
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 387: unexpected guest

"What is it?" Aldred asked as he turned around and he was shocked.

"It's them again." Mareona brandished her sword.

Stella Sophia raised her staff. Mira tucked Krista away and pulled out a jade that could cast a defensive barrier.

Bartrem frowned. "They just never give up, huh?"

"Aldred, do you know them?" Wena asked.

Aldred bitterly smiled. "Unfortunately, yeah."

"They looked a little weird to be your friends."

"They are not friends," Aldred said as he stared at them. "We meet again, Thinker."

"Hand over the ring, Aldred." Thinker raised his palm.

Aldred laughed. "You are more human the more I meet you. The first time we met you would be like all robot and stiff. now, it looked like someone glued metals on a human body."

"My master is losing his patience. If you don't give me the ring, the consequences will be too vast for you to handle."

"Who is your master?" Aldred asked.

"You do not need to know."

"I guess we have no deal."

"In that case, violence will be our option," Thinker said.

"Since when did we never choose violence," Aldred said.

"In Paphia, you promised me the ring if I gave you the power armor. But you tricked me."

"Hey, no hard feelings, okay. Oh wait, you don't have feelings."

Thinker furrowed his iron eyebrows. He was much more expressive than before. "My master wanted to test his weapon. You will be the perfect target for this. Bafni Heartwatcher, come forth."

A slim beautiful lady completely made out of steel floated forward with a square platform below her feet.

Thinker wasn't alone. He came here with advanced-looking fighter aircrafts as if they came from a sci-fi movie. All metalic, all electric, and all robot-like.

And the iron lady beside Thinker looked like a much more advanced, emotionless, killer robot.

"Bafni," Thinker said. "He is your target. Eliminate him."

Bafni's face did not move. She was a true robot with the complete face of a human female but did not have the feature of expressing her emotions. If she even had one in the first place.

"Yes," Bafni replied. Her eyes shone with blue light and spun around with metalic flair. "Target confirmed. Analyzing… complete. Danger Level: S. Calculating probabilities…"

"Calculation complete. Victory: Absolute."

Aldred laughed after he heard that. "Thinker, this robot of yours is quite arrogant," he said as if Thinker was not a robot himself.

Thinker did not reply and kept his silent. That made Aldred felt a little weird. Did he really felt confidence about the robot's calculation? Can a robot even felt confidence?

Aldred shook his head. "If you want to fight, let's fight."

"Go," Thinker said.

"Yes." Bafni immediately vanished from the spot and appeared in front of Aldred.

That was when the rest of Thinker's army attack without warning, firing thick blue beams at the dragons.

"Attack!" Zara ordered the dragons and performed a counter attack.

Meanwhile, Aldred was having a hard time blocking, parrying, and dodging Bafni's attack.

She was a slick and slim female robot. Her slender body was sharp, flexible, and more importantly—fast.

She was so fast, that Aldred could barely guard against her movement.

If not for his godly eyes, Aldred's life would be over by now.

Bafni attacked. Sharp knife protruded out of her iron fist, and slashed across his nose. But it did not end there.

Her forearms opened, revealing a set of extremely sharp knife. And when Aldred took a closer look, all the knives were vibrating at an extremely high speed. To the normal eyes, these knives might be still in place, but they were actually vibrating too fast.

She spun in mid-air and kicked him in the stomach. Aldred swung his blade to counter-attack but a force field suddenly appeared around here and bounced his sword off.

Every time, Bafni attacked she would release a sudden force field that prevented him from counter-attacking. So all he could do now was dodge and block her attack.

Not only that, the more she moved the faster she became. It was as if she stored a portion of the kinetic energy she released to further increased her speed overtime.

"Aldred, do you need any help!?" Stella asked.

"I will handle this. You guys handle the rest!"

Stella nodded and turned to look towards a fighter aircraft. It fired a beam at her, but before the beam could reach her face, it bent and actually returned towards the ship.

Raising the staff in front of her, she closed her eyes. "Sacred master that drive away the shadows, grant me your light, and grant me your power."

Her eyes shone with golden color as she opened them. Violently pointing forward with her staff, her half-broken disc transformed into its complete form and then fired numerous golden beams that destroyed the aircrafts in an instant.


"Good job, Stella!" Bartrem shouted as he jumped on top of a ship and slashed it in half before jumping to the side.

The ship exploded behind him before he landed on the back of a dragon.

"Thanks, buddy." Bartrem gave the dragon a pat as if it was his dog.

"Joseph, Jeffery, how's the situation?" Bartrem asked through the communication crystal.

"Everything is going well, sir!" they both replied.

Bartrem nodded. "These dragons are quite powerful."

He said that because when the blue beam struck the dragons. They only received minor wounds. Their scales and skin were exceptionally tough.

"I wonder if Aldred would make an armor out of them."

The dragon under him groaned.

"Hehe. It was a joke buddy." Bartrem gave the dragon a few pat and cuddles.


Bafni raised her feet high. Her flexible body let her raised it right in front of her face, and then her leg swung down.

Aldred crossed his arms above his head as the leg slammed at him with a bang.

He was send to the mountain, crashing before he fell inside a crevice.

Aldred stood up inside the narrow space and entered a battle stance as he saw the steel lady landed on the ground.

"This narrow place will not let you use your speed." Aldred smiled.

Bafni flashed forward and kicked him right in the face, and then she barraged him with a flurry of punches.

"Fucking robot! You think I will let you keep beating me? If I cannot defeat you on my own, then what about my clone!"

Blood mist leaked out from his body.

"Blood Clone!"