
Tom punched out with an explosive force, blasting all the rocks and soil that buried him.

The cultists did the same thing, and they looked at Tom in anger.

"We cannot let that boy steal our dragon. We have to kill him."

"I am not interested in your dragon in the slightest."

"Lies! No one would go to a dragon's lair while the dragon is still in it unless they want the dragon's heart. Kill him!!!"

"Fuck! I told you I am not after the dragon!"

The Earth Dragon beside them roared and swooped down towards Tom with its jaw open wide and tried to chomp him. But Tom was ready for it. He leaped aside with grace, jumping high in the air before landing near a pile of treasure.

The roar of the dragon hurt his eardrums. An Earth Dragon had a powerful roar and they could injure their enemies using it. They were also located in a tight space which made the sound bounced off the walls and intensify the damage.

This bastard of a dragon pissed him off. If saving Claudia wasn't his priority, he would take his time to kill the Earth Dragon and the Cultists.

Activating his godly eyes, Tom scanned the area to locate the Spiritual Pocket, and noticed that if he wanted to reach for it, he had to pass the Earth Dragon and the cultists.

"Fucking hell! These guys are pissing me off!"

The dragon charged forward. Large legs trembled the earth as its massive size and speed resembled a train going straight towards Tom.

The dragon came at him with a speed and ferocity that was almost unmatched. It brought its massive claws down upon Tom, hoping to crush him underfoot. But the Tom was quick, and he darted aside just in time.

"Stop getting in my way!" Tom slashed upward, the blade opened a wound on the dragon's neck.

"Shit! He's about to kill the dragon! Don't let him.

15 dark-robed cultists were closing in, their hands wreathed in crackling energy as they prepared to unleash their magic upon him. The cultists began to chant, their voices rising in a crescendo of dark power. Lightning crackled around their fingers, and the air was filled with the acrid scent of magic.

"As if I will let you cast your stupid spells!" Tom lunged forward. his blade flashing in the dim light of the cavern. The cultists only see a line of light before suddenly dozens of line lights appeared all over the place.

Screams of agony filled the cave as the cultists looked at their limbs that were no longer there.

"Extingucto Totalasi"

Their wounds began to glow with a soft, pulsing light. The light grew brighter and brighter, until it was almost blinding. Suddenly, the magicians' limbs began to grow back. Arms sprouted from stumps, legs from hips, and fingers from palms. The process was quick and steady.

The cultists now understood Tom's power and charged at him systematically. Half of them rushed in with their serrated blade, while the other half threw magic at him.

Tom easily out speed the cultists, parrying all the attacks while also dodging the magic.

"I said! I don't want the dragon!" The Phantom DOomblade in Tom's grasp glowed a terrifying crimson light, and killing intent filled the cave, suffocating the cultists.

"What is this killing intent? How much people has that boy killed???"

"Who is that boy really?"

"Enough talking. Let us use our real power."

Suddenly, powerful killing intents exploded from each of the cultists. At first, they were weak compared to Tom's killing intent, but then they begin to dwarfed over him.

Tom watched with widened eyes as the killing intent raged like a storm in the sea. "These guys… they have murdered over millions of people."

"I am not dealing with you guys." Tom immediately sprinted away towards the location of the Spiritual Pocket. When he arrived on the location, he blasted the soil to reveal the orb.

"Finally." Tom reached out with his hand only for a rock pillar to suddenly came from beneath his feet and slammed him into the ceiling. The force of the pillar made him cough a mouthful of blood that splattered on the floor.

The cultist ran a finger on the blood and licked it.

The dragon stood up and roared in anger. The wounds on its neck healed.

One of the cultists rushed forward and grabbed the orb. "Is this what you are looking for?"

Tom punched the pillar and landed on the ground. His expression was filled with rage. "Yeah, give that to me or I will use all of my power to kill you and everyone here including the dragon."

The cultist threw the orb at him. "Please leave this place, Son of Hujarar."

He waved his hand and an invisible force pushed Tom out of the cave before it was filled with rocks, blocking the entrance completely.

"How did he know? I have to find out." Tom was about to destroy rocks until suddenly, the entire mountain glowed with a bright light and vanished.

"Fuck!!!" Tom was angered at first, but then he sighed and could only accept his fate. From what he learned by analyzing them with his godly eyes, these cultists came from a group called Cult of Devour. These cult believed they could become stronger by devouring the enemies they defeat. That meant they were also cannibals since they also ate humans that they killed.

"Ughh… how does these disgusting people know who I am? Did they worship my dad or something?"

His dad, Hujarar, was the ruler of hell. He was basically the strongest demon that could possibly exist. His dad said that there were strongest entities out there, but his dad would probably be at the top percentile. Since he had trillions of demons under him, and he literally owned hell, it was no wonder that some evil group would worship him.

"I wonder if there's a group of people that worship my mother."

Eve, his mother, was a Grand Ancestral Vampire. A universal-level entity, just like his father. From levels alone, Tom could say that she matched Hujarar in strength. Though, Hujarar's fighting experience was probably more since he fought against the thousand gods for almost his entire life.

She was the first vampire that ever exist. Essentially, she was the ancestors of all vampires in this universe, and possibly other universes as well. Though, Aldred was actually her first offspring, because Dina, Aldred's sister, was adopted.

So these vampires might pop off because Eve accidentally spilled a drop of her blood or something.

"Now… how do I get her out?" Tom asked.

"Big brother!" Hino ran and approached her. "Did you get the Spiritual Pocket?"

"Yeah. Here it is." Tom showed the orb.

Hino then grabbed her small pouch and grabbed a needle. She then stabbed the orb with the needle and pulled it out. A spiritual mist leaked out from the orb then it cracked and shattered as Claudia appeared with her eyes closed.

"Finally…" Tom said. "Took me a while to save you."

Claudia gazed at Tom, raised her hand, and then slapped him in the face.

"What the fuck is that for?"

She slapped him again.

"Stop that!"

"What took you so long?" Claudia asked coldly.

"Aren't you stuck in time and space? How can you tell how long it took?"

"I can. Now, stop wasting time. Let us do just like what we planned."

"Huh? What plan?"

"Dual Cultivation."

"Ah… right. Alright, then. It will be beneficial for me anyway."

"Let's do it right now."

"What? Right now? In public?"

Claudia squinted her eyes. Tom noticed she did that a lot. She never showed any expression to other people though. Her expression always stayed cold. Maybe what Hino said was right. Claudia became more expressive and talkative around him. Not that he could consider her cold words as talkative.

Tom kinda wish she could be a little nicer to him. She was a beautiful woman. Her kind words and smile could probably charm an entire nation.

"What public?" Claudia asked. "We are in the mountain ranges. There's no one here but animals."

"For the love of my father and mother in the sky, are you out of your mind? I like sex, but even I have common sense. Let' just do it inside a room or something."

Hino silently listening intensely to their conversation which worried Tom a bit.

"If that is what you want, then fine. I shall grant your request. What kind of room do you want? Tell me?"

Tom was weirded out a bit. She never asked for his opinion before, always wanting to do whatever she wanted to him. So what was the big idea?

"Quick, what do you want?"

"I am fine with anything to be honest. Who cares about the room anyway."

Aldred had done intercourse with his wives in all kinds of rooms before, but he didn't really care about the room.

"Alright, in that case, I shall decide."

As Claudia moved her hand in the air, about to teleport them, a shadow shade them from the sun.

A second later, a gigantic stone golems with red lines around its body landed with a loud thud. It's body composed entirely of rough boulders. And at the center of its head was a bright red light that act as the eye.

"Son of Hujarar, please come with me."