
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 731: solved mystery

731 Chapter 731 Solved Mystery

Francus and Grigor stood over the defeated Cerberus, their chests heaving with exertion. A mix of triumph and relief washed over them. The victory had been hard-fought, but the new weapons and armor provided by Aldred had undoubtedly tipped the scales in their favor. They shared a brief, knowing look – a silent acknowledgment of their growing prowess as warriors.

As they ventured deeper into the temple, their attention was drawn to a curious scene. A leather bag lay discarded on the dusty floor, surrounded by footprints, empty rounds, and broken pistols. The scene spoke of a recent struggle, a skirmish that had left its mark on the ancient walls in the form of scorch marks and bullets.

"Someone is here before us," Grigor said.

Most intriguing was the trail of blood weaving through the debris. It was clear there had been casualties, yet no bodies were present. Francus and Grigor exchanged a glance, both arriving at the same conclusion: whoever had been injured here had been taken away.

Grigor, his voice steady but urgent, broke the silence. "We should follow the blood trail and save these people if we can. Who knows, this might lead us to the hydra."

Celestial Platoon had a doctrin of doing as much good as possible during their mission, to be more empathetic as possible. It was one of the reason why Celestial Platoon became highly regarded in many parts of the galaxy. They avoid trouble and help the local community during their missions. This had caused a rise in demands and mission for Celestial Platoon. This reputation was wisely used by Aldred by creating and offering other services in other industries such as food and beverages, tourism, transportation, and whatnot.

Nodding in agreement, Francus replied, "Right. Let's move quickly but carefully. We don't know what lies ahead, or who these people are."

As they followed the trail, the bloodstains led them through a labyrinth of corridors within the temple. The path twisted and turned, descending deeper into the bowels of the ancient structure. The air grew cooler, and the sound of their footsteps echoed off the walls, creating an eerie rhythm.

The trail eventually opened into a vast chamber, dimly lit by flickering torches. In the center of the chamber stood a group of ragged individuals, bound and guarded by creatures that were half-human, half-beast. These guards wielded crude weapons, and their eyes glowed with a feral intensity.

Grigor and Francus took cover behind a fallen pillar, surveying the scene. The captives were bruised and weary, but alive. Among the captors, a larger figure stood out, adorned with symbols that suggested a rank or leadership role.

"Beastial creature. Did they transform because they worship the hydra?" Francus asked.

"It is possible," Grigor replied as he observed his target, his eyes scanning the area for any strategic advantage. "We need to plan this carefully. A direct attack might endanger the captives."

They quietly discussed a strategy, deciding to create a diversion to distract the guards while attempting a swift rescue. Grigor, with his close-combat skills, would lead the charge, while Francus provided cover with his ranged weaponry.

Suddenly, the larger figure among the captors spoke in a guttural language, gesturing towards a darkened passage. Two of the guards dragged a captive towards it. It was clear they didn't have much time.

"Now or never," Grigor mouthed.

At that moment, Francus aimed and fired a shot at a torch on the far side of the chamber. The torch exploded, showering sparks and causing a momentary distraction. Seizing the opportunity, Grigor leapt out from their cover, his energy blade igniting with a brilliant glow as he charged towards the guards.


The captors, caught off guard, scrambled to respond. Francus continued firing, carefully aiming to incapacitate rather than kill. Grigor moved with precision, his blade parrying and striking with lethal efficiency.

In the chaos, the captives began to stir, seizing their chance to fight back. The chamber erupted into a frenzied skirmish. Amid the confusion, the leader of the captors roared and charged at Grigor, wielding a massive, jagged blade.

Grigor met the leader head-on, their weapons clashing with a resounding clang. Francus, seeing his comrade engaged in a fierce duel, intensified his efforts to subdue the remaining guards and free the captives.

Grigor and the leader

fought with ferocious intensity, their blades a blur of motion. The leader was skilled, but Grigor's experience as a mercenary gave him the edge. With a swift, decisive move, he disarmed the leader, sending the jagged blade clattering across the stone floor.

The captors, seeing their leader defeated, began to lose their resolve. Francus, taking control of the situation, called out to the captives in a commanding voice, "Head for the entrance! We'll cover you!"

The captives, energized by this turn of events, quickly scrambled towards the exit. Francus and Grigor provided cover, ensuring their safe passage. As the last of the captives disappeared into the corridors, Grigor approached the subdued leader, intent on gaining information.

"Why were these people taken? What is happening here?" Grigor demanded, his energy blade still glowing menacingly.

The leader, a mixture of fear and defiance in his eyes, responded in broken but understandable speech. "We... take for Hydra. Hydra demand sacrifice. We obey, or Hydra destroy."

Francus joined Grigor, overhearing the revelation. "The hydra is controlling these creatures somehow, demanding sacrifices. This is bigger than we thought."

Grigor nodded grimly. "We need to find this hydra and stop it, not just for our mission, but to free these people from its control."

They discovered the truth. These people weren't worshipping it, but containing its wrath.

Grigor and Francus tied the captors in a way that made them unable to sit or stand.

"This feels kinda wrong," Francus said. "These people are locals, and we are foreigners. It feels like we are the invader."

"It might looks like so, but we are not here to invade," Grigor said. "Instead, we are here to help them. We will kill the hydra for them."

"Kill hydra? You want kill hydra? No please. Hydra strong. You lose and die. Hydra destroy. Everything die."

Grigor looked at the leader in the eye. "We are from Celestial Platoon. One of the best and largest mercenary organization in the galaxy. Killing a snake with multiple heads is not much of a problem for us. Even if we fail, there will be more members to coming here to get the job done."

"Win? Sure?"

"We told our great leader that we will not return until that hydra is killed."

"Have luck."

Grigor nodded until Francus called for him.

"Grigor, what do we do with the captives?"

A bunch of wounded people took a peek in the distance, wary that the locals would try to capture them again.