
Suddenly, two more Aldred appeared behind him, and they charged forward.

It was three against one.

Bafni struck forward, bending and moving her body masterfully in the narrow space.

The clones summoned their Phantom Doomblade and hacked at her, but all of their attacks failed to hit or were bounced off by her force field.

They fought like this for a few minutes until Aldred got an idea.

He and the clones charged at the robot, and then fired a bunch of sticky strings at her.

She sliced all the strings without any problem, but it was merely a distraction.

"Petrification!" All three clones shouted as their eyes burst with purple aura.

To Aldred's shock however, the petrification spell did not work on the robot.

"So it had to be a living being, huh!"

Aldred decided to change his strategy again. One of his clone leaped to the distance and transformed his weapon into the [Deep Sea Bow (Epic)] and began firing endlessly at Bafni.

The other clone transformed his weapon to [Bazag's Dual Bone Blade]. He then rushed at the female robot, fighting her at close range.

Aldred kept using the Phantom Doomblade, attacking the robot using the length of his weapon. It was quite hard for him to use this weapon in this narrow space actually.

They fought for hours until one of his clones slashed at the robot's left leg.

The clash made a spark, and Aldred saw the left leg was damaged.

He smiled after seeing that and kept on fighting.

The robot lady jumped at clone who brought the bow.

With cold, unfeeling gaze, she punched him right in the face, sending him hundreds of meters away. The robot chased him.

"Fuck, follow her!" Aldred said to the other clone.

Bafni speed was so fast she reached Aldred's clone again as he was still flying in mid-air, and then punched him in the face, sending him further and further away from their original spot.

After Aldred stopped, he realized he was now inside a huge cave with a lot of pillars and stalactites hanging from the ceiling.

"Where is she?" Aldred looked around, and then he saw an iron rod stabbed into the ground beside him. The iron rod was connected by some sort of iron cable.

Then a sound of friction reverberated in the cave. Next thing he knew, his face was kicked by a super hard alloy that made him crashed against the wall.

Two metal rods stabbed to the wall to his left and right.

Aldred opened his eyes and saw the iron lady using the cable to pull herself towards the rods.

It was like spiderman, but the difference was that she was fully made out of metal, and the pulling momentum was much faster than a normal eye could see.

Bafni slammed both of her metal feet right into Aldred, making the hole on the wall even bigger.

Aldred spat out a mouthful of blood as he saw the clones fought of the robot lady.

"Piece of shit." Aldred stood up and then opened a portal right in front of him.

Four Ultra Golems stepped out and knelt in front of their master.

"I can't believe I found my match that I have to rely on you guys," Aldred said. "Whoever created that robot thing is surely a better craftsman than me."

Aldred believed that whoever made Thinker or Bafni had to be a genius among genius. If he think about it, Bafni was simply a chunk of steel with a program. And yet she could fight Aldred who was an existence that could match early-level Platinum Rank monster.

What Aldred did not know was Bafni cost quite a huge amount of resources to create. The materials she was made out of could not be found but can only be created in a lab, and it took time to manufacture it.

If that was not the case, Bafni would be mass produced.

"Let me summon one more clone," Aldred said. He could actually summon three clones at once, but only used two because he wanted to keep his card.

Now there were four Aldred, and four Ultra Golems.

Bafni kicked the two clones away before they leaped back and regrouped with Aldred.

"It's one versus eight." Aldred sighed. "I can't believe I have to be in a numerical advantage to fight you."

Bafni did not reply and slowly stepped towards him.

"Alright, Ultra Golems. You fight her first."

"New enemies detected." Her eyes scanned the golems up and down as they charged towards her.

When they pulled their spellswords and slashed at her, she elegantly dodged it by bending her body.

While she fought them, she vigorously recorded all the moves, and studied them. This was all possible because she actually had a second processing chip in her head.

Because of this, she quickly learned the golem's movement, and she could block and dodge them just after a few seconds of fighting.

The reason why she could make Aldred having a hard time was she knew where and how he would attack before he even initiated it.

The fact that he even survived fighting against her was impressive enough. She was designed to be a fighter. Her only disadvantage was that she did not have an area of effect weapon.

No. Her purpose was to kill the leader of an army in a duel.

"Let's kill her!" Aldred and his three clones flashed forward.

"Extreme Brightness!" The four of them raised their Phantom Doomblade and it fired a beam of light right towards her.

Bafni deactivated her sigh and began using the other sensor such as vibration and heat.

"Hellish Flame!"

"Rocking Earth!"

The whole cave was filled with flame, and the earth beneath their feet shook like never before.

"My undead army! Arise!"

All the undead stepped out of the shadow and charged at Bafni.

"Golem legion. Come to my aid!"

Aldred opened a bunch of portals of which thousands of golems came through.

"If I can't fight you alone, then I might as well gang up on you."

Aldred smiled. "It's gang banging time."