
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 406: hard prey to catch

Aldred held the small token in his hand. It looked like a coin with a square hole in the middle and runic writings all around it.

At this point he had gathered all the tokens he needed to pass the test, but there were still a few other tokens he needed to find for his recruits to pass.

He did not do this out of goodwill. The recruits he picked were particularly weak, and that was exactly what he wanted. When he found a powerful group, he would create an excuses to not recruit them and instead, kill them.

Aldred did this to let the weak survive, so when there was a time they had to go against him, they would be easier to kill.

Aldred received a transmission from his clones.

"It seemed like the enemies are hiding. Let us help them."

They teleported again. This time, they stood on top of a hill overlooking a thick forest.

Stella stepped at the edge of the hill and raised her staff. "Starry Eye!"


Star particles came out of her staff and formed into a golden eye, floating in the sky.

Suddenly, Aldred and his subordinates could see whatever the starry eye see.

The eye scoured the land, and its sight penetrated through anything unimportant.

"There, below that thick tree."

Three golem rushed to the three, stabbed the trunk, and when they pulled the blade, it was washed with blood.

"That rock is actually a person."

Two golems rushed in and stabbed the rock. The rock transformed into a man, gritting his teeth in pain. "How did you know?"

He then looked up and saw the big, golden eye in the sky. "Fuck. I am so unlucky."

For the next few minutes, the golems were hunting those that hid around the forest. They were hiding as animals, trees, roots, staying under the cave, under the rock, turning into a fish, some even morphed into animal poop.

A man was running through the forest. He looked behind his shoulder, golems running after him.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! I lose contact with the others! Did they get them?"

The man shook his head. "I need to think about my own ass first."

He slid down under a small hole through the bush. Apparently it was a steep surface, and he kept on sliding down before he saw an edge. "Crap."

The man clawed the ground to stop himself from falling. He turned his head back, and saw the golems.

He sighed. "Fuck it." The man leaped off the edge.

Two fire bullets blasted his right elbow and four more missed his head by a few millimeter.

The man yelped in pain as he fell down and rolled on the ground. He looked up. The golems stood at the edge and sprayed fire bullets at him.

The man began running again, holding his right arm as it spilled blood on the ground.

"This guy is good," Aldred commented. "Let's see how long you can run away from my golems."

The man ripped a large leaf off a branch, and then quickly tied it to his back, making his footstep and the blood trail slightly distorted.

He saw an animal in front of him. Quickly pulling his blade, he stabbed the animal right in the butt. The animal yelped in pain and sprinted away, creating a blood trail of its own.

The man continued to run away, and found an animal the same as before. He cut off the animal's legs, and used them like a shoe, before he stabbed every animal he see for them to confuse the enemy.

He looked back, and to his horror, he found out that the golems manage to track him down.

"How?" The man gritted his teeth. He pulled something out of his spatial bag. It was a green, sticky ball.

He stick the ball on a small tree.

The golems sprinted past and the ball exploded into a large tree that blocked the way.

"That should slow them down," the man said.

The sound of flames igniting was heard, and the golems burned through the tree to make a passage.

"God be damned!"

The man grabbed another ball. It was brown this time. He threw it on the ground, and it dug itself into the dirt.

"Now what about that one?" the man smiled this time, feeling confidence.

The golems passed by, and the ground suddenly collapsed.

"Hahaha!" the man laughed as he kept running away.

Suddenly, he saw something in the sky. It was small, and constantly ejecting flame from its rear.

He squinted his eyes and realized that it was going after him.

"Fuck!" He jumped forward as the object slammed near him.


The explosion threw him off a few meters away. He rolled and kept on running. "What the fuck was that?"

Suddenly, a fighter golem appeared in front of him.

The man grabbed a white ball and threw it, creating a thick white fog.

The man ran out of the fog, escaping death once again.

Six fire bullets came from the side, and the man halted his steps as the bullets went right by his eyes. He threw more smoke balls and rolled away.

"These guys are everywhere." The man threw more balls in every directions. Creating various effect such as traps, illusion, smokes, trees, ruins, and buildings.

He was miles away from his original spot, and no matter where he hide, the golems always found him sooner or later.

The man looked up and saw a giant golden eye in the sky. "Is that the cause?"

He squinted his eyes and grabbed a slingshot, loaded it with a ball, and fired.

The ball flew to the sky, straight towards the eye, and then it exploded into bats that blocked the sky.

"The bats are blocking our sight," Stella said. "My vision cannot go through them. It must be a special treasure."

"Don't worry about it," Aldred said.

The man laughed once again and kept running. He kept on running until he arrived behind a hill and sat down with heavy breath.

"Fuck! That's so tiring."

His hand rummaged inside the spatial bag, finding a couple pills and he popped them all into his mouth. His broken right arm was healed immediately, and his stamina regenerated.

"I didn't come this far to die." He stood up.

But just as he was about to leave, a powerful fire bullets penetrated his left knee.


The man yelped in pain, but forced his legs to run.

Another fire bullets went to his left calf, making stumble to the ground. He kicked the ground with his right leg, but another fire bullet came, striking his right calf.

Both of his legs could not work. They were completely destroyed. The man rummaged through his bag again, looking for a pill.

And yet again, another fire bullets pierced through his right hand.

The man screamed before he saw a group of golems with large swords approaching him.

"What do you want?"

"I want you to work for me," Aldred's voice came out of the golem.

"I refuse."

"I didn't say you have an option."


The golem thrust its blade into the man's neck.

"Bring his corpse to me," Aldred commanded.