
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 568: the power of the earth dragon

Tom was in his worm form, so a little breath from the Earth Dragon sent him flying far away before slamming onto the wall. The spiritual pocket just happen to be at the opposite side of his location.

"Fuck!" Tom cursed with his worm mouth.

The appearance of those weird men in robes destroyed all of his plan. He turned his little worm head in anger, glaring at the men in robe. Not that he had eyes in the first place.

The men in robes walked slowly inside the lair. The Earth Dragon stared at them in anger than a bunch of people actually dare to disturb its peace.

One of the men in robe pulled his hood down and revealed a face full of nasty scars.

"Kill it," the man said.

The robed men vanished from the spot and appeared in the air.

The Earth Dragon glared at them with fire in its eyes. It let out a mighty roar that seemingly crack space in the surrounding area, destroying the cultists immediately.

"Using your ultimate attack so suddenly? As expected, defeating an ancient dragon won't be easy. But It's not so easy to defeat us as well!"

"Lumpa Lumpa Consilundo!"

Tom burst into laughter after hearing the name of the spell. What kind of stupid spell would have a name like that?

Suddenly, the cracked space repaired itself, and the destroyed body of the cultists regenerated before all of them returned back to their original position. Time was reversed to a few seconds ago.

Tom frowned. "So I finally meet someone that can control time in this continent."

His Suit of Agility actually had the power to reverse time as well, but it became restricted in this continent due to the thickness of mana. Different continents had a slightly different laws of physics. It was like a different world completely.

The cultists gathered in a circle around the massive Earth Dragon, chanting in unison as they prepared to strike. The dragon roared in defiance, its massive body coiled and ready to defend itself from the onslaught.

The cultists began to move as one, their movements precise and fluid. They attacked the dragon with a flurry of spells and enchanted weapons, but the dragon was quick to respond, lashing out with its massive claws and tail.

One of the cultists lunged forward with a sword, but the dragon easily dodged the attack and retaliated with a blast of fire from its jaws. The cultist narrowly avoided the flames, but the heat singed his clothes and caused him to stumble.

The other cultists continued to press their attack, using their magic to create barriers and illusions to confuse the dragon. But the dragon was not so easily fooled, and it continued to fight back with all its strength.

As the battle raged on, the cultists began to tire, their movements becoming slower and more sluggish. The dragon, sensing its advantage, launched a fierce attack, striking several of the cultists with its powerful claws.

As the cultists fought against the dragon, Tom wiggled his way to the orb again. Fire, lightning, light, swords, axe, and hammers flying above him and everywhere.

An axe landed an inch away from, creating a dent on the ground.

"Fuck that almost got me!"

The hit wouldn't kill him, but it might force him to return to his human form which would blow his cover. He didn't want anything to do with these cultists and the Earth Dragon. He just want to save Claudia and get the hell out of here.

The battle raged on, each side determined to emerge victorious. The cultists unleashed a barrage of spells and enchantments, creating a dazzling display of light and sound. The dragon roared in defiance, unleashing a blast of fire that scorched the earth beneath their feet.

Despite the danger, the cultists pressed on, their spirits unbroken. They fought with all their heart and soul, channeling their energy into each strike, each spell.

"Haa! Take this you filthy dragon! Firiato Serpucto Espresso!"

Tom got stopped in his track for a second after hearing that spell. "Who the fuck are these people? Where did they learn these spells?"

Storm Clouds formed around the lair, and then blasted countless powerful lightning towards the Earth Dragon, creating cracks on its scales.

The ground beside Tom turned charcoal. The lightning almost got him as well. "These cultist are all high Diamond Rank warriors and magicians. Why are they attacking this dragon? Who cares. I need to save Claudia first." He kept on wiggling forward.

The Earth Dragon growled, enrage, at the audacity of these pest.


The dragon spoke with a deep, loud voice.

"Everybody watch out!"

"EARTH SURGE!" the dragon roared. With a deep breath, he began to chant, the words of the spell tumbling from its lips like a river of fire. It closed its eyes, focusing its energy and channeling it into the spell.

Suddenly, the ground beneath the cultists began to tremble, the earth itself rising up to do the dragon's bidding. The cultists let out a scream of panic, lashing out with their powerful attack. But the dragon remained focused, pouring all its energy into the spell.

The earth rose up in a massive wave, enveloping the cultists and carrying it high into the air. The cultists struggled, They used all kinds of spell to destroy the rocks and boulders around them. But it was no match for the dragon's magic, the spell holding them tight.

Tom was carried by one of the boulders and got further away from the Spiritual Pocket. "Fuck!!! Not again!!!"

Suddenly, the boulders crashed into one another, sending the cultists into a world of bone crushing pain. Tom was knocked to the wall again, but when he tilted his head, he saw the spiritual orb was only 10 meters away from him.


The cultists stood up immediately. With a deep breath, the magicians began to chant, their voices rising in unison like a choir of demons. They raised their hands to the heavens, their fingers tracing the patterns of ancient runes in the air.

Outside the lair, a bolt of lightning streaked across the sky, illuminating the world in a blinding flash of light. The magicians stood firm, channeling the raw power of the storm into their spells. Stormclouds roared and rumbled the world. Before a powerful lightning struck and moved into the lair as if it was alive. It went straight towards the magician and moved around their body.

The lightning danced across their fingertips, sparking and crackling with an intensity that could only come from the gods themselves. They summoned the very essence of the storm, drawing it down from the heavens and into their waiting hands.

With a fierce cry, they unleashed the lightning upon the Earth Dragon, a bolt of pure energy that struck with the force of a thousand thunderstorms. The ground trembled beneath their feet, the air filled with the deafening roar of the storm.

The powerful lightning cracked nearby boulders, blasting them apart. Tom was just a few inch away from the Spiritual Pocket until he was knocked away again.


Out from the smoke, the Earth Dragon stumbled on its steps. The attack proved to be very effective as most of its boulder-like scales were crumbling.

"This dragon is too stubborn!" The cultist gnashed his teeth in annoyance.

The dragon's mighty wings beat against the still air, sending gusts of wind swirling through the lit up cave. Its scales glinted in the flickering light of glowing orbs in the air, and the sound of its breathing echoed through the cavern like the rumble of distant thunder.

Everyone knew that the dragon was pissed for real this time.

With a fierce growl, the dragon called forth the very essence of the earth itself, drawing upon the raw power of the world beneath its feet. It closed its eyes, focusing its will with a fierce intensity, until it felt the very rocks around it begin to tremble and shake.

And then, with a roar that shook the very foundations of the cave, the dragon unleashed its attack.

"Fuck this shit. I am taking that Spiritual Pocket with my human form!" Tom transformed into a human and ran to the Spiritual Pocket, reaching out with his hand.

The cultists was distracted by his sudden appearance, that they could not focus.

The attack came with sudden speed.

A wave of pure earth surged forth from the dragon's maw, a torrent of stone and soil that swept through the cavern like a raging river. The walls shook and trembled, sending showers of dust and debris raining down upon the cultists.

These stones and soils were heavier than normal. A finger sized rocks could weighed in tons. Normal people would be crushed immediately.

When Tom's fingers was about to touch the Spiritual Pocket, he was slammed into the wall and the Spiritual Pocket was dragged by the soil.

"You little piece of sh—grkkk." The soil blocked his mouth.