
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 514: setting off

As Tom was about to get inside the CS-Armageddon-57 with Duke Hushum, he suddenly stopped.

The Duke turned around and asked: "What's wrong, Tom? Come in."

"Sorry, uncle. But you can go first. I am going to catch up with you on land."

"Why? Wouldn't it be faster if we use this aircraft thing?"

"I just arrived in this continent, uncle. I want to take the longer route to learn some things about this place."

"Hmmm, the road ahead is filled with bandits and criminals. I promised your father that I will protect you."

"Do not worry, uncle. My father's mechanical legion will accompany me along with some golems."

"Are you sure about this?"

"I am sure, uncle."

Duke Hushum thought for a second before he nodded. "You are quite powerful and talented, and the golems will accompany you as well. I think it will be fine."

"Can I ask why are you so worried, uncle? Is there really Diamond Rank bandits out there?"

Duke Hushum laughed. "Of course, there are thousands of rogue Diamond Ranks out there."

"Why? Wouldn't it be better to work for a noble or someone wealthy?"

"Some people are just drawn to evil, child. They cannot take orders, and even take offense at the thought of someone can order them around. These people loved chaos and violence. They misunderstood the true purpose of having power. It is not to rule over others. That's just the side effect. The true purpose is to find truth and eternity."

"Find truth and eternity…"

"Yes, and to find this truth, you have to look for it by yourselves. Maybe taking the longer route to Withokere University will be beneficial for you."

Tom nodded. "I believe so."

"In that case, good luck to you. And be safe out there."

"I will, uncle."

Duke Hushum nodded and entered his CS-Armageddon-57. Since he had traveled to this city with it before, he understood a little of how it work. The aircraft work with voice command, so he did not have to press anything at all.

A few minutes later, the aircraft hovered in the air and then set off into the sky.

Tom turned around and saw large vehicles with thick armor rolling up near him. They had six wheels completely protected with armor. Four mounted machine guns on top, fully automated and battle-capable. The truck also had no drivers, and inside them were only robots and ammunitions.

These vehicles will accompany him as protection. There wouldn't be any CS-Armageddon-57 protecting him. Tom was a clone anyway, so even if he died, Aldred could summon another.

But the clone was also Aldred, so whatever Tom felt, saw, and experienced, would also be experienced by Aldred. So if Tom died, Aldred would experience death although not literally.

So with that in mind, Tom also brought 2,000 beautiful servants who would cook, clean, bath, massage, and accompany him on the road.

There were over 500 heavily-armored trucks with all types of weaponry. Some brought heavy-machine gun, rocket launchers, flame throwers, grenade launchers, laser weapons, flash bang launchers, and there were some trucks designed to be as thick, heavy, and large as possible. They were slower than the other trucks, but they would be the shields for the convoy.

With this convoy, Tom comfortably entered a longer truck. Inside, the room was spacious complete with sofas, bars, kitchen, toilets, a bedroom, a massage room, a pool, and even a sauna.

It was like a mobile hotel.

Only twenty beautiful maids were inside the truck with him, the other maids stayed in the other truck.

After preparing all the supplies, they set off into the wilderness.

They began their journey to the east. Passing a few mountains, and some carriages and people that looked at the convoy with awe and fear. Never had they seen 500 giant metallic carriage moving with such speed.

It was like looking at a herd of raging bison, except these bisons were made twenty times larger and were made out of tough steel.

The sensors detected a bunch of criminals groups, but they ran away the moment they saw the large convoy.

"Cowards," Tom said as he sat on his sofa with two beautiful maids sitting on his lap.

Tom caressed their waist and opened his mouth as the maid popped some berries in it. One of the maid leaned in for the kiss right after that.

Tom smiled and walked them to the bedroom.

Hours passed, and Aldred ordered the convoy to stop.

The maids came out immediately, setting up the grills, cooking utensils, tables, chairs, tents, fruits, drinks, and everything else.

Tom came out and called for two Fighter-Class It-6 to come to him. They were the next generation battle robots that the Mechanicum created from the materials of this continent with the strength of low Diamond Rank.

Aldred was a low Diamond Rank as well.

"Fight me," Tom ordered. The two expressionless 10 meter tall robot kicked the ground, sending dirt into the air, as their body blurred in action.

They were coming from two different directions, swinging their long, ultra sharp, vibration blade.

When Tom blocked the attack with his bare skin, a notification appeared.

[World Refined Physique Lv. 4 -> Lv. 5]

World refined physique was one of the ability he learned for quite some time, but he didn't really prioritize in upgrading it even though it was quite simple to do. Simply get hit.

The more he got hit the sooner it would upgrade. Upgrading this skill increased the durability and toughness of his physique.

A magician had weaker physique compared to warrior, but Aldred was different. He got the physique of a warrior since the beginning, but with this ability, he had far stronger body than a warrior on his level.

One of the reason why he could kill so many Diamond Ranks so easily.

The robots attacked him for a full five minutes.

[World Refined Physique Lv. 5. Upgrade points: 3,000/42,750]

[World Refined Physique Lv. 5. Upgrade points: 6,000/42,750]

[World Refined Physique Lv. 5. Upgrade points: 8,770/42,750]

[World Refined Physique Lv. 5. Upgrade points: 12,445/42,750]

He kept letting himself getting attacked until it leveled up for another level.

[World Refined Physique Lv. 5 -> Lv. 6]

Aldred could feel his body becoming far stronger than before now. He recalled the one who gave him this ability was a mysterious lady in green that he met in a forest. He wondered why the lady gave him that, and also wondering whether she was in this continent or not.

Probably not, according to what the Mechanicum had gathered, there were stronger continent than this one, and the existence of someone higher than Adamantite Rank might be there.

One maid came as Tom sat down. She opened the a potion and helped him drank it.

"So good…" he leaned on his chair and relaxed.

"Sir Tom, would you like a massage?"

"Who are you calling Tom? Oh, right… it's me."

The maid was a little confused after that statement.

Aldred wasn't really used to be called Tom. It was just a name he made up in the moment. His clones were basically him, his thought process, his emotions, and all the quirks were all the exact copy of him.

That was why it still felt weird to be called Tom. "Whatever, I will get used to it later."