
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 655: continuing the journey 2

They all looked at each other, contemplating what the next course of action will be.

"First, we need to know how many people the got."

"They seem to have 24 ships with half of them being a cargo ship."

"So 12 offensive ships?" Aldred crossed his arms as he looked at the digital screen, showing a map of the galactic sector that the system automatically mapped out.

"Yes, but there is a problem. One of their ship is a Destroyer-Class."

Everyone tensed up after hearing that.

Aldred's face grimaced. He knew how powerful a Destroyer-Class ship was. Even though he had destroyed one before, there was no guarantee that he could do it again.

Back then, he had the help of an entire regiment of battle-ships that helped distracting the Destroyer from blasting them to bits.

Now, he only had one ship and a crew of less than ten people. Trying to infiltrate a Destroyer-Class ship was basically impossible.

"Let's avoid them," Aldred said. "It seems like they haven't detected us yet, and since we are behind them, they won't bother turning around to chase after us."

The crew, collectively agreeing to avoid the approaching human forces, quickly shifted their focus to devising a plan to navigate safely through the cosmic expanse and circumvent the potential threat. The ship's control room buzzed with activity as the crew members worked together to analyze the galactic map and plot a course that would keep them hidden.

Aldred, his eyes fixed on the digital screen displaying the positions of the human vessels, said, "We need to plan a route that takes us around them without getting too close. Salamander, how's our energy reserves? We might need to divert power to engines for a speedy getaway."

Salamander, checking the energy readings, replied, "We're in good shape, Captain. We can allocate more power to engines if needed."

Aldred nodded. "Good. Cleome, analyze the surrounding space for potential hazards. We need to choose a route that keeps us hidden but also avoids any dangerous anomalies."

Cleome, tapping into the ship's scanning systems, studied the data. "There's a solar storm brewing in Sector 7, and we've got a cluster of anomalies in the asteroid belt nearby. We'll need to navigate carefully to avoid those."

Shinari, ever watchful, spoke up, "We don't want to trade one danger for another. Let's find a route that minimizes our exposure to both the human forces and the natural hazards."

The crew worked diligently, considering various routes and analyzing the risks associated with each option. The tension in the command center heightened as they realized the delicate balance they had to strike to ensure their safety.

After thorough deliberation, Shuzib presented a proposed route on the holographic display. "This route takes us through a dense region, avoiding both the human forces and the solar storm. However, we'll need to navigate through a dense asteroid field. It's a calculated risk."

Aldred assessed the route, weighing the potential dangers. "It's a narrow path, but if we move quickly and stay low on emissions, we might slip through undetected. Prepare the crew for possible turbulence in the asteroid field."

As the ship adjusted its course and entered the chosen route, the tension in the command center remained palpable. The crew members focused on their respective tasks, aware that the success of their evasion plan hinged on precision and coordination.

As they neared the asteroid field, the ship glided through the rocky terrain with careful maneuvering. The radar systems were adjusted to minimize the ship's signature, and the crew held their breath, hoping to pass through the hazardous zone unnoticed.

However, just as they thought they were in the clear, the radar detected an anomaly—a gravitational distortion that threatened to pull the ship off course.

Shuzib's voice rose above the hum of the control room. "Captain, we've got an anomaly dead ahead. It's a gravitational pull. Brace for turbulence!"

The crew clung to their stations as the ship navigated the unpredictable forces of the anomaly. The holographic display flickered, indicating the gravitational strain on the vessel. The ship shook, and alarms blared as the crew worked frantically to stabilize their trajectory.

In the midst of the chaos, Aldred's steady voice cut through, "Hold on, everyone. We can make it through this. Brace for impact!"

"Haish, one turbulence after another," Salamander complained. "I am sick of this already."

The Stardust Voyager pushed through the gravitational anomaly, emerging on the other side with the ship intact but battered. The crew, visibly shaken, took a moment to catch their breath.

"Well, at least, this time the anomaly doesn't rip our spacecraft apart."

As the Stardust Voyager emerged from the gravitational anomaly, the crew quickly shifted their focus to assessing the condition of the ship. Alarms continued to blare, indicating potential damage and strain on various systems.

Aldred, standing firm in the command center, surveyed the holographic displays. "Report on the ship's status," he commanded.

Salamander, monitoring the ship's energy systems, replied, "Energy reserves are holding, but we took a hit to the starboard engines. It's fine though. We won't need to repair it anytime soon."

Aldred shook his head. "Repair them just in case. I don't want any damage in our ship. We must be at our very best at all time. We encountered so many things that tried to kill us in less than a day. I don't want a day of laziness to be the cause of our death.

Shuzib, overseeing navigation, added, "The gravitational anomaly pushed us slightly off course. I'm recalibrating the trajectory to get us back on track."

Meanwhile, Cleome analyzed the data on the human forces and potential hazards. "The human ships are still on their course. It seems like they haven't detected us yet. As for hazards, we need to be cautious. The asteroid field is more densely packed than anticipated, and the solar storm in Sector 7 is intensifying."

Aldred approached the galactic map with both hands behind his back. "Let's hope we can get through this safely."