
Tom arrived inside his new mansion with Corduul.

"My weapon is done already?" Tom asked.

"Yes, master. It did not take long for us to modify because of our comprehension and with the help of Dobbs' mastery."

"I have no doubt about Dobbs' skills. So where is my weapon?"

Corduul reached out with his hand, and a dot of dark energy burst from his metallic palm, creating a small portal of which the Phantom Doomblade came out.

The blade flew around a few times before going straight towards Tom's hand.

Tom looked at it carefully. The fiery dark aura wrapped by lightning now had a tinge of mechanical flare into it. The blade was also thicker around the handle

"The blade now can transform into three different mechanical function," Corduul began to explain.

"The first one is Rapid-Fire Machine Gun, the second is Long-range Precision Gun, and the third is Particle Bomb."

"What do you mean by Particle Bomb?"

"The blade could explode, sending all of its tiny particles in every direction at a high speed. All of these particles could be controlled by you which let you create millions of tiny weapons."

"So, the blade exploded, becoming nano particles of which I can control however I like?"

"Yes, master. And of course it can also return to its original form whenever you wish."

Tom smiled. "I like that. I would like to test its power."

Just as Tom was about to walk away, a notification came inside his head.

A small drone flew out of Tom's pocket and fired out a ray of projection, depicting Zerdar fighting against the four mechanical robot.

"Is he testing the robots?" Tom asked with amusement.

The four robots moved with great agility, attacking Zerdar from four different directions at the same time.

Zerdar raised his fan to block, but the moment he blocked one attack, three others would came immediately.

He had to roll, jumped, and moved his body in tricky angle just to barely dodge the attack.

Getting tired of being on the defensive, Zerdar decided to rush forward and palm attacked one of the golem on the stomach.

The force dented the armor and pushed the robot back, but as it was pushed, its four arms moved in quickly in a slashing motion.

Zerdar widened his eyes and kicked the air to retreat.

After he landed on the ground, he saw that there was a torn on his clothes.

A fraction of a second later, three golems were already swinging their blade at him at the same time.

Cold sweat poured from his forehead, and he raised his hand. "I gave up."

With a loud thud, the golems stopped moving immediately.

The onlookers that saw this spar was shocked to see the performance of these golems.

Golems were not that rare, but most of them were not very powerful. A Platinum Rank magician could defeat 5 to 10 Platinum Rank golems. Most golems win their battles with numbers not the quality of their strength.

But Tom's golems manage to get Zerdar gave up. Zerdar was a child prodigy, trained with the best resources and techniques available.

And yet, four golem was enough for him to give up? Sure, he did not use his full power and his secret treasures, but he still should be able to win against the golems.

Zerdar did not want to admit it either, but he did not think he could defeat the golems unless he used secret treasures.

Tom smiled when he saw this. "Maybe I should rent my golems to the nobles so they can train their sons and daughters with it."

"But, Master, you only give four of these golems to Duke Hushum. If you began to rent them out now, he might devalue your gift to him."

"Then I should limit the number of golem they could buy. Except for Duke Hushum, all the other nobles family could only buy ten of these golems."

That should be enough to tell the nobles that these golems were high-value goods. And with this limitation, Tom could sell each golem at an extravagant price.

He needed to amass as many wealth as possible, because according to the information Corduul gathered, it was very expensive for magicians to advance. They needed so many resources and treasures to improve their strength.

Tom could spend his time killing monsters all day, but it would still take him decades if he did not use the necessary resources such as potions, herbs, and magical pills.

"Master, there is a problem," Corduul said.

"What is it?"

"A stampede of magic beast has been detected 48 KM from our territory. They are currently heading towards us."

Tom scoffed. "Someone must have orchestrated this."

"There is a high probability for that, master."

"It's fine. I will consider it a perfect chance to test my Phantom Doomblade. Let us visit the stampede."

They both teleported out of the mansion and appeared in the sky.

Below them, a massive horde of magical beast stomped the land like a group of mad animals. Their eyes were red and they seemed to be angered.

"In 20 minutes, they will reach our capital city," Corduul reported."

"Activate our long-range defense mechanism."

Corduul's eyes lit up as his brain connected with all the satellites nearby, gathering their information, and then sending it to the Command Center. Giant cannons, huge machine guns, rockets, plasma blaster, and many more appeared within the city. They aimed high into the sky, seemingly into nothing, but actually their aim were already precisely calculated by the Mechanicum's powerful processing power.


Loud rumbling sounds of tens of thousands of weapons blared. So many magical barrier appeared in the city to protect the people. If not for that, their ears might explode because of the sound.

And then, in less than a second, a wave of bullets decimated tens of thousands of beast at once, and kept on counting for every second they kept charging towards the city.

The horde of beast was 20 KM away from the city, with Corduul's long-range defense protocol, this distance was nothing.

In fact, the city could even neutralize threat as far as 500 KM. This was not taking the City Killer and the squadron of CS-Armaggeddon into account.

Tom and Corduul continued to watch the magic beast being killed by the thousands from the sky.

"Are we waiting for something else, master?"

Tom nodded. "The ones who orchestrated this should appear sooner or later."

Corduul looked down. "After seeing this massacre, will they really come?"

Tom laughed. "Right, I bet they have never seen something like this before."

Tom was fine with making powerful enemies. After all, he needed experience to level up, and to get experience, he needed to kill powerful beings.

He could also get experience to level up through pills, but the amount he received reduced each time he consumed the same pill.

After a few hours, the magic beast finally decided to turn around and retreat, but their numbers were already cut more than half.

"Stop," Tom ordered before he landed on the ground.

The firing stopped.

"Corduul, collect all of these animal corpses. They are valuable materials that we can sell."

"Yes, Master. I will arrange a unit for that."

Tom looked around while squinting his eyes. "Now… will they come out?"

After a few minutes of looking around, Tom saw no one.

"It seems they are cowards. Let's get back."

Tom turned around until he heard a voice.

"I expected for Aldred to come to this place, but it was his son that came. Kekeke. Well, his son should be fine."

Tom heard that voice as if it was whispered in his ear, but actually, the man was 100 meter away from him.

He was a frail, thin man. Standing at 180 CM tall with oversized clothes.

"What a weird man. Who did they send this time?"

Tom activated his godly eyes.

[Nhulan Bhehen]

Level: 165

Power: Super Human Physic, Enhanced Senses, Dark Sight, Energy Manipulation, Break Item, Extra Perception

History: A High-Diamond Rank assassin that loves to torture his enemies. Nhulan Bhehen has been trained to kill ever since he was born. Armed with great talent, he had killed more people than the amount of time he breathe.

"Nhulan Bhehen. What a weird name."

Nhulan's terrifying smile disappear when he heard his name being called. "How… how did you know my name?"

Tom laughed. "I even know the name of your mother that you barely remember. Shia, was it?"

Nhulan's eyes widened. Suddenly, he vanished from the spot and appeared right in front of Tom.

Tom gritted his teeth, not expecting the sudden explosion of speed. He reacted quickly, summoning his Phantom Doomblade and blocking the attack.

After a closer look, Nhulan's weapon was actually a simple pair of scissor. It wasn't magical or anything, but the reason why it wasn't destroyed when coming to contact with the Phantom Doomblade was because of Nhulan's power.

"Tell me! How did you know?"

Tom gritted his teeth as he struggled against Nhulan's strength, but then his lips curled into a smile.