
Aldred had learned a lot of knowledge about this continent. Corduul Thassentoth had operated a subtle mission to obtain memories from many sources. In fact, they even killed some knowledgeable individuals just to get their memories.

Though Aldred told them to control the frequency of killing because it would be suspicious. And they also avoid killing people that was too important and could cause major panic among the elite-class.

The elite-class had a lot of valuable information about the society, magic, culture, and history of this continent.

Magicians in this planet were like devoted scientist. They worked tirelessly to comprehend the laws and rules of this world, and use this knowledge to change reality itself. What they did was mind-blowing to normal people.

Back on earth, normal people could not understand the maths, physics, etc. Numbers, diagrams, and charts were like alien language for a lot of people.

But there were always those who understood the language of the world and could even use it to see things that could not be seen. Things such as oxygen, atoms, particles, dark matter, etc could never be seen with human eyes.

Mana were the same. It was a mysterious energy that let magicians bent reality to their own will as long as they understood its language. The more they comprehend, the more they can do with it.

There were many ways to bent reality as well. Not just mana, but all kinds of energy exist, and all of them could bent reality in their own unique ways.

Every techniques and spells however were guarded secrets. Knowledge were valuable in this continent. Highly so. They cost tremendous amount of money. That was why magicians were highly regarded. They were more rare and needed a lot of money to grow.

Being a warrior was simple. Just keep fighting other warriors and beast, and you could grow. Magicians needed to train their mind and body. They needed to study theory and then apply it numerous times before they could master a spell.

Aldred was a completely different monster though. He could comprehend a technique in a single glance.

That was why Duke Hushum was so shocked by Tom's comprehension. His talent was simply unheard of.

The Titan's Palm technique was an Epic-Grade close-range technique that could convert mana into life force. Life force were generally better for close-range technique which was the reason why warriors were much better at close-range fight.

Magicians stood almost no chance in close-range battle, but most magicians now had teleportation, spatial manipulation, and even control time to a certain extent to either slow down the warrior or trap them.

This was why it needed more than two warrior to defeat a magician. They simply had too much spells under their sleeve while warriors could only punch and swing.

Some warriors mastered ranged attacks, but they were not that effective because most magicians had defensive spells and treasures.

Only when a warrior became a Diamond Rank could they match a magician in a fight, though, it was extremely hard for a warrior to became Diamond Rank.

There were twenty times more warrior than magician, but there were more Diamond Rank magicians than Diamond Rank warrior.

Diamond Rank warrior could fly like magician with their life force alone, and their speed matched the teleportation of a magician. Their prowess could shatter any defensive spell very easily as well.

They were a force to be reckoned with and were feared by every magician. But they were extremely rare.

Not only that, they were often hunted down by magicians when they appeared. Their existence were simply too dangerous for magicians.

Aldred wanted to learn more about this continent. He even considered killing some of the nobles including Duke Hushum to obtain their memories, but it was simply too dangerous.

He talked with the Duke some more, he decided to stay here for three days. Aldred brought him to tour his castle and his grand army of golems.

The more he looked around, the more satisfied the Duke become. He already saw bright future ahead of Aldred, so the Duke decided to be more friendly as an investment.

Aldred also became more friendly so he could get more benefits out of the Duke's large territory and wide range of connection.

Both sides knew what they wanted from each other, so it was a perfectly healthy relationship of friends with benefit.

Three days later, the Duke left with Tom with his new CS-Armageddon-57.

Duke Hushum could not believe he was gifted this magnificent piece of object. He could show off his closeness with Aldred and also his power to others with this.

Inside the throne room, Aldred sat on the throne with Corduul loyally standing in silence beside him.

Corduul's eyes flashed and emitted rays of light that formed a map of the kingdom. A green line appeared, and circled some part of the kingdom. It was his territory and sphere of influence.

"Now that we have no enemies to worry about. We can begin to bring our companies here."

"Aldred's Golem Mercenary, Aldred's Golem Miner, Aldred's Tasty Food, Aldred's Auction, and Aldred's Magic Orb. Are we going to bring them all here?" Corduul asked.

"Yep. We can earn a lot of money in this kingdom. And maybe we can expand to other kingdom as well."

"This kingdom is a neighbor to one of the biggest kingdom of this continent: The Divine Empire of Stotford. Currently, we don't know much about them, but from the data we collected, they are extremely powerful with a vast sphere of influence."

"Divine Empire of Stotford... what a grand-sounding name. Maybe we can begin to build stores in some rural areas first before slowly inching towards towns and then cities."

"Also, make deals with nearby nobles. We may be friends with Duke of Wihuland, but his territory is quite far from ours."

"We will work on that," Corduul replied.

Aldred nodded with satisfaction. He was glad he got the Mechanicum under his wing. Every time he thought about, he could not help but be very happy to have Corduul by his side. The man, robot, human with robot skins and organs was an effective and efficient employee.

He did not laze around, he did not need to eat, he did the work as told with precision unmatched. He also did not have to do the work himself because he had hundreds of thousands of robots and vessel that he could channel his voice through and control.

Basically, he had a lot of combat-capable drones, and he could even control its body like he possessed it.

It was like having thousands of clones.

"I will be going to my Divine Dimension. You can manage things here. If you need my presence, just go to this throne room and call for me."

With everything setup, Aldred could spend some time with his wives within the Divine Dimension. After that, he might explore this continent on his own a bit while his clone study in Withokere University.

Hopefully, he did not have to stay in school for long. Aldred hated school so much! But maybe a magical school might be different. After all, he had become a teacher before, so it wouldn't hurt to become a student this time.