
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 407: three mysterious people

A golem threw the man's corpse right in front of Aldred.

"You did wonderfully trying to escape from my golems. For that, I will give you the honor to become my undead. Arise."

Dark goo engulfed the man, and then transformed him into an undead. The man stepped out of the shadow with dark yet bright purple aura oozing out of him.

He knelt.

"What is your name?" Aldred asked.

"My name is Jereim, master."

"What is your power exactly?"

"I am an alchemist, master. But unlike others, I create magical orbs that can have certain effects."

Aldred smiled. "Is that why you are able to escape even without having any power?"

Everyone else was shocked to hear that. This man that managed to run from Aldred's golems for a few hours didn't even have power?

Jereim was an ordinary mortal, but his skills and knowledge in alchemy made him a hard man to deal with.

"An ordinary man survived far longer than your other victims." Stella giggled. "What an interesting world we lived in."

Aldred looked at Jereim. "To create these orbs must take you a while. Do you need time for preparation and ingredients?"

"I do not need much time, master. I can even create these orbs on the run while obtaining the ingredients from any part of the world. I have mastered my craft. I can turn one substance from one to another, creating stones out of leaf, and even diamonds out of dirt."

"Wow. That's impressive," Sophia said. "I mean for a man who does not have magic, spiritual power, or life force, you are one amazing guy."

Jereim bowed. "It is my honor to be praised by the mistress. But I am not that impressive. I simply use what nature provide me."

"You sound like the people from Duria," Aldred said. "Didn't they also use natural resources to create weapons?"

"In essence, everyone needed natural resources to create anything," Jereim replied. "But people from Duria generally doesn't burn with magic, spiritual power, or life force. So in order to survive, they created this field of knowledge called science. It was a wonderful thing. You will be surprised at what ordinary men can do with their brains and hands."

"Are you from Duria?"

"No. I was born a slave in Selia, but my mother brought me to escape where I luckily stranded in Duria. That's where my life begin."

"Did you learn how to make these orbs from Duria?"

"No. Knowledge are very sacred in Duria. They are conservative, and would hardly let strangers in. But they also yearned for greater weapons because they knew they are too weak compared to others. I merely steal their philosophy."

"What philosophy?"

"That I can use nature as weapons. Everything around us can be turned into a weapon. Of course it wasn't as simple as grabbing a rock and throwing them at your enemy. I am saying that their raw elements can be used to create a weapon. Like my orbs. I use organic and non-organic things to create them. And since mana, energies, spiritual power, and life force is actually all around us, we can use that as well."

"I see. Well, I will send you to Tarrar. You can ask him anything for you to create your weapons. I would prefer it if you make something that can disturb the enemy or confuse them."

"Yes, master."

Tarrar was busy writing something on the paper until suddenly a portal opened inside his office and a man was thrown inside.

"Now what the hell is this?"

The portal closed.

"No explanation as always."

The undead stood up and patted his clothes. "Hello."

Jereim proceeded to explain everything to Tarrar.

"Hmmm, making orbs that can have magical effects you say? Mostly used to escape precarious situations you say?"

"That is correct."

"I guess Aldred wanted me to make a new company. Tell me. What do you name your products?"

"Umm, magic orbs?"

"Magic orbs? That's not very specific."

"We can name each orbs with different names according to their effects."

"Good idea. Now tell me what you need to get working. I want to make money as much and as fast as possible."

After throwing Jereim to the portal, Aldred looked at the black dice in the sky, and noticed there were only 1,003 people left. Which mean, there were only three people left to kill.

"I am surprised there are still people other than us," Mary said.

"Are they hiding in the forest?" Aldred asked Stella.

"No," Stella replied. "They are standing openly on a vast grassland.

Aldred activated his godly eyes and his vision zoomed in miles away where he saw three person walking slowly towards the south.

One of them were tall, huge man. His face, and whole body was hidden by a brown robe, but the man was at least 8 meters tall.

The second one looked like a girl with blue hair. She looked petite and around 150 CM tall. She was also fully covered with brown robe with only some of her hair being revealed.

The last one seemed to be a slim man with small legs and thin hand. And just like the last two, this man also fully covered by a brown robe.

"They looked powerful," Mary said.

"We will find out about that." Aldred transformed his weapon into a bow, and took aim.

An arrow formed out of water in his hand as he drew back. After a few seconds, he released the arrow.


The arrow flew into the sky at high speed, and precisely went for the little girl. Aldred targeted his weakest opponent first. There was nothing wrong with that.

But suddenly, the 8 meter tall man moved. His movement looked blurry. He was too fast!

And easily he caught the arrow without any trouble even though the impact blew dust everywhere.

"Not bad," Aldred said. Then he proceeded to release hundreds of arrows per second all at the same target.

But the huge man kept blocking the arrows one after another with great precision. His movement was very efficient and effective.

"Explosive Water Arrow!"

The huge man noticed this arrow was different than the other one. So it entered into a stance, and blocked with two hands.


The explosion blew the hood, and revealed the man's face. He looked like a monster. Extremely intimidating, and imposing. He had red skin and long black hair. He also wore a helmet that covered most of his face, excluding his nose and mouth which bare rows of sharp teeth.

He looked calm, and so did the other two. They did not try to look for cover from his arrows or pulled out something to defend against them. Instead, they just stood there like they were enjoying the breeze.

Aldred thought it was weird that they only the three of them teamed up. And when he looked what was behind them, he noticed something weird.

A few kilometers behind the three mysterious robed person was an ocean of corpses. Literally, stretched for miles was full of bloody corpses. it was hideous and terrifying.

"The reason why the numbers of participant reduced so fast was not only because of me nor was it because the treasurer hunters killed each other." Aldred said.

"They contributed 50% of the kill!"