
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 732: fighting the hydra

732 Chapter 732 Fighting The Hydra

Francus and Grigor approached the group of captives, who were now cautiously emerging from their hiding places. The captives, a motley crew of low-level mercenaries, looked exhausted and fearful but relieved to be freed.

"We came here for a simple mission," one of the captives, a woman with a scar across her cheek, explained. "Our task was to gather rare plants and herbs from Draconis Prime. But when we found this temple, curiosity got the better of us. We thought maybe we could find some valuable artifacts to sell. We never expected to be attacked and taken captive."

Grigor listened intently, nodding. "You were unfortunate to stumble upon a ritual site for the hydra. These creatures," he gestured towards the bound captors, "they're under its control, forced to provide sacrifices."

Francus, looking over the weary group, asked, "Do you know anything about the hydra? Any information could be crucial for us."

Another captive, a young man with a nervous demeanor, spoke up. "We overheard the guards talking. The hydra's lair is deeper within the temple, through the caverns. They said it's a creature of immense power, and they fear it greatly."

Grigor and Francus exchanged a look. This was the information they needed, but they couldn't leave the captives here unprotected. Francus addressed the group,

"Listen, we're going to take down the hydra. It's the only way to ensure this creature stops terrorizing and controlling the locals. But first, we need to get you to safety."

One of the captives, an older man with a weathered face, spoke up, "We can find our way out. We remember the path we took to get here."

"Are you sure?" Francus asked, concerned. "It's dangerous, and these corridors can be misleading."

"We'll manage," the woman with the scar reassured him. "You've done enough by freeing us. Now, it's important that you stop the hydra."

Grigor gave them a brief nod, then turned to Francus. "We need to move fast. The deeper we go, the more dangerous it will be."

As the captives cautiously made their way towards the temple's exit, Francus and Grigor prepared themselves for the next phase of their mission. They checked their weapons and armor, ensuring everything was in order for the impending battle.

Grigor glanced at the leader one last time, the latter giving him a nod, indicating that he trusted Grigor's ability.

The duo then moved deeper into the temple, guided by the young mercenary's information. The air grew colder and damper as they descended, and the oppressive darkness of the caverns weighed heavily on them.

After navigating through a series of narrow passages and expansive caverns, they finally arrived at a massive underground chamber. The air was thick with a palpable sense of dread. In the center of the chamber was a large, dark pool of water, its surface eerily still.

Huddled in the shadows, Francus and Grigor watched as the hydra's massive form lumbered around the pit. The beast's movements caused ripples across the dark water, its many heads weaving in and out with a hypnotic rhythm


"We can't let it get back into that water," Grigor whispered, his eyes never leaving the hydra. "If it does, we might lose our chance to finish it off."

Francus nodded, his mind racing through different scenarios. "We need to keep it on land, away from the lake. And for that, we'll have to be strategic.

Francus proposed an idea. He revealed a bunch of Quantum Cubes that can shrink object size and reduce their weight. Inside the cubes were snipers and machine guns that he can control remotely. He will place these weapons in various spots to distract the hydra from many directions.

Francus suggested that Grigor distract the hydra in close range to prevent the hydra from attacking the weapons, but play it defensively until Francus manage to destroy the ceilings to block the lake.

As Francus unveiled more Quantum Cubes, Grigor's eyes widened in surprise. "That's quite the arsenal you've been hiding," he remarked.

Francus gave a wry smile. "I thought about these idea when Aldred let me pick anything I want. These will give us the edge we need." He quickly set about placing the cubes around the chamber, each one transforming into a sniper or machine gun at his command.

Meanwhile, Grigor readied himself for a close encounter with the hydra. His role was crucial - to engage the hydra and keep it away from Francus and his strategically placed weapons. He knew it was risky, but it was the best chance they had.

Once everything was in place, Francus gave Grigor a nod, signaling he was ready. Grigor stepped out from the shadows, drawing the attention of the hydra.

"Come and fight me, beast! I come to challenge your reign over this land!"

The beast's multiple heads turned towards him, letting out a collective hiss that echoed through the cavern.

Grigor braced himself as the hydra lunged. He danced around the beast, his energy blade slashing at any head that came too close. He was not trying to kill it; he just needed to keep it occupied.

Francus, from his hidden vantage point, began his part of the plan. He remotely controlled the weapons, unleashing a barrage of gunfire at the hydra. The creature roared in anger and confusion, its heads darting in all directions, trying to locate the source of the attacks.

The chaos allowed Francus to target the ceiling of the cavern, aiming at the weakest points. His plan was to collapse it, blocking the hydra's access to the lake. He fired shot after shot, the explosions sending trem

ors through the chamber. Rocks and debris began to loosen, threatening to bring down the ceiling.

Grigor kept up his dance of death, narrowly avoiding the snapping jaws and thrashing heads of the hydra. Each movement was calculated, each dodge perfectly timed. He could feel the fatigue setting in but knew he couldn't let up, not even for a moment.

The hydra, now wildly lashing out in pain and rage from the relentless gunfire, became increasingly reckless in its attacks. This played right into their strategy. With its attention divided, the creature failed to notice the crumbling ceiling above.

Finally, with a series of well-aimed shots from Francus, the ceiling gave way. Massive boulders crashed down, creating a barrier between the hydra and the lake. Water splashed up in a great wave as some of the debris plunged into the pool, further disorienting the creature.

"Yes!" Francus shouted.