
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 453: celebration!

Aldred was crowned Emperor. With the support of the entire Empire, his rule was unchallenged. The nobles did not form a group against him because they were completely loyal under the Empress, and since the Empress herself chose Aldred as Emperor, it meant that he was one of them.

With the Empire in complete unity, they could defend themselves against any outside threat.

It was amazing what Aldred and Edeline manage to do. Edeline's decades long planning, Aldred's overwhelming strength.

These two factors let them take a quick swoop and took over an entire Empire. Nobody had ever seen something like this before.

Usually, when someone forcefully took over an Empire, a lot of people would be angered and riots and protest would fill every corner of the nation. Even if those riots were to be destroyed and eliminated, secrets and hidden enemies would make the ruler wary on who to trust.

Sooner or later the nation would crumble from inside.

This was the first time they saw a peaceful take over. Well, it wasn't exactly peaceful since thousands of nobles were killed in the process.

Edeline was ruthless to his enemies. Since the Diamond Ranks had pledged alliance to the Phoenix, then killing the nobles in the Dragon's side wouldn't be a problem.

This way, they couldn't return to their lord since they were now all dead.

She also gave the same privileges and benefits to the Diamond Ranks, and even increased some of it. He told the Phoenix to accept their new comrades and never to discriminate. Those who got caught in the act will be isolated and got their privileges revoked.

She had to take this extreme action to assure peace.

For politics, she was the person to go to. And Aldred was glad he got her by his side. If not, this Empire would crumble and he wouldn't even know why.

After the coronation, it was feast for everyone. Large beast were cooked in the cities square and everyone was distributed the tastiest wine they ever tasted.

Some peasants never drank wine before and were slightly surprised by the taste. They despise it at first, but after a few drinks, they couldn't get enough of it.

Five huge pot of soup, boiled in the city square with the best chef in town watching over its quality.

Aldred made sure everyone got the time of their life.

Aldred also stood up and greeted the nobles one by one. Talking and getting to know them. He studied what they wanted with small talks and gained some information.

He did not believe that people in power were genuinely good. No one was truly good. Everyone always had their own selfish desire.

Even he himself. He killed people all the time. It did not mean he was evil, but he wasn't a saint either.

No human on earth is a saint.

But by treading carefully, everyone would act like a saint towards you.

After talking with the nobles, he found some of their desire and their reason to side with the Empress. They wanted a change. Most of them felt sympathetic towards the slaves, and believed that they did not even need slaves for farming work since magicians did a better job.

They believed that these slaves were tortured for entertainment purposes only. Which was kind of true since magic did a better job in growing crops and most other task such as creating wine, weapons, armor, and even buildings.

Peasants did not really have a role in this world of magic except to serve the people in power.

This was why Aldred put great importance on education. If they could create art and technologies, they would have a better role in society, and their standings would be appreciated.

The other desire the nobles had was to their name and statues to be carved as revolutionizer. They wanted to became a huge part of the Empire's history.

It was common for nobles and rulers to be part of history. They did not want mundane things like bigger mansion and more wealth since they already had enough of it.

It was true for Aldred as well. He got too much money. The earning of his company was huge.

Now Aldred understood why rich people said things like: "Money is not everything."

Of course it wasn't everything, they already got too much of it.

He also understood now why these people were willing to buy a simple food for tens of thousands of dollars.

They got too much money that they did not know how to spend it.

Being ultra rich was a whole new experience.

After getting a better understanding of the nobles, Aldred now knew what to do to keep them happy. He did not want to be a fool. Just because he was the Emperor did not meant he could do anything he wanted.

The Emperor only ruled when his subordinates heeded his order.

After talking with the nobles some more, Aldred and Edeline excused themselves and teleported to the secret palace where his wives and friends already waited.

"Congratulations, Aldred!" Everyone shouted.

"Congrats for being the Emperor!"

Bartrem and the soldiers knelt on one knee and bowed. "We greet the Emperor."

Aldred laughed. "Are you guys joking with me?"

He grabbed the crown off his head and put it in his inventory.

"Emperor, you can't put the crown away. It is the symbol of your power."

"Power my ass. I can be walking around naked and I still can take on 10 Diamond Ranks on my own. HAHAHAHA!"

The soldiers looked at each other with a little bit of worry for their Emperor's behavior, but at the same time, they were happy that he did not change at all despite being the Emperor.

"Come now. Stand up and let's celebrate!"

The wives cheered and popped champagne towards Aldred. The soldiers also stood up and smiled. They then began talking to him like usual, ignoring his status as Emperor.

That all changed when they saw the Empress though. They still bowed and talked politely towards her.

"What is this? Am I not considered to be your friend as well?"

She said that with a sarcastic smile on her face.

Everyone knew that she wanted to be treated how Aldred was treated.

It was a bit awkward for Bartrem to do so since he had always thought of her as his idol. She was his savior.

When he was thrown away by his own parents, the Empress' maid picked him up. The Empress ordered the maid to take care of him and even trained him to be a Knight. The rest was history.

He had felt a long-life gratitude towards her, so he always spoke with a little bit of reverence in his voice.

Aldred ate and drank to his heart content. Back in the Royal Palace, he had to keep his image as the dignified Emperor, but here, he could be himself.

He even ripped his clothes and danced away with glee.

Edeline giggled to find this side of him. And so she danced along with everyone else.

After their party, they enjoyed the view from the balcony and watched as the sun began to set.

"Bright future is ahead of us," Edeline said as she leaned on the railings.

Aldred nodded. "Yeah."