
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 252: thank you gifts

For weeks, Aldred taught the students, beat them up, and let them fight among each other. The other students and teachers seeing their training routine were terrified.

How could teacher Aldred do this to his students every single day?

Every day, their bones would crack, their skin would be burned, and the training got harder as the day progressed. Sometimes, Aldred even gave them a surprise test such as fighting against the undead or running away against the barrage of golem shells.

Running away from a behemoth creature called Xer Xai. They were even told to charge against a storm of fire bullets.

Everyday, the students would look at Aldred's class just to see their training. Each day was brutal and fierce. It was like survival of the fittest.

Today, the students were told to put their head inside a bucket of water for as long as possible. Behind their head was sharp and hot nails, so every time they pulled their head out of the bucket, the back of their neck would be stabbed and burned.

The teachers were shocked. How could the parents allow this? How could the headmaster allow this?!

What they didn't know was the parents of these students had already let Aldred do whatever he wanted. All these years, they had been so disappointed in their son's and daughter's improvement that they were helpless in what to do.

At first they were skeptical of what Aldred did to them, but when they saw the improvement of their child, they even thanked Aldred personally like the parents of the martial class students.

Of course, they offered Aldred to visit their home and offered him a few billion gold coins for each visit.

Aldred smiled and said he would take some time to visit them. Strengthening the Phoenix's forces was one of his agenda as well. The stronger the empress' forces, the easier it would be for him later on.

Some parents stayed in school to see what training was personally. And the longer they watch, the darker their expressions become. Such torturous training… their heart breaking when they saw their children struggled with all they had, but after seeing the benefit, they took a deep breath, and contained their heartache.

The next day, Aldred built a bunch of pillars using his earth spell. These pillars were connected to each other using a narrow bridge made out of stones.

Currently, the students were on top of these pillars and Aldred told them to fight each other.

Fighting in the small pillars, and the narrow bridges required great stability. On the first day, a lot of them fell and broke their backs.

The parents closed their eyes as they watched their children fall. Though they didn't die, the pain must be so great.

"Master Aldred," one of the parents called. "I know you have good intentions. But they are still 7 and 8 years old. Don't you think it would be better to reduce the intensity a bit?"

"The best time to suffer is when you're young," Aldred said as he watched the training with both hands behind his back. "When you're old and your own back breaks down, it'll be too late."

Aldred looked at the father. "Do you want to waste the best time of your child?"

"But they are still children. They need entertainment."

Aldred laughed. "Take a look at them. Did you see them suffering? Yes, but are they having fun?"

The father watched the students fight each other with a slight smile on their face.

They all hated the training at first, but as time progressed, they came to love it. The pain and struggle they felt together strengthened their bond with each other.

They even pushed each other to pass their own limit that they thought was at first impossible at first. This changed their mindset from lazy and unmotivated to being ambitious and thinking that nothing is impossible.

Aldred was glad that his spartan training worked out well. Peer pressure was great. If he only taught one student, this type of training would demotivate them. But by suffering in a group, they felt relieved that others were also suffering with them.

Yes, humans were dirty. They become happy when others suffer with them.

But all the students in his class could relate to the pain and suffering, so they had a good relationship with each other.

By making them fight against each other, they change their mindset. When a student was punched or kicked, they wouldn't feel annoyed, but excited for a fight instead, and it didn't matter if they won or lost.

They'd fight again and again, making them a true warrior.

After 3 weeks or so, their improvement was so vast that even the parents couldn't even believe what they saw.

Aldred visited the nobles and wealthy parents during that time, raking in 72 billion gold coins!

His concept of wealth changed after that. He didn't think having a few billions was as rich anymore. These people clearly had trillions of wealth.

No wonder they could sustain a lot of Diamond Ranks. Where did they get their money anyway? How could an empire have so many trillionaires?

If the nobles were this rich, then what about the empress? Just how rich is she?

After every visit to their home, all the Diamond Ranks respected him, and even shared his existence to other Diamond Ranks. Aldred became the big talk among the Diamond Ranks community.

With him becoming so important, everyone tried to give him something to make him happy.

That was when they heard that Aldred was building a fleet.

The nobles asked him how big his fleet will be and they were shocked.

"That's it!?"

"Master Aldred. You should have told us that you are building a fleet."

A noble nodded. "Now that we know, we will give you a better fleet."

"Yes. I will contribute some cruisers to your fleet."

"I will send my destroyers then."

"I will give you my frigates, Master Aldred."

"My submarines are some of the best. They will surely protect you in the sea."

"Some speed boats will be useful for you to take over enemy vessels. I will send 30 of them to you."

"And we all will send more materials to improve your mothership."

Aldred smiled at all of them. "Thank you all of you."

"Hahaha. How can we accept your thanks, Master Aldred. We haven't even thanked you enough for what you have done for us."

Aldred laughed. "I am really thankful. I will make sure your kids win in the yearly tournament."

"When will that begin?"

"It's tomorrow."