
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 548: entering the library

Tom and his friends sat on a nearby bench. They were currently in the campus garden. Looking around, he saw the place was covered with grass and magical plants. Not a lot of people walking on the stepping stones. Most students were busy after all.

"I am really curios about your parents," Zerdar said.

"Why do you want to know so much?"

"Well, to have a son as amazing as you, your parents must be amazing as well."

One of the girl nodded. "You are very handsome Tom. Is your parents good looking as well?"

When the girl said Tom was good looking that meant he was truly good looking. Every Diamond Rank looked beautiful and charming compared to the people on earth, so for another Diamond Rank to praise his appearance, then he must be very handsome.

"I guess my parents are good looking as well."

Tom recalled the appearance of Eve and Hujarar. They were indeed good looking. In fact, everyone here looked like shit compared to them.

They chatted for a few minutes, until a teacher approached their table.


Everyone stood up immediately and bowed. Tom followed. He did not want to be disrespectful and make unnecessary enemies.

He already had a lot of enemies. He didn't mind if more appear, but he wasn't foolish enough to make more.

"Are you Tom?"

Tom nodded. "That is my name, teacher."

The teacher was pleased with his respectful tone. "My name Fordemvak Nucruunthueld. I am responsible for teaching students on how to concoct their own potions and also knowledge in biology and botany. If you need to know anything feel free to ask me."

"Thank you, teacher. I will surely come to you if I need help in your field."

"That will be great. I also heard that your father is an aggressive and ambitious businessman. I am sure my potions should be an interesting topic for him. I also have shops to sell my potions, one of the best in the kingdom."

Tom's eyes flashed. When he heard the word 'business' his brain activated immediately.

Having a High Diamond Rank potion master did interest him. If he had a potion master under him, that would be great for his business.

Suddenly, Tom received a message in his mind.

Smiling, he looked at the teacher. "Perfect time, teacher. My mother is coming to visit. She deeply assist my father in his business, and she can even make huge decision without consulting him."

"Oh, when will she come?"


Space and time warped a few meters beside them. It bent in weird angles until finally the space shattered, creating a spinning vortex of which a woman with long legs walked out. White dress tightly wrapped around her breast, waist, hip, and butt, but the rest of the dress was transparent, revealing her smooth thigh and snow-white legs.

Her long, black flowing hair, accompanied by a pair of earrings and a tiara on her forehead made her seemed so divine.

Everyone gape in amazement at her appearance. Her glow overshadowed all the beauties this garden had to offer.

Even Fordemvak's mouth slightly opened at the scene.

"Tom, is… is that your mother?"

"Yep." Tom wanted to laugh after seeing the teacher's reaction. He was glad that he had a shape-shifting abilities, enabling him to change his shape and form into anything he wanted. Of course, that wasn't enough to impress Diamond Ranks. Simple symmetry and tones wouldn't be enough.

Aldred had used a lot of magical potions to enhance the aura, and the necklaces, earrings, and even the dress itself had a magic effect to charm anyone that gaze into it.

Now, the clone was the perfect mother for Tom.

"Mother!" Tom ran towards the woman and hugged her legs. He even rubbed his own head onto her thigh.

'This woman is my clone, so does that mean I am rubbing my head on my own thigh? But I am a clone too,' Tom thought as he kept rubbing his head.

All the males jumped in shock when they saw that it was Tom's mother. What a lucky person to have a mother this beautiful…

Zerdar and the others were also in shock. He was just talking about Tom's mother, and there she appeared.

The woman rubbed Tom's head for a bit before she approached the teacher. "My son has tell me everything. My name is Armaita Nicholas. I am Aldred's wife and Tom's mother. Are you mister Fordemvak?" She reached out her hand.

The teacher was flabbergasted and even froze for a moment before he shook her hand. "Y…Yes that would be me."

"Let's have a talk somewhere else. We don't want to bore the youngsters with business talk."


Armaita walked away with the teacher while giggling and smiling, making the teacher blush.

Tom laughed inside. He should have done this since a long time ago. If he turn himself into a hot, stunning beauty, he could have make a lot of deals to his benefit!

Zerdar approached Tom. "Tom, you said your mother is not coming with you."

"That's because she still need to take care of business somewhere else. But it seems like she has finished it, and can come here."

"Your mom is so beautiful, Tom."

"Hey! Don't even think about it."

"I don't even dare. But damn! Your father must be a very happy father and husband."

"He is," Tom said.

Suddenly, Corduul's voice entered his mind: "Master, we have received an information that there is a public library within the campus."

"Yes, there is," Tom replied within his head.

"Can you access the library and scan all the books inside? This will enrich the Mechanicum's database and help us further."

"Hmmm, I will see what I can do."

Tom looked at his friends. "Guys, want to go to the library?"

"Oh, why all of a sudden?"

"I just want to take a look. Maybe there's a skill that might interest me."

"Sure. We're fine with that. There's a lot of books containing general knowledge of different field as well, so we can spend a lot of time there."

With everyone agreeing, they all walked to the library.

After a few minutes, they stopped in front of a giant building, protected by tall fences and a luxurious gate.

Two statues, 8 meter tall, holding a shield and spear guarded the gate.

When they stopped in front of the gate, the statues moved their head, making the sound of stone grinding against stone.

"Show your id," The statues spoke harshly.

Tom and everyone else revealed their card, proving their identity.

The eyes of the statues lit up into a vortex and magic particles covered them.

"These magic particles allow us to enter the library without activating the alarm. The library is a sacred place because knowledge is sacred. Not just anybody can enter this place. We all should be grateful to be even allowed to step foot in here," Zerdar said.

"Knowledge is sacred, huh?"

The large gate creaked open, revealing the huge building inside.

They walked in and the gate closed shut immediately.

"I can already smell books from here."

"Ahh… the smell of pages."

When they entered the building, what greeted them was shelves and shelves full of books.

Tom looked above and saw hundreds of flying shelves. Magicians flew around, looking at one shelf after another.

There were even tables and chairs in the air where magicians sat and read a book together.

A floating coffee shop moving around in the air, ready to cater the students of their needs.

Fairies flew in front of them.

"Greetings, students! What books would you like to read today?"

Tom replied: "I just want to take a look."

"Do you have any specific needs?"

"Hmmm, what about books in general knowledge? Do you have that?"

"Most certainly. Please step onto this cloud."

Tom looked down and a fluffy cloud wiggled itself like a dog. Tom stepped on it. It felt like stepping on empty air, but then it lifted him up.

"See you guys later," Tom said to the others as they waved back at him.

The fairy circled around Tom as he flew higher and higher.

"You smell funny, sir," the fairy said.

"Oh, how so?"

"You smells sweet and full of fragrance. Kinda like the taste of blood. Everyone here have it, but you are a particular one."

"Perhaps because I am special?"

The fairy giggled. "Perhaps, sir."

They flew up for a few minutes until they stopped in front of a bookshelf.

"Here it is. Books about general knowledge of this continent, nearby continents, and even this world as a whole. There are even research, theories, and conclusion of the writers about the concept of the universe that we live in. They are not popular though as they are considered useless knowledge by magicians."

"Knowledge about the universe is considered useless?"

"What is the use of knowing the universe if it didn't make them stronger? Is what they said."

"What a practical mindset."

They didn't question existence and reality. They accepted it as it is and only focused on becoming the best of the best. Magicians were very competitive in this continent, all of them did everything they could to be better than themselves and everyone around them.

But there didn't seem to be a lot of arrogant young masters around. Tom had read a lot of eastern novels before, and he would expect a lot of arrogance bastard to be walking around.

'Perhaps it's because everyone here has high status. After all, only the sons and daughters of a noble family can enter this place. And even that isn't enough to enter this university.'

"So, do you still want this shelf? Or do you change your mind?" The fairy asked.

"No, this one is fine."

The books of general knowledge would enrich the Mechanicum's comprehension of this continent. Having a wide range of knowledge would be helpful in the future.