
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 576: school trip

The sleek high-tech train glided along the tracks with a low hum, its futuristic design turning heads as it passed by. Inside, the passengers settled into their comfortable seats, marveling at the digital displays and advanced control panels that surrounded them.

Tom smiled in pride as he sat on one of the seats. His classmates: Helid, Zerdar, Hemur, Zyta, Tressa, and Wilma all looked around like they were a bunch of children.

Well, technically they were teenagers. But all of them were now at mid Diamond Rank. A power level that only few can reach. For 90% of the population, they might as well be gods.

They were currently inside one of Aldred's high-tech trains. Most of the trains were actually designed to bring supplies, but he also made some for public transportations.

They were in the train because of a school trip. Since the place was very far and it could take them weeks or even months to arrive, they decided to use the train since it was the fastest transportation they had available.

As the train picked up speed, the scenery outside became a blur, the world rushing past in a blur of colors and shapes. The windows were tinted, but passengers could still make out the outline of buildings and trees as they sped by.

"Tom, your dad really made this?" Helid, the skinny boy, asked.

"Yeap. This is one of many trains he created for the kingdom."

Everyone looked at him in awe. They wished their father could create something as marvelous as this as well.

Tom said that, but it wasn't Aldred who actually designed or manufactured the train. It was all Corduul's work. But since Corduul was his subordinate, it was okay to claim the credit.

The train moved at a staggering speed of 3,600 kilometers per hour. If the fastest jet on Earth was flying beside the train, then the train would match its speed before completely destroying it in a race.

The speed was possible because the train's propulsion system was cutting-edge, powered by a complex network of electromagnetic fields and superconducting materials. It could reach speeds that were once thought impossible, traveling from one end of the planet to the other in a matter of hours. That was an exaggeration, but people should get the idea.

Now, such extreme motion should have wrecked the nearby landscape to shreds while also destroying the ears of the people around it. But thankfully, with the combination of science and magic, they manage to create a powerful barrier, reducing the impact of such high velocity, and causing the train to almost make no sound.

Despite its high speed, the train's interior was serene and peaceful, insulated from the outside world by thick layers of soundproofing and vibration-dampening materials. Passengers could relax and enjoy the ride, secure in the knowledge that they were traveling on one of the most advanced pieces of technology ever created.

The train wasn't the only thing that was pleasing to the eyes. The train attendants glided down the aisle with effortless grace, their flowing garments trailing behind them like ribbons in the wind. Their clothes were crafted from fine silks and satins, embroidered with intricate designs and adorned with delicate beading and jewels. Some wore flowing gowns with long, trailing sleeves, while others donned fitted bodices and billowing skirts. Their hair was styled in elaborate braids and twists, accented with glittering hairpins and adorned with jeweled headbands.

Their movements were as enchanting as their attire, and they moved with a fluidity that seemed almost otherworldly. As they passed by, passengers caught the faintest scent of exotic perfumes, a hint of the fantastical lands from which these attendants had come.

Aldred had recruited them far from this kingdom. Giving them amazing places to stay, satisfying wages, and low work hours. With such benefits, a lot of people agreed to take the job, but many refused because they were too far from their homeland. Most of the attendants here felt out of place in their home, while some just wanted an adventure, or a new place to stay.

Most of them brought their family here as well, making sure they were not lonely in this foreign place.

Their smiles were warm and inviting, their eyes sparkling with the light of magic. They attended to the passengers' every need with a graceful efficiency that belied their otherworldly nature, leaving a sense of wonder and awe in their wake.

Sadly, with such unique and enchanting beautiful women working in the train, there tend to be some problems.

A Platinum Rank warrior grabbed one of the attendants and forced her to sit beside him.

"I am sorry, but you are not allowed to do this."

"Yeah? Who dares to say anything? I can rip your clothes open in this train and nobody will stop me. Hahaha."

Before the man could do anything more, a cable net came from above, wrapped around the man's head and then electrocuted him.

Soon after, one 4 meter tall robot lifted the man and the window nearby opened itself before it yeeted the unconscious man out of the train. Without the protection of the force field, the man was completely destroyed as it was moving at high speed.

A lot of people cheered and clapped after that. Before boarding the train, everyone was informed that misdemeanor would be punished. Sexual harassment towards the attendants was repeatedly pointed out many times and they had clearly said that the result of this act will allow them to execute the perpetrators on the spot.

If they didn't enforce the rules, this kind of act will repeat itself.

Suddenly, the train began to slow down, and the tinted glass become clear.

"Hmm, what's going on?" Zerdar, the young lord that fought against Tom when he first came to the university, said.

As the train passed by a mountain, they were struck by the breathtaking sight that lay before them. A stunning waterfall cascaded down the rocky face, the water shimmering in the sunlight like a thousand diamonds. But this was no ordinary waterfall, for it was infused with the magic of the land, and its beauty was beyond compare.

The waterfall was surrounded by a kaleidoscope of autumnal colors, with trees and shrubs painted in hues of gold, orange, and red. Leaves floated down on the gentle breeze, dancing in the air like fireflies, as though celebrating the magic of the fall.

As the train moved closer, they saw that the waterfall itself was more than just water. It was a symphony of colors, each droplet infused with a different hue of the rainbow. The water shimmered and sparkled, casting rainbows of light across the landscape.

The windows opened and the air was filled with the sweet scent of wildflowers and spice.

As they sat there, mesmerized by the beauty before them, a gentle melody began to drift on the breeze. The people looked around, trying to find the source of the music, but it seemed to be coming from everywhere at once. It was as though the land itself was singing, its voice a soothing balm to their souls.

"Wow… incredible. What is this place called?"

"Autumnspell Fall." Tom replied. "I believe it is one of the most beautiful places in the whole entire world."

They all nodded in agreement.

This magical fall was more beautiful than any they had ever seen. It was a place where the natural world and magic intertwined, creating a masterpiece of unparalleled beauty that would stay with them forever.

Suddenly, blinding lights came from a distance, forcing everyone in the train to squint their eyes. After careful look, they realized that it was a gigantic creature— a blue sea dragon to be exact.

The sea dragon roared as it swooped down from the sky, its massive wings stirring up a gust of wind that sent ripples through the magical fall. The dragon's scales shimmered a brilliant blue in the sunlight, and its eyes glowed with an inner fire as it prepared to engage in battle.

But with whom?

A loud screech rang in the air. Everyone's gaze moved to the side. The phoenix soared high above the land, its magnificent wingspan casting a shadow over the trees and mountains below. Its feathers were a brilliant red and gold, gleaming in the sunlight like precious metals. As it flew, the air around it shimmered with heat, a testament to the phoenix's magical power of flames.

The phoenix's eyes glinted with an inner fire, and its beak shone like polished steel. Its talons were razor-sharp, and the sight of them alone was enough to strike fear into the hearts of any who dared to oppose it.

As it flew, the phoenix let out a deafening screech, flames licking at its feathers. It was a sound that spoke of power and majesty, a reminder that this was a creature to be respected and revered.

"Don't tell me these two creatures are going to fight!" Zerdar watched in excitement.

Elfie, Tom's maid, leaned towards Tom and asked: "Master, is it safe for us to be here while these two beasts fight?"

"My father has prepared reinforcement units for every train should it come under danger. He fully understands that the wilderness is a dangerous place."

Elfie put her hands over her chest and let out a sigh of relief. "Thankfully, your father is wise."

The phoenix's magical power of flames was evident in everything it did. As it flew, it left a trail of fire in its wake, scorching the earth below.

The two magical creatures circled each other warily, each waiting for the other to make a move. Suddenly, the sea dragon unleashed a powerful blast of magic from its mouth, sending a torrent of water crashing towards the phoenix.

The phoenix responded with a burst of flame, creating a wall of fire that met the water head-on. The two elements clashed violently, steam rising as they battled for supremacy.

The waves of energy wash over the passengers, though the force field managed to turn them into harmless heat waves.

The passengers were slightly pushed, but then they burst into cheers as they cheered for the dragon or the phoenix.