitry flickering from the blast, scanned the area, his sensors seeking any trace of Zelthrax. Quantum, despite being thrown back, quickly recalibrated, his quantum spear still firmly in his grasp.

In the aftermath of the devastating encounter with Zelthrax, Aldred's elite team regrouped amidst the debris of their shattered armada. The chaos of the battle had taken its toll, leaving them not only physically battered but also grappling with the weight of their defeat.

Shinari, cradling her broken arm, winced with every movement. "We underestimated her," she hissed through clenched teeth, her usual stoic demeanor giving way to frustration. "We need to rethink our strategy."

Cleome, hovering beside Shinari, her face etched with concern, glanced over the remnants of the fleet. "Our losses are substantial. We pushed too hard, too fast."

Vortimer, his robotic frame scarred and dented from the battle, analyzed the data flashing across his internal screens. "The damage to the fleet is severe. We're at a tactical disadvantage if we engage now."

Quantum, silent as always, stood like a sentinel, his spear deactivated but still in his grip. His presence was a calming force amid the turmoil.

Aldred, observing the scene, felt a deep sense of responsibility. "We retreat," he declared, his voice resonant with command yet tinged with regret. "We need to recover and reassess. Zelthrax is more formidable than we anticipated."

Rayanor, the Demon Hunter, nodded in agreement. "This was a hard lesson. Zelthrax's abilities are beyond what we've faced before. We need a new approach."

Aldred looked at his own hand. He had grown immensely since a few years ago. He even thought that there wouldn't be anyone that can defeat him. But a simple demon admiral already made him struggle. "This is unacceptable."

He then looked at Vortimer. "If it was your real form, can you defeat her?"

"Easily," Vortimer replied. "However, I won't show my true form yet. I am keeping it for Malgorth."

Lord Malgorth. How powerful was this demon if his subordinate was this powerful.

As they made their way back to their command ship, the reality of their situation sank in. The encounter with Zelthrax had been a harsh awakening to the true nature of their enemy. It was clear that their conventional tactics were insufficient against such a powerful adversary.

Back on the command ship, Aldred convened a debriefing. The room was filled with the top brass of the Celestial Platoon, their faces grim with the realization of the challenge ahead.

"We faced an enemy unlike any other," Aldred began, his voice steady. "Zelthrax's control over reality itself makes her a threat on a scale we've never seen. Our usual tactics won't work. We need innovation, creativity… something unexpected."

Shinari, her arm now in a makeshift splint, added, "Her ability to manipulate space caught us off guard. We need countermeasures, ways to disrupt her control."

Salamander chimed in, "I'll work on developing tech that can counter spatial manipulation. But it'll take time and resources."

Cleome suggested, "What about leveraging the magicians? Maybe there's a way to use arcane magic to our advantage."

Vortimer's systems whirred as he processed the suggestions. "A combination of magic and technology could indeed prove effective. I will assist Salamander in this endeavor."

"Using the magicians will do nothing. They will simply die," Aldred said. Sighing, he then added: "There is no choice. I will learn and train to find a way to defeat her."

His eyes glinted. "Don't worry. Next time, she will surely die."