
After their short vacation, Aldred and his team returned to a hotel room that they rented. The owner of the hotel insisted numerous times that they do not have to pay, and even gave them all the MVP room available.

"Are you sure, we don't have to pay for this? Your business needs money now of all times."

"No need. No need. Your presence in my hotel is already enough payment. Now I can brag that my hotel has served one of the hero that saved this planet. So please be assured that everything you want and need will be taken care of."

Aldred nodded. "Thank you for your hospitality."

The owner's eyes lit up and tapped the back of of his own hand twice, a gesture that meant appreciation in the local culture.

Aldred and the owner chatted a bit before the owner left.

"He's such a nice guy," Salamander said. "Rooms like these could cost someone's yearly salary."

Aldred looked around the room. The style was something he had never seen before. It was a mix of eastern and west with a combination of traditional and modern. It was very hard to describe.

However, it was very clear that the room looked very expensive.

Still, Aldred wouldn't consider the owner to be a nice guy. The owner earned free marketing and an increase in their reputation for giving them this room.

Aldred and the others were like celebrities now with thousands of admirers. Anyone that helped him will be seen in a good light.

Not to mention the exposure this hotel will receive.

Aldred smiled. He wasn't complaining though. He was used to this. Numerous people had given a lot of free stuff in order to curry favor.

When you reach a height in power or status, it was very normal for people to do this to you.

This was reality.

He jumped on the soft bed. "This feels great."

"When are we going to leave this planet?" Salamander asked.

"Let's go tomorrow," Aldred said. "There's no need to stay here any longer."

"Has Shuzib found his family yet?"

"Unfortunately not. There are still many people haven't been identified yet. Shuzib said not to worry too much."

"I bet he's worried sick."

"Of course," Aldred replied with a frown. He could understand the feeling of being far from one's family.

Elralya observed a change in Aldred's energy. It was stable before, but now it became chaotic. However, she could sense that Aldred was in control of this energy.

'What an interesting human,' Elralya thought. 'He said in his world various races are friend with each other. Perhaps that affect his character.'

All of them slept for the night.

Then, the next day, they discussed where to go first.

"We need our own spaceship," Salamander said. "With our current funds, we can buy one immediately. But, we have to go to a shipyard first."

"I have no problem with that," Aldred said.

They immediately called a ride to a nearby planet.

In the Imperium Celestialis, there were numerous companies that offers transportation services. As long as you got the money, they would take you anywhere in the galaxy.

"I have found one of the best shipyard in Novastra Clusters. It's a planet called Navalis Forge World."

"Hmm, sounds like a legit name for a battleship shipyard."

Salamander nodded with excitement. "I've read a bunch of stuff about this planet. Because of its production capability, Navalis Forge World become a crucial asset in providing the fleets with state-of-the-art battleships. Lord Malgorth's forces become free promotion for Navalis because the planet deployed thousands of their ships to fight against the demons."

"That's good." Aldred nodded. "It means that their quality are confirmed."

Suddenly, a whirling sound came from above.

Aldred stood up from his chair on the rooftop of the hotel. "That's our ride."

"Let's go."

A gravity beam pulsed and pulled them into a spacecraft.

A butler put his right hand on his left chest and slightly bowed. "Welcome esteemed guest. My name is Damian De La Huerta Goldfarb Folke. I will be your attending butler in this ride. I want to confirm our destination. You would like to visit Navalis Forge World with the world number X-457Y9Z2."

"That's correct."

"Okay, would you like to speak to the captain?"


The butler nodded. "If you have any request at all. Please call me at any time."

Suddenly, two maids came and greeted them. "Welcome, esteemed guests."

"The maids will bring you to your chamber and provide you with food and drinks."

"Please, follow us."

The maids walked ahead as the group followed them.

Aldred was weirded out. The service was too spectacular for a simple transportation service. He would only receive this kind of treatment with luxurious package.

Wait a minute!

Aldred looked at Salamander who was all smile. "Salamander, how much does this ride cost?"

"Hm? Don't worry about it."

"The hell you mean don't worry about it. We work hard for that money."

"Hehe, I have never experienced luxury before. This is once in a lifetime experience."

Aldred sighed and let it be because he understood what Salamander felt. Before he was reincarnated, he lived a pretty rough and poor life. He could only watch the privileged kids holding hands with their parents buying anything they want while he hold a piece of molded bread with tattered clothes.

It was impossible to forget that scene.

After the maids escorted them to their room, they brought in all kinds of high-quality, five-star type of food.

The room they were escorted to was opulent, adorned with elegant furnishings and a breathtaking view of the stars through a large, panoramic window. The atmosphere was tinged with a sense of sophistication, and the air was fragrant with exotic scents that wafted from nearby perfumed candles. Soft, ambient music played in the background, creating a serene ambiance that added to the luxurious setting.

There were a lot of plates on the table, however, the food on each plate was very little. Instead, the dish focused on aesthetic and taste.

A typical five-star food.

The maids carefully served the dishes, each plate a work of art in itself. The food was presented meticulously, with vibrant colors and intricate designs that showcased the chef's culinary expertise. The aroma of exotic spices filled the air, tantalizing their senses and piquing their curiosity about the flavors to come.

When you're eating something luxurious. It's usually wasn't meant to make you feel full, instead, it should make you feel something else.

Introducing something new to your tongue.

Aldred, Salamander, Shinari, Cleome, and Shuzib gathered around the table, their eyes widening in awe as they examined the exquisite dishes before them. Each dish seemed to tell a story, promising a culinary adventure that transcended the ordinary.

Aldred picked up a delicate fork and took a bite of the first dish. The flavors exploded in his mouth, a harmonious blend of sweet, savory, and spicy notes that danced on his taste buds.

He closed his eyes, savoring the moment as the taste transported him to a world of culinary delight. The others followed suit, their expressions reflecting a mixture of surprise and delight at the exquisite taste.

"It's… good. No. It's perfect!"

"This is incredible," Salamander exclaimed, his eyes wide with amazement. "I've never tasted anything like this before!"

Shinari nodded in agreement, her usually composed demeanor breaking for a moment as she savored the flavors. "The combination of spices is truly remarkable. It's like a symphony in my mouth."

Cleome, with her keen senses, analyzed each dish with precision. "The chef has a deep understanding of flavor balance. It's not just about taste; it's about creating an experience. No wonder the rich willingly paid so much money for so little food."

Shuzib, though initially reserved, couldn't help but smile as he indulged in the delicacies. "I've tasted elven cuisine, but this... this is on a whole new level."

Aldred, too, was thoroughly impressed. Despite his vast experiences across different worlds, this culinary adventure was unlike anything he had ever encountered. He appreciated the attention to detail, the creativity, and the passion infused into every bite.

Elven cuisine were said to be unmatched in the galaxy. Elves took pride in aesthetic and taste. Their chef were even more skilled as they took their skill to the next level.

Elralya and Cellaeth consumed those kind of food regularly, so this kind of dish did not manage to impress them.

Aldred raised his glass, filled with a rare and exquisite wine, and proposed a toast. "To new experiences, to friendship, and to the extraordinary journey we've embarked upon. May our paths be filled with wonders, challenges, and the joy of discovery."

They clinked glasses, their eyes meeting in a shared moment of connection.

The room seemed to glow with warmth, and for a brief moment, the burdens of their mission faded away, leaving behind the simple pleasure of being in good company.