
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 643: navalis forge world

Through the viewports, they watched as the stars turned into streaks of light, indicating their rapid travel through the galaxy. The journey to Navalis Forge World would take some time, giving them a chance to prepare for what lay ahead.

Aldred leaned back in his seat, deep in thought. He knew that their visit to Navalis Forge World marked a significant step in their mission. Acquiring their own spaceship was essential for their travels, giving them the freedom to explore different worlds and uncover the secrets of the Chronicles of Ascendria.

Salamander, always enthusiastic about new technology, eagerly engaged in a conversation with the butler, asking about the specifications of the spacecraft.

Surprisingly, the butler knew in details about the spacecraft which impressed Salamander.

Shinari and Cleome exchanged stories from their past missions, while Shuzib listened intently, absorbing the experiences of his newfound companions.

Elralya and Cellaeth, ever observant, scanned the surroundings, their keen eyes detecting subtle energies and vibrations. Despite their calm demeanor, they remained vigilant, ready to assist their allies at a moment's notice.

As they traveled, Damian approached Aldred. "Is there anything specific you require during the journey, esteemed guest?"

Aldred nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, but for now, we're fine. We appreciate the excellent service."

The butler smiled and retreated gracefully, leaving Aldred to his thoughts.

Navalis Forge World awaited them, promising not only a new spacecraft but also the in their quest for the Chronicles of Ascendria.

Aldred looked out of the viewport, his gaze fixed on the distant stars. Whatever challenges lay ahead, he was ready to face them.

He had fought against demons, bio-monsters, and even space orks.

His victory proved that he could continue this journey.

Upon their arrival at Navalis Forge World, Aldred and his team were greeted by a bustling spaceport, teeming with activity. The air was filled with the scent of metal and machinery, a testament to the planet's reputation as a hub of technological innovation. Towering structures loomed in the distance, housing state-of-the-art shipyards and manufacturing facilities.

Their butler, Damian, guided them through the labyrinthine spaceport, leading them to one of the renowned shipyards on the planet. The shipyard was a marvel of engineering, with massive cranes lifting starships into position for repairs and upgrades. The sound of welding and construction echoed through the air, creating a symphony of industry.

Aldred marveled at the sight, his eyes tracing the intricate designs of the starships being crafted and repaired. It was a stark reminder of the advanced civilizations that inhabited the galaxy, each world contributing to the vast tapestry of interstellar technology.

The shipyard sprawled before them like a colossal cathedral of innovation, its metal spires reaching for the heavens. The air buzzed with the hum of machinery and the sharp scent of metal, a tangible testament to the ceaseless work of countless engineers and craftsmen.

Aldred and his allies stood on a platform overlooking the bustling expanse below. Starships of various shapes and sizes were scattered across the vast floor, each one a masterpiece of engineering. Some ships were sleek and streamlined, designed for speed and agility, while others were robust and heavily armored, clearly built for battle in the unforgiving depths of space.

Aldred had seen a shipyard before, but not as amazing as this.

"I have an aquintance that can help you provide what you need," Damian said. "If you randomly go to one of these shipyards, they will charge you with exorbitan prices. Especially during the times of conflict."

"That's very convenience," Aldred said, surprised that the butler even help them this far.

They were met by a representative of the shipyard, a knowledgeable engineer named Elysia. She welcomed them warmly, her enthusiasm for starships evident in her every gesture. Elysia led them on a tour of the shipyard, showcasing the cutting-edge vessels in various stages of production.

As esteemed travelers, you have the privilege of choosing from our finest selection of starships," Elysia said, her voice filled with pride. "Each one is equipped with the latest advancements in propulsion, weaponry, and shielding technology. Rest assured, you'll be acquiring a vessel that surpasses all your expectations."

Salamander trembled in excitement.

Aldred nodded appreciatively, his mind racing with the possibilities. Acquiring a powerful starship was crucial for their mission, providing them with the means to traverse vast distances and confront any challenges that came their way.

"What should we pick?" Aldred asked.

"Elysia, will you explain to us the list of ships you have available?" Salamander asked. He already got what ship to buy in mind, but just in case, he decided to ask.

Elysia smiled, her eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. "Of course, esteemed travelers. I'm here to assist you in finding the perfect starship for your needs." She gestured toward a holographic display showcasing various starship models.

First and foremost, let's consider the size of the crew you wish to accommodate. We have options ranging from compact vessels ideal for a small team, to larger ships capable of housing a crew of adventurers like yourselves. How many people are you planning to bring on your journeys?"

Aldred glanced at his team, considering their needs. "We're a team of seven, including myself," he replied. "We need a ship that can comfortably accommodate all of us."

Elysia nodded, making notes on her digital tablet. "Noted. Now, let's talk about the distance you plan to travel. Are you embarking on long interstellar voyages, or will your travels be relatively short within a specific region?"

Salamander, ever the strategist, chimed in, "We aim to explore various worlds, so we'll need a ship with a considerable range to cover vast distances."

Elysia continued, "Excellent. In that case, we have starships equipped with advanced warp drives for rapid interstellar travel. Now, let's discuss speed. Do you prioritize speed over other factors, or are there specific features you're looking for in terms of propulsion?"

Aldred considered their past encounters. "Speed is important, but not at the cost of safety and reliability. We need a ship that can handle different environments and challenges. Additionally, we're interested in ships with efficient fuel consumption to minimize the need for frequent refueling."

Elysia smiled, acknowledging Aldred's input. "Moving on, let's discuss storage space. Are you planning to carry large quantities of cargo, equipment, or artifacts during your travels? Additionally, do you require specialized storage for any unique items you might encounter?"

Aldred pondered for a moment. "We might come across artifacts and resources in our quests, so having ample storage for those items is essential. Specialized storage compartments would be beneficial too, to ensure the safety of valuable or fragile discoveries."

Aldred had traveled with a ship before, but it was a sea ship. Still, the ship on the sea, and the ship in space almost had the same problem, so he knew a few things he needed to consider when acquiring a ship.

Salamander was even shocked that Aldred asked all these questions. 'Didn't he said he has never entered a spaceship before coming to this galaxy?'

Elysia continued her inquiry. "Considering crew amenities, are there specific facilities you require on the starship? This could include sleeping quarters, a medical bay, a fully-equipped kitchen, or any other necessities for the well-being of your team."

Elralya, ever perceptive, spoke up. "A medical bay is a must, and sleeping quarters for everyone. A functional kitchen would be appreciated as well, to maintain our health during long journeys."

They all looked at each other before Aldred commented: "We've all been eating instant food during our travel, I guess we need to change that bad habit."

"Of course!" Cellaeth and Elralya agreed. The two elves actually could not stand instant food. They consider it low-class, cheap, and disgusting. But they never complained because they didn't want to be seen as babies.

Elysia nodded, her datapad filling with detailed specifications. "Understood, medical bay, sleeping quarters, and a functional kitchen. Lastly, let's discuss weaponry. Do you require heavy firepower for defense against potential threats, or are you more inclined towards stealth and evasion mechanisms to avoid confrontations whenever possible?"

Salamander liked this woman. She really knew her stuff.

Aldred's gaze hardened. "We need a balance. Sufficient firepower for defense, but also advanced stealth and evasion systems to avoid unnecessary conflicts. We prefer to navigate through challenges with caution."

From his experience, absolute firepower did not worth the risk. There was a saying 'You earn a victory for each time you avoid a fight.' The saying was true, because fighting cost money, effort, and time. Not to mention the risk of being defeated.

Elysia smiled, satisfied with their responses. "Thank you for providing these details. With this information, I will present you with a selection of starships that meet your requirements perfectly. Please follow me, esteemed travelers, and let's find the ideal vessel for your noble quest."

And with that, Aldred and his team followed Elysia deeper into the shipyard, eager to embark on their next adventure aboard a powerful and meticulously chosen starship.