
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 452: all hail the emperor!

All over the Empire, the citizens were out in the street with the proud flag of a phoenix which was the new flag for the Ceraisian Empire. The flag depicted the rebirth of the Phoenix, telling everyone that a new era will began.

The flame symbolized their burning desire for something new. A rebirth of an entire nation. To become better and stronger.

They were no longer the hungry dragons they were once. Now they were Phoenix.

The peasants were of course thrilled to see what this era will bring. The merchants were worried on what would happen to their business, the nobles on the other hands were all smiling. Because the nobles from the Dragons were all eliminated, their territory were free to take. The Empress had distributed the territories fairly through merits which make everyone satisfied.

And all of these nobles gathered in the throne hall with smiles and approval. It was a rare sight. No matter who was crowned Emperor, someone would always find him distasteful.

They were kind of amazed by this coronation, because it was the first time ever in the Ceraisian Empire's history that the people from all class: peasants, merchants, soldiers, and nobles became so excited for a coronation of their new Emperor.

The peasants couldn't care less who their Emperor was. As long as they could fill their belly, it was enough. The merchants had a little bit of stake. Depending on who took control, it could affect their business greatly. The nobles had the most to lose. Their territories could be taken, and their privileges revoked.

Every time a new Emperor arise, it brought anxiety, concern, and a terrible premonition for the future.

But not this time.

This time was different. Greatly so.

Using their magic, the magicians created screens all over the sky for the people to watch the Royal Palace.

No matter in which corner of the Empire the people were, as long as they looked at the sky, they could see the sight of the palace.

Its grandeur and magnificence made the peasants all excited. Because they were too poor, most of them had never traveled to the capital city.

So when they saw the majestic Royal Palace, they were excited that their Empire was so powerful and wealthy. Millions of soldiers guarded the Royal Palace. Thousands of them were Diamond Ranks. All kinds of barriers and defensive treasures lit up around the Royal Palace.

And yet, even after all of these glamors and amazing scene, they still waited with bated breath for the sight of their new Emperor.

Who was the man who changed their life? Who was the man that will lead them to greatness?

A red carpet began to roll from inside the palace. It kept on rolling down stairs after stairs until it reached the opened gate.

Suddenly, a huge, golden palanquin appeared in front of the gate. The palanquin was covered by red and gold cloth, hiding the figure sitting inside. The palanquin was obviously the Emperor's since it took 10 Diamond Rank warriors to lift it up.

The palanquin moved forward.

Behind, a line of soldiers clad in golden armor followed the palanquin. Their armor gleamed under the sun light. Some people even got blinded by the reflection.

Suddenly, the clouds in the sky parted.

"Ceraisian Empire! Hand over your new Emperor!"

A robot appeared in the sky, and it spoke with monotonous voice. The robot was bulky with thick armor all over. It did not seem to wield any weapon.

The peasants were of course shocked by this. They had never seen robots before in their life. Although the Ceraisian Empire had fought many battles against Duria, it was usually outside the sight of the peasants.

Even if the peasants watched the fight, they usually died as collateral damage.

"Duria! Get your robot away from here or you will face war!" the general shouted.

"We are never scared of war. Your new Emperor is a foul existence for this continent. He has to die."

"You think one robot is enough to do that?"

"Yes." The robot began to fell towards the palanquin. Its body shone with blinding light.

After seeing that light, the Diamond Ranks realized that it was something they had never seen before. In seconds, they determined that it was the rumored weapon that was being built by Duria.

The probability was small, but they had to react!

"Quick! Protect the Emperor!"

Thousands of Diamond Ranks rushed towards the palanquin, activating all kinds of spells and treasures, but a voice inside their head stopped them.

"Stop. I will handle it."


The nuclear explosion produced enough force to engulf and leveled the entire city, completely devouring it and turning it into dust and rubbles.

At least, that was what supposed to happen.

But before the explosion could even expand, it was pushed by a powerful force from every direction, Condensing it, and reduced its size before it was absorbed inside the palanquin.

The peasants were amazed. When they saw the robot shone, they almost thought that a second sun would appear on the Royal Palace.

But it was absorbed by their new Emperor. They did not completely understand what just happened, but they do know that their Emperor just blocked a powerful attack.

The peasants roared and cheered for their powerful Emperor.

Not only the peasants, even the generals and the Diamond Ranks guarding him were impressed. Although any Diamond Rank could take on the attack and survive, their Emperor completely absorbed the explosion and prevented the destruction of their Royal Palace which had been standing for thousands of years.

Not only Aldred showed his might, he also preserved historical artifacts at the same time.

Realizing that there were no interruption, Aldred ordered everyone to continue. The palanquin was lifted into the palace and then into the throne hall where Empress Edeline already sat on her throne.

The palanquin was gently put down.

The people held their breath and lifted their arms in excitement to see who it was.

Aldred stepped out, complete with royal garments and accessories. He looked like a dignified person. Powerful and wise. Tall and handsome. He seemed so perfect in every way.

Slowly, he walked towards the throne and climbed the staircase.

He sat on his throne, next to Edeline.

A man came with beautiful red pillow. The crown was sitting on top of it.

Edeline stood up and grabbed the crown, lifting it above Aldred's head.

"I Empress Edeline am not worthy enough to put this crown upon the Emperor's head. So I will let his majesty himself to do the honor."

Aldred grabbed the crown and nodded towards Edeline.

He lifted it high and then slowly put it on top of his head. The weight on his head made him realize the heavy responsibility he took by taking this throne. He was no responsible for every well-being of his people.

The people all over the empire roared and clapped.

A few seconds later, they all went down on their knees and bowed.

"All hail the Emperor!"

"Long live the Emperor!"

"All hail the Emperor!"

"Long live the Emperor!"

"All hail the Emperor!"

"Long live the Emperor!"