
Nhulan swung his scissor right past Tom's face. A second later, a wound appeared with blood dripping out.

Tom swiped the wound and it healed immediately. "My healing skills are very potent. Even a High Diamond Rank like you wouldn't be able to harm me."

"You're just a mid Diamond Rank. You do not understand my power." Nhulan rushed forward once again.

Tom stepped back about to block, but then suddenly, hundreds of cuts appeared in his body, while Nhulan was standing 10 meters away from him.

Tom looked at his wounds, and they did not heal. Some sort of dark energy was gnawing on the wounds, preventing his body from healing them.

In fact, the dark energy absorbed his mana at a constant rate. Anyone else that suffered this type of injury would fall out of exhaustion after a few minutes.

Tom glared at the assassin before his body exploded with greater power, and both of them rushed towards each other.

CLANG! The sound of metal against metal resounded as gust of wind boomed out of their attacks, sweeping the animal corpses all around them.

Their battles shook the earth, and then both of them lifted up into the air before continuing the battle.

Visible ripples filled with great profound power smashed the clouds. The animals nearby trembled in fear and ran into hiding.

Nhulan gritted his teeth as he fought against Tom. Despite being a high Diamond Rank, he could not get any advantage in a battle against Tom.

This was Aldred's Son? If so, then how powerful was the father?

Nhulan took a careful look at the blade in Tom's hand. 'That has to be his source of power. If I can knock it away then I will win.'

Nhulan increased the intensity of his speed. As an assassin, speed was one of his most trained skills.

"Vacuum Speed!"

Nhulan's body seemingly went into overdrive as he came towards Tom with speed never been seen before, leaving small vacuum behind him.

His scissor went towards Tom's face. Tom leaned back.

"Gotcha!" Nhulan grinned as his scissor went straight towards his right arm, and sliced it off.

Blood splattered as the Phantom Doomblade rolled in the sky.

Nhulan reacted quickly and grabbed the blade.

"Hahaha! Without this, your power means nothing!"

Suddenly, a dominating pressure overwhelmed Nhulan, making it difficult for him to breathe.

He looked at the blade and saw that it was ballooning and then exploded.

BOOM! A massive explosion shook the heaven, producing an invisible shockwave that leveled hills and trees.

After the smoke vanished, Nhulan found himself covered in shrapnels, and these shrapnels were devouring on his soul!!!

"Get out of my body!" Power burst forth from every inch of his skin and pushed the shrapnels away.

The tens of thousands of shrapnels flew around and flew towards him from every direction, creating wounds all over his body. And for every wound, a small part of his soul was consumed.

Nhulan grunted and then punched the air, producing a shockwave boom that pushed the shrapnels away. He then glanced at Tom.

"You're a tough nut to crack."

"I have heard of that before," Tom said.

Nhulan scoffed. "It seems like my strength is not enough to fight you right now. Let us meet again."

"You are not running away from me!"

The shrapnels gathered back into a Phantom Doomblade and quickly flew into Tom's hand. It then transformed into the shape of a devil-like assault rifle.

Tom pulled the trigger, spraying bullets towards Nhulan.

Each of these bullets had a tiny part of the blade embedded inside of them, and they were created using the blade's soul power and Tom's mana, so it was basically limitless.

Nhulan agilely dodged the bullets. Only a few manage to injure him slightly.

His limbs began to weaken though. The bullets not only attacked him physically, but spiritually as well. Every minute, he was weakened, and his knees trembled of exhaustion.

Nhulan's heartbeats began to thump in his ears. He screamed, light bursting from his mouth like radiant smoke, and he threw himself into the distance, skidding in the sky, soaring into the air.

In less than a second, Nhulan was already 50 KM away.

"Fuck, he's really getting away."

The devilish assault transformed into an assault rifle. Getting into position, Tom used his godly eyes to precisely sense Nhulan's location.

He was already 325 KM away, and counting.

"Time to put this weapon to the test. Don't disappoint me."

He pulled the trigger.

With a world rumbling explosion, a small bullet came out of the barrel and speed up into the distance with the recoil pushing Tom hundreds of meters away.

The bullet, instead of slowing down after each second, increased its speed. The law of friction was foreign to it as it was flying straight towards Nhulan.

Nhulan turned around and could only stare at the small bullet in the air with wide eyes. He was too shocked too think at this moment.

He had never seen anyone faster than him, not to mention someone with lesser strength than him. He even believed that only Adamantite Rank could defeat him at this point.

But it was today that he knew that he wasn't as powerful as he thought he was.


The bullet lodged into his head and exploded, scattering his brain parts out.

Nhulan held his head, trembling as he saw a huge amount of blood dripping onto his hand.

Glaring into the distance, he bit into his lip. "TOM!!!! I will kill you!"

Right after that statement, he vanished.

Tom sighed.

Corduul approached. "I am sorry, Master. We have failed to widen our anti-teleportation mechanism."

"It's fine. 350 KM is already good enough. Though we do indeed need to improve it."

The reason why Nhulan didn't just teleport away from the start was because Corduul had placed anti-teleportation devices all around the place.

Besides, it was normal for magicians to place anti-teleportation treasures secretly when they fight to prevent their enemy from fleeing.

Though, even with these measures, Diamond Ranks usually manage to escape from losing situations.

Tom looked at the Phantom Doomblade in its sniper form. "Well, it performed well than expected at least. Too bad, that I cannot kill that assassin. Corduul, do you have any information about him?"

"No, master. Only unconfirmed information and all of them does not match with each other."

"So we basically know nothing about him," Tom said.

In his case, he already knew a lot. He just ask Corduul to gauge how well-known Nhulan was. Corduul had killed a lot of people just for the sake of reading their memories.

And despite that, they still did not know much about Nhulan. That meant the assassin was a very crafty figure.

The problem was, Tom did not know who wanted to kill him so badly.

The first time they tried, they send one mid Diamond Rank magician and one mid Diamond Rank warrior.

Now they even send a high Diamond Rank warrior.

Who had the resources and influences to send these assassins? Grooming them was not easy.

Diamond Rank require decades if not hundreds of years to reach.

Each and every one of them was a valuable piece for the noble family.

"Whatever, we will find out sooner or later. For now, let's return to the campus."

When Tom and Corduul vanished, they did not notice a weird fluctuation appearing a distance away.

Hundreds of masters, and nobles were watching the battle secretly.

They were naturally shocked by Tom's powerful combat capabilities. The assassin he fought had high Diamond Rank strength, while Tom was simply at mid Diamond Rank.

Their strength should be day and night. The assassin shouldn't even struggle a little bit to kill Tom, but not only he survived, he significantly injure the assassin, forcing him to retreat.

"We have to reevaluate Aldred's strength. If his son is this powerful, then he must be even more powerful."

"He easily took over an entire County by himself. This should be proof of his strength, why do we need to evaluate him?"

"Could it be a bluff?"

"Unlikely, their battle is not staged. I don't know who that assassin is, but I can see his killing intent is real."

"Other than Tom's strength, we need to talk about the metallic figure. Who is that?"

"I believe he is Aldred's right hand man. My spies spotted him a couple of times conversing with Aldred. They died right after sending me this information."

"It's getting harder and harder to spy on Aldred. We don't even know his location."

"Some even say that he isn't even inside the capital city."

"That's impossible. Look at how well his territory is being run. He is working on so many projects at once, and I see his cities are constructing tall buildings called skyscrappers."

"Why would he build such things?"

"My informants heard that their primary function is to have more rooms for people, because they are planning to reduce residential area for something they call 'Factory'."

"Hmmm, we need to know more about this. Let's send more spies towards his territory."