
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 547: mother figure

"Did you just tell me that Victor formed the Mechanicum?"

"That is correct, master."

"But… then why do you want to destroy him?"

"Victor's goal was to brainwash every human being on this world, making them no difference than obedient A.I. The counsel decided that his goal was heretical and decided to fight against him."

"Wow… and despite that you still need to hide under his rule. It really showed how powerful he was back then."

"Yet, you manage to destroy him, master."

"Yeah, I guess I am just that good." Tom laughed.

"Anyway, I don't think we can find anyone as genius as Victor ever again. He was just a normal human and yet manage to build a nation as powerful as the strongest kingdom in the continent."

"Perhaps, master, but you never know the limit of the human brain. They are extremely rare, but the probability is never zero."

"That kind of scares me… but if we do ever find someone like that, let's hope he or she doesn't want to brainwash every living thing they see."

"Anyway, let's get some rest. I am very tired."

Three days later.

Tom walked inside the campus square and saw Zerdar in the distance waving his hand.

"Tom!" Zerdar ran at him and asked: "What have you been up to lately?"

"Just meditating and studying more skills."

"Ahh, just meditating and studying is not enough. You need to practice your skill. Come on, let me show you to a place."

On their way, Tom and Zerdar met Hemur, Helid, and the other youngsters. In campus, their group were quite well-known now because Tom always manage to made a ruckus. He was the talk of the whole campus for days ever since he fought against Russam Bummei.

And whenever he appeared, they could not help but take a second glance and wondered how strong he really was. This was especially true for the women.

To them, he was extremely mysterious and charming. Whenever he was nearby, the girls would steal a look at him a bunch of times.

"Where are we going?" Tom asked as he saw a cute girl smiling sweetly at him.

"We're going to the arena to practice our skill."

"We're going to fight someone?"

"Of course, how else would you test your skills?"

A few minutes later, they arrived at a large square with hundreds of stages. People were fighting atop these stages, some do a light spar, while some do it heavy.

Diamond Ranks were not that easy to kill though. Unlike normal humans who would get brain damage so easily, Diamond Ranks could even grow limbs and brain matter with some potions. There were even cases where a Diamond Rank revive just from a drop of blood, though that case was extremely rare.

Suddenly, a beautiful woman fell from the stage and her back was wounded.


"Can I help?" Tom asked.

The woman looked at him and unconsciously nodded her head.

"Take off your clothes for me."


"Otherwise, I can't heal you."

"O…Okay." The woman obeyed. She didn't know why she obeyed so easily. She felt like she should refuse, but her body just acted on its own.

She took off her shirt, only revealing a smaller cloth that wrapped around her back and her breast. The wrap was very tight, however, making her breast looked so much bigger.

Tom then sat behind her and put both of his palm on her back. All of a sudden, an extremely powerful energy rushed into her body, and she couldn't help but let out a little moan.

She put both hands on her mouth. 'What the hell am I doing??? But… what kind of energy is this? Why does it feel so good?'

Her whole body trembled for a moment, but then a calming and soothing sensation relieved her of the pain and her wounds healed.

"It's done."

The woman wore her clothes again and said: "Thank you."

"You don't have to mention it."

Suddenly, a scream of a man was heard nearby. Tom immediately walked to help, but he turned his head and looked at the woman, smiling. "See you later."

"See you." The beautiful woman waved.

"Vele, are you okay? Did he do something to you?" Her friend approached and asked her.

"Who is that?" Vele asked.

"That's the one that I talked about. He's Tom. The one that fought against Russam and the boy that drink a girl's blood. He is an evil person."

"Really? He seems so… nice."

Tom walked to a man who lay on the floor in pain. His arms snapped in a weird angle, and both legs were broken. His nose even bent to the left.

"You got hurt pretty bad," Tom said.

"Yeah, we are doing a heavy spar. Can you heal me for a bit, buddy?"

"Sure." Tom slapped the man in the face.


"Hey! What was that for!" The man stood up only to realize that his whole body healed. "Ehh…"

"No need to thank me." Tom smiled and walked away.

Zerdar walked beside Tom. "So, uhh… Tom. You can actually heal someone with a slap?"

"Something like that."

"Then why do you need the girl to take off her clothes?"

"Uhhh… because I need to warm up my skill." Tom said that with a straight face, but Zerdar could see through his lies.

"You are a cultured man, Tom. I have to admit that."

Tom laughed, not embarrassed at being found out. "You want a little spar?"

"Uhh…" Zerdar recalled that Tom fought against the top 15th student into a draw. "Can we do light spar?"

"Of course. In fact, all of you can fight me all at once."

Helid, Zerdar, and Hemur looked at each other. The other youngsters also looked at one another.

There were 9 of them and one Tom. They thought for a while, and they believed they could get a chance to fight him.

But, it would be embarrassing for all of them to gang up on Tom though.

"Come on, what is it going to be?" Tom asked.

"Uhh, why don't we just fight you one on one. The losing one will switch with the others," Zerdar suggested.

"I am fine with that."

And so for the next few minutes, Tom literally beat them one by one with absolute ease. He did not break anything though because he promised a light spar.

They continued for a few rounds until all of them gave up. Tom didn't even give them a chance to touch him.

"Hahaha. That was fun," Tom said.

All of them rolled their eyes at his remarks.

"You are too strong, Tom," Helid said. The skinny man was really trying hard to attack Tom, but there was nothing he could do.

"Maybe. But I can always improve my strength."

Zerdar laughed. "I like that attitude. Nobody is too powerful to stop growing. You can always become better, stronger, richer, more influential."

"And happier."

"Perhaps that too. But I think the idea of continuously climbing mountain after mountain makes me quite happy, because I know there is no end to this. I might die without even reaching Adamantite Rank, but I will keep fighting to reach it."

"You can, and even above that."

Zerdar laughed again. "No one else would dare to say that Tom. For a lot of people, Adamantite Rank is the limit. Nobody has ever seen anything above it. Nobody."

"That's because they haven't fly high enough. The higher you fly, the more you will see."

"That's… I didn't expect that to come from you."

"You think I am stupid?"

"I just didn't think that you can be… philosophical."

"I am a man of many things." Tom smiled.

"Are you really a 13 year old boy?" Zerdar asked.

"Of course. I might be as wise as a turtle, but I am still young."

Zerdar chuckled. "Your father must be really proud of you. Having a son as powerful, as intelligent, and as talented is a dream for many parents."

Smiling, Tom replied: "I am lucky to have them too. My mother and father is the best thing that ever happened to me."

Tom recalled Eve and Hujarar, his father and mother. They are his parents. No one else can take that title.

"I never heard anything about your mother though. Is she coming with your father to this continent?"

"Nope. She stayed back," Tom lied. He didn't think that he needed a mother figure in this continent, but perhaps he need it to make his enemies less suspicious.

In fact, they might even try to find his old continent. That would be a terrible idea. Though there are a number of Diamond Ranks protecting the Ceraisian Empire, the numbers paled in comparison.

So he might need to summon another clone acting as his mother.

In the divine dimension, inside a big mansion.

Aldred was looking at himself in the mirror. Long hair that reached his waist, big breast, big butts, and curvy waist.

His wives chuckled when they see him looking all beautiful.

"It looks good on you, Aldred," Mareona said before she laughed out loud.

Aldred scratched his cheek. "I guess I can make a clone with this appearance to act as the mother of the family."

"Yes, and also don't change your appearance. You look quite good in that form."

Aldred sighed at being teased by his wives which make them laugh.