
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 656: immaterial self

Alone in his room, Aldred sat on a small chair, staring blankly at his hands.

The recent encounters with hostile forces, gravitational anomalies, and potential threats had taken a toll on the usually composed warlord. Even though he went through so much battle before, a space battle was still something new to him.

The challenges here were much harder than fighting on a planet, where he could just escape with his own power.

As he sat there, a peculiar sensation began to thud within him, a powerful energy that seemed to resonate in harmony with his very being.

Curiosity stirred within Aldred. He rose from his chair and moved to the center of his room. Closing his eyes, he entered a state of meditation, allowing his consciousness to explore the immaterial world within his body—the realm of his magic.

In this ethereal space, Aldred found himself surrounded by a sea of limitless mana, a force that surged and pulsed with incredible power — the very reason why he could dominate almost all of his enemies.

The sea of mana moved differently according to its depth. In one area it moved slow and at a constant pace, in other areas, it could become chaotic and violent.

As he delved deeper into the magical currents, he noticed something extraordinary—small, pearl-like orbs scattered throughout the vast expanse.

"I have never seen those before." Aldred approached.

The orbs varied in colors, each emitting a distinct energy. Aldred could sense the potency within them, but their true nature eluded him. Focusing his mind, he tried to comprehend the purpose and significance of these mysterious pearls.

Suddenly, a strange and echoing voice resonated within the magical realm.

[You have discovered Essence Pearls]

"Damn, you scared the hell out of me," Aldred said. "It's finally good to hear you again, system."

The system hadn't appeared for almost a year to the point that Aldred almost forgot about it.

"Can you tell me what these pearls are?"

[These orbs are manifestations of your innate magical abilities and strengths.]

"Manifestations? Why don't I have these before?"

[Your abilities and strength have surpassed beyond the limit of your physical form, forcing them to solidify in your sea of mana to avoid being leaked out.]

"Are you saying that my abilities and strength are far too powerful for my own body?"


"Wait, what level am I now?" Aldred hadn't checked his level during his time in this galaxy because he had no access to the system at all.

[Master, you are currently at level 179]


Level: 179 (Diamond Rank)

Health Points: 135,068/135,068

Titles: Treasure Boy, Giant Killer, Little Hunter, True Warrior


-Fire Manipulation (Click to show the list of skills)

-Water Manipulation (Click to show the list of skills)

-Air Manipulation

-Earth Manipulation

-Mana Manipulation


-Shape Shift Lv. 4 (Click to show the list of morphs)

-Racial Ability (Click to show the list of racial abilities)

-Sword Art (Click to show the list of Sword Art)


Strength: 9,015 (+1,000)

Vitality: 8,886 (+1,000)

Intelligence: 12,037 (+1,000)

Dexterity: 10,438 (+1,000)

Stat Points: 710

Skill Points: 710

Aldred was shocked when he saw his own stats. "I grew 6 times more powerful than before."

[During your time on this galaxy, you have earned a couple of titles]

[You have earned the title: Ork Killer]

[You have earned the title: Demon Slayer]

[You have earned the title: Bug Exterminator]

[You have earned the title: Brave Explorer]

[You have earned the title: One Man Army]

[You have earned the title: One Against Billions]

[You have earned the title: Savior]

[You have earned the title: Pyro Master]

"I got so many title." Aldred clicked on one of the title."

[One Against Billions: Your stats will triple when you fight against an army numbering over a billion]

"Well, I hope I don't have to fight billions of bugs again."

[One Man Army: When you are far from your allies (100km) while fighting against multiple opponents, your stats will double.]

"Wow, so if I fight over a billion opponents by myself, my stats will increase over 5 times?"

That was insane!

"System, can I access you from now on? Or do I have to meditate every time?"

[Information unknown. I cannot give clear answer to that question]

Aldred was slightly surprised. The system never mentioned itself in first person before.

"Why? Aren't you given by the power of 100 gods? Why is their power limited in this place?"

[The gods withhold almost 100% of your power to protect your fragile form. Forcefully unlocking this power will cause you and this universe to explode]

Aldred's countenance darkened. He did not know that his power could already destroy the entire universe.

"Can we leak out that power a bit?"


Aldred sighed. "So what do I do?"

[You have to grow just like what you always do.]

"Alright. If I grow strong enough, can I access the system again?"


Aldred did not ask any further question. Instead, he explored his immaterial world to truly comprehend his power.

As Aldred delved deeper into the ethereal realm within himself, the sea of mana responded to his heightened awareness. The magical currents, once chaotic, began to align with his newfound understanding. The small, pearl-like Essence Pearls resonated with the rhythm of his thoughts, emitting an otherworldly glow that mirrored the power within him.

As he continued his meditation, the magical energies coursing through his veins began to weave a harmonious dance, responding to his will. The air around him shimmered, and the space within his room slightly bent and distorted as if influenced by an unseen force. Aldred's physical form became a conduit for his immense magical prowess, and the very fabric of reality seemed to acknowledge his presence.

His heightened magical awareness allowed him to perceive the subtle shifts in the environment. Colors seemed more vivid, and the air hummed with an undercurrent of energy. Aldred could feel the interconnectedness of magic and the physical world, a symbiotic relationship that he was only beginning to comprehend.

As he solidified his magical abilities, the Essence Pearls reacted, pulsating with even greater intensity. Each pearl represented a facet of his power: the mastery of elemental manipulation, the art of shape-shifting, the racial abilities inherited from ancient bloodlines, and the finesse of swordsmanship. Aldred's Titles, earned through countless battles, added another layer to the complex tapestry of his abilities.