
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 577: ancient vs future

As the sun sets behind the towering mountains, a magical waterfall cascades down into a crystal-clear pool below. It is in this enchanted setting that the colossal blue sea dragon and the majestic phoenix engage in an epic battle of strength and power.

The sea dragon and the phoenix clashed into action. They wrapped their grip tightly on one another then blasted all sorts of powerful magic.

The sea dragon, with shimmering scales as blue as the deepest ocean, rears up on its hind legs, unleashing a deafening roar that echoes through the valley. Its eyes, glowing with an otherworldly intensity, lock onto the phoenix as it spreads its wings, preparing to take flight.

"Look at how beautiful that dragon is! I wouldn't think a creature like that would be dangerous if not for its display of power."

The phoenix, with feathers as vibrant as a rainbow, takes to the sky, soaring high above the waterfall. With a flick of its mighty tail, the sea dragon sends a massive wave crashing into the phoenix, but the bird manages to dodge the deluge with graceful ease.

"The phoenix is amazing as well. Those fiery wings makes it seems like it is the king of the sky!"

With a fierce cry, the phoenix summons forth a searing wall of flame, but the sea dragon is not deterred. It charges forward, jaws open wide, ready to strike. The phoenix dives down to avoid the attack, swooping in low to rake its talons across the dragon's scales.

"Such power!"

The battle rages on, each creature striking and parrying with deadly precision. The water churns and boils, and the air is thick with smoke and fire. But neither side seems to gain the upper hand, as they are equally matched in strength and determination.

As the epic battle between the giant blue sea dragon and the majestic phoenix unfolds in the magical fall outside, the passengers within the train watch in awe and amazement. Some of them are standing up, leaning against the windows to get a better view, while others sit transfixed in their seats.

Everyone enjoyed the view. As the sea dragon unleashes a deafening roar, the passengers gasp and stare in shock at the sight of such a massive creature. They are captivated by the dragon's shimmering blue scales and its powerful movements as it charges forward to attack the phoenix.

When the phoenix takes to the sky and summons a wall of flame, the passengers' eyes widen in disbelief. They watch in amazement as the bird deftly dodges the dragon's attacks and swoops down to deliver a counterattack with its razor-sharp talons.

Tom's friends were also as excited as everyone else. Both of these creatures were at high Diamond Rank. Ordinary magicians and even warriors wouldn't be able to defeat them. At the very least, an extremely powerful artifact is required for one person to kill a dragon or a phoenix. They were creatures of legends after all, capable of living for tens of thousands even millions of years.

The sun sets below the horizon, casting a golden glow across the valley. That was when the sea dragon and the phoenix finally ceased their combat. They stare at each other across the churning water, each respecting the other's power and prowess. And with a final nod of their heads, they turn and fly away from each other.

Everyone clapped and cheered. Their excitement filled the entire train.

"Isn't that an amazing fight, master?" Elfie smiled at him.

"It is very incredible." Tom nodded with a smile. He was so impressed by these two creatures that he consider capturing them and turning them into his undead later.

Suddenly, the bright sky turned dark and two massive black magic circle appeared in front of the dragon and the phoenix.

Tom saw this and looked at the passengers. All of them chatted with smiles and excitement as they talked about the battle earlier, seemingly not noticing what happened outside.

The dragon and the phoenix were wrapped with dark runes all over their body, and their figure flickered in and out of reality.

"What is this?"

"What are you looking at, Tom?" Elfie asked.

"Are you not seeing that?" Tom pointed.

"Look at what?" Elfie looked out of the window but seemed confused. "I am not seeing anything. The dragon and the phoenix already left, no?"

"Yes, they are," Tom said as he watched the dragon and the phoenix roaring in the sky with dark runes carved all over their bodies.

Suddenly, the dragon and the phoenix soared into the sky and flew towards the train.

Tom"s eyes flickered and suddenly two missiles streaked in the air and slammed onto the dragon and the phoenix before exploding.

In the distance, the sleek, futuristic air-plane soared through the clouds, its engines roaring as it approached its target. Its sleek metal exterior was armed to the teeth with advanced weaponry, capable of taking on any foe that dared to stand in its way.

People from earth would call this plane a spaceship that could fly through the atmosphere with ease. But this world was much different than Earth. Even with their current technology, they could not yet fly through the atmosphere and leave this planet.

The plane was actually the customized Armageddon. Corduul had improved all of their arsenal numerous times. With thousands of tech priests working together on improvement, their weapon of war always became better day by day. Now, the Armageddon had become faster and even deadlier.

But its enemies were no joke either. The blue sea dragon, a massive creature of the deep, towered over the magical fall, its scales reflecting the sunlight as it bellowed a challenge to the air-plane. And hovering above, the phoenix, a mythical bird of fire, glared down with piercing eyes, ready to strike.

The air-plane banked sharply to avoid a blast of fire from the phoenix's beak, unleashing a volley of missiles that streaked towards the blue sea dragon. But the creature was too fast, diving beneath the water and disappearing from sight.